
Cartography of publications related to precision education governance and future trajectories of education 


Brunila, Kristiina & Nehring, Daniel (2023). Precision Education Governance and the High Risks of Fabrication of Future-oriented Learning Human Kinds. Research Papers in Education.

Brunila, Kristiina, Mertanen, Katariina & Vainio, Saara (forthcoming). Youth Government, Policy and the Role of the State. In Kauko, Jaakko & Paajanen, Maija (Ed.) Bloomsbury Education & Childhood Studies.

Brunila, Kristiina (2023). Political Agency in the Era of Precision Education Governance in the Academia. In Vicars, Marc & Pelosi, Ligia (Ed.). Storying Pedagogy as Critical Praxis in the Neoliberal University: Encounters and disruptions. Springer.

Brunila, Kristiina (2023). Exploring Academic Educational Leadership in the Neoliberal Ethos. In Brunila, Kristiina & Nehring, Daniel (Ed.). Affective Capitalism in the Neoliberal Academia. Policy Press.

Candido, Helena H. D., Seppänen, Piia & Thrupp, Martin (2023). Business as the new doxa in education? An analysis of edu-business events in Finland. European Educational Research Journal

Mertanen, Katariina & Brunila, Kristiina (2023). Vanhanaikainen, tasapäistävä ja joustamaton koulutus? Koulutusmarkkinat ja yritykset nuorten koulutuksen pelastajina Suomessa. Kasvatus 54, (1), 51-63

Pesonen, Jaana & Valkonen, Satu (2023). Governing education, governing early childhood education and care practitioners’ profession? Contemporary Issues in Early Childhood2023.

Rönnberg, Linda, Candido, Helena H. D. (2023). When Nordic Education Myths Meet Economic Realities: The “Nordic Model” in Education Export in Finland and Sweden. Nordic Studies in Education, 43(2), 145-163.

Saari, Antti, Vainio, Saara & Brunila, Kristiina (forthcoming). The Psychologised University Student Subjectivity in Finnish Academia. Sociological Research Online Special Issue.


Mertanen, K., & Brunila, K. (2022). Fragile utopias and dystopias? Governing the future(s) in the OECD youth education policies. Globalisation, Societies and Education, 1–12.

Brunila, K. (Accepted/In press). Political Agency in the era of Precision Education Governance in Higher Education. In Storying Pedagogy as Critical Praxis in the Neoliberal University

Schaffar, Birgit, Beck, Eevi E (2022). “Means and Meanings of Research Collaboration in the Face of a Suffering Earth: A Landscape of Questions”. In: Bjørkdahl, K. and Duharte, A (eds): Academic Aeromobility: Airborne Research in the Anthropocene. Palgrave Macmillan.

Schaffar, Birgit (2022). Slöjd och filosofi – de viktigaste skolämnena för en hållbar framtid. I: Finsk Tidskift 1/2022. s. 37-47.

Valkonen, Satu & Furu, Ann-Christian (2022). Finnish ECEC personnel’s views on the challenging nature of promoting social justice: a sustainability research perspective. European Early Childhood Education Research Journal.


Positiivisuuden tyrannia Brunila, K., 21 Jun 2021, In: CoSupport – INTERRUPTING YOUTH SUPPORT SYSTEMS IN THE ETHOS OF VULNERABILITY, 2017-2021, Academy of Finland -blogi. 2021,

Brunila, K. (ed.), Harni, E. (ed.), Saari, A. (ed.) & Ylöstalo, H. (ed.) (2021) Terapeuttinen valta: Onnellisuuden ja hyvinvoinnin jännitteitä 2000-luvun Suomessa. , Tampere: Vastapaino. 367 p.

Brunila, K., Vainio, S. E. & Toiviainen, S. ( 2021)The Positivity Imperative in Youth Education as a Form of Cruel Optimism. In Journal of applied youth studies.

Mertanen, K., Vainio, S. E., & Brunila, K. (2021). Educating for the future? Mapping the Emerging Lines of Precision Education Governance. Policy Futures in Education. E-pub ahead of publication.

Schaffar, Birgit (2021). “Competent uses of competence: on the difference between a value-judgment and empirical assessability”, Nordic Journal of Studies in Educational Policy.

Schaffar, Birgit (2021). Bildning som etisk fråga och dialog, I: Människans allsidiga utveckling: Essäer om bildningens betydelser i tjugoförsta århundradet (red. Jonas Ahlskog), s. 94-107. Helsingfors: Svenska folkskolans vänner.

Säntti, J., Hansen, P. & Saari, A. (2021). Future jamming. Rhetoric of new knowledge in Finnish educational policy texts. Policy Futures in Education. Open access.

Toiviainen, Sanna & Brunila, Kristiina (2021). Emerging Multi-Professional Assemblages of Precision Youth Guidance and Support for Future Oriented Citizens. Nordic Journal of Transitions, Careers and Guidance.

Valkonen, S., Pesonen, J. & Brunila, K., 16 Sep 2021. Varhaiskasvatuksen markkinat – Näkökulmana yksityistyvät palvelut. In: Kasvatus. 52, 2, p. 223-234 12 p.


Brunila, K. & Lundahl, L. (ed.). 2020. Youth on the Move. Tendencies and Tensions in Youth Policies and Practices. Helsinki: Helsinki University Press.

Brunila, K., Mertanen, K. & Mononen-Batista Costa, S. (2020). Economic Worries  -Therapeutic Solutions? Entrepreneurial and therapeutic governing of transitions of young people. Brunila, K. & Lundahl, L. (eds.). Youth on the Move: Tendencies and Tensions in Youth Policies and Practices. Helsinki: Helsinki University Press.

Brunila, K., Honkasilta, J., Ikävalko, E., Lanas, M., Masoud, A., Mertanen, K. & Mäkelä, K. (2020). The Cultivation of Subjectivity of Young People in Youth Support Systems. In Nehring, D., Madsen, O.J., Cabanas, Ed., Mills, C. & Kerrigan, D. (eds.). The Routledge International Handbook of Global Therapeutic Cultures.

Brunila, K. & Ylöstalo, H. (2020). The Nordic Therapeutic Welfare State and its Resilient Citizens. Nehring, D., Madsen, O.J., Cabanas, E., Mills, C. & Kerrigan, D. (eds.). International Handbook of Global and Therapeutic Cultures. Routledge.

Brunila, K. (2020). Taloustalkoohenkisyyden viheliäisessä kehässä. Tutkitusti.

Hinke Dobrochinski Candido, H. (2020). Datafication in schools: Enactments of quality assurance and evaluation policies in Brazil. International Studies in Sociology of Education 29(1), 126-157.

Ideland, M. (2020). Google and the end of the teacher? How a figuration of the teacher is produced through an ed-tech discourse. Learning, Media and Technology. Online 18th Aug 2020.

Mertanen, K., Pashby, K. & Brunila, K. (2020). Governing of young people ‘at risk’ with the alliance of employability and precariousness in the EU youth policy steering. Policy Futures in Education 18(2), 240 – 260.

Mertanen, K., Mäkelä, K., & Brunila, K. (2020). What’s the problem (represented to be) in Finnish youth policies and youth support systems. International Studies in Sociology of Education.

Valkonen, S., Pesonen, J. & Brunila, K. (2020). No johan on markkinat! Yksityiset päiväkodit, koulutusvienti ja varhaispedagogiikan kaupallistuminen näkökulmina koulutuksen markkinoitumiseen. Tutkittua varhaiskasvatuksesta-blogi.


Brunila, K., Mertanen, K., Tiainen, K., Kurki, T., Masoud, A., Mäkelä, K. & Ikävalko, E. (2019). Vulnerabilizing Young People: Interrupting the ethos of vulnerability, the neoliberal rationality, and the precision education governance. Journal of the Finnish Anthropological Society, 43(3), 113–120.

Brunila, K. (2019). Interrupting psychological management of youth training. Education Inquiry, 1-14.

Lanas, M. & Brunila, K. (2019). Bad behaviour in school: a discursive approach. British Journal of Sociology of Education, 40(5), 682-695.

Saari, A. (2019). Out of the box: behaviourism and the mangle of practice. Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education, 40(1), 109–121.


Kurki, T., Masoud, A., Niemi, A-M. & Brunila, K. (2018). Integration becoming a Business: Marketisation of Integration Training for Immigrants. European Educational Research Journal, 17(2), 233–247.

Saari, A. & Säntti, J. (2018). The rhetoric of the ‘digital leap’ in Finnish educational policy documents. European Educational Research Journal 17(3), 442-457.

2017 and earlier

Brunila, K., Ikävalko, E., Kurki, T., Masoud, A., Mertanen, K., Mikkola, A. & Mäkelä, K. (2017). Transitions, Justice, and Equity in Education in Finland. Oxford Research Encyclopedias: Education. In Noblit, G.W. (ed.). Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Brunila, K. & Ryynänen, S. (2017). New rules of the game: youth training in Brazil and Finland as examples of new global network governance. Journal of Education and Work, 30(4), 353–366.

Brunila, K., Ikävalko, E., Kurki, T., Masoud, A., Mertanen, K., Mikkola, A. & Mäkelä, K. (2017). Transitions, Justice, and Equity in Education in Finland. Oxford Research Encyclopedias: Education. In Noblit, G.W. (ed.). Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Brunila, K. & Ryynänen, S. (2017). New rules of the game: youth training in Brazil and Finland as examples of new global network governance. Journal of Education and Work, 30(4), 353–366.

Ecclestone, K. & Brunila, K. (2015). Governing emotionally vulnerable subjects and ‘therapisation’ of social justice. Pedagogy, Culture and Society, 23(4), 485–506.

Brunila, K. (2012). A Diminished Self: entrepreneurial and therapeutic ethos operating with a common aim. In. Ball, S. (ed.). Sociology of Education II: themes in education. New York: Routledge.