Exam visit deployment

We joined the exam visit pilot project on 9 March 2020 and have enabled exam visits for Examinarium examinations at the University of Helsinki.

This means that

  • Students can take Examinarium examinations of the University of Helsinki in the examination facilities of other universities. (Special examination requirements may restrict exam visit opportunities and optional topics are not available in exam visits.) For additional information, see instructions for students going on a exam visit.
  • Computers 1–6 in Aleksandria’s 4th floor examination facility can also be booked by students from other universities. Instructions for students coming in for an exam visit from other universities.
  • In order to harmonise practices, the booking period of the examination facility booking calendar is shortened to 30 days.
  • We also started using the HAKA login in Examinarium. When logging in to Examinarium, all users first select their own organisation from a drop-down menu.
  • Examination answers given elsewhere are displayed in the same way to examiners as those given in the University’s own examination facilities. If the examination has software requirements (e.g., Finlex or a drawing tablet), it is not possible to take the examination in another university’s facilities. Consequently, any software requirements should be included in the examination’s basic information. Instructions for examiners.
  • We will collect user experiences during the pilot project and develop practices related to exam visits. We are looking forward to receiving feedback on exam visits from both examiners and students.