Book Contract Signed: “”Waste and Discards in the Asia Pacific Region: Social and Cultural Perspectives.”

I am happy to share that the brilliant world leading expert on waste: Iris Borowy, distinguished professor at Shanghai University and I just signed a book contract with Routledge Studies in Sustainability Series for our upcoming environmental humanities, sustainability edited volume: “Waste and Discards in the Asia Pacific Region: Social and Cultural Perspectives.”
Introduction and conclusive chapters will be co-authored with Peter Wynn Kirby, an authority on toxic and nuclear waste based the University of Oxford.
The hardback will be out in 2023 and contains studies from India, China, Japan, & Australia.
This volume is one of the project outcomes of the Waste Now! His­tor­ies and Con­tem­por­al­it­ies of Dis­cards On­line Conference:

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