Mentors and users’ perspectives

Despite the weather having turned cold and wintery again, we are headed towards the summer and the solutions being created on this course are becoming slowly clearer. The last part of the hour glass, narrowing down the ideas, is here. With this task we had help form mentors, a bunch insightful people from the UH, Motiva and Sitra. Each group gave pitch talks to two of the mentors and received some super useful feedback. Also, having had to give this talk made us even more familiar with our topic, and will be valuable experience when we will present our solution to our partner and our companions at the course.

After the mentoring the groups sought to render their solutions more concrete by using a canvas of four questions on how the solution works and who uses it, the resources required and the ways in which it can be put in practice. The solution was considered not only from the partners perspective, but also from the group’s as well as from the society’s point of view.

Each group also came up with a name and a slogan for their solutions and started planning a prototype to test the solution. We have heard that in every process there is that what-on-earth-are-we-doing-phase in the middle, and it seems that we have passed our’s now. It feels like we are quickly getting closer to the concrete concept.

Our group needs to find more detailed information for our solution, which means reading through a pile of scientific articles. It’s going to be good to have some scientific and theoretical background to our solution, of which we are slowly growing quite fond of.

For homework our group visited a Helsinki city office building, planning how to put our plot in action. We’re feeling ready for the next session in Viikki, preparing the final presentation.

Group Explores

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