Professor Bob Lingard: ”Schooling the future: Beyond a binary of an ethics of probabilities and an ethics of possibilities”

Thursday November 17, 2022 at 10.15-11.45 (UTC + 2)

Professor Emeritus Bob Lingard

Dr Bob Lingard is a Professorial Fellow in The Institute for Learning Sciences and Teacher Education at Australian Catholic University and also an Emeritus Professor at The University of Queensland. He also held the Andrew Bell Chair in Education at the University of Edinburgh (2006-2008) and was Research Professor at Sheffield University (2003-2006). He is a Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences in Australia and also a Fellow of the UK Academy of Social Sciences. He was President of the Australian Association for Research in Education and is also a life member of that Association. He researches and publishes in the sociology of education and education policy. His most recent books include, Globalisation and Education(Routledge, 2021), Digital Disruption in Teaching and Testing(Routledge, 2021), Global-National Networks in Education Policy: Primary Education, Social Enterprises and ‘Teach for Bangladesh (Bloomsbury, 2022), and Globalizing Educational Accountabilities (Routledge, 2016). . He has just submitted a book ms co-authored with Aspa Baroutsis to Routledge, entitled, Exploring education policy through newspapers and social media, which will appear in 2023.

”Schooling the future: Beyond a binary of an ethics of probabilities and an ethics of possibilities”

This talk will consider the contemporary contexts of schooling and education policies, situating these in the changing imbrications of globalnational and local relations. The implications of these dynamic changes for the future of schooling in terms of goals, curriculum, pedagogy and assessment will be analysed. Here the presentation will work with and beyond the tensions between what Appadurai (2013) has called ‘an ethics of probability’ and an ‘ethics of possibility’. In terms of considering how to school the future, it will be argued that we need to go beyond these tensions, pluralise both, and work them together, work across them, in a knowing and productive way. This argument will also be situated against a critical analysis of the datafication and digitalisation of the governance of school systems and of classrooms, of the work of edu-businesses and edtech companies, and the joint playing out of a disciplinary society and an emergent society of control. How can we create an equitable, inclusive schooling system in a democratic way, given the changes society is undergoing and the challenges we face in terms of the climate crisis, reactionary right-wing ethno-nationalisms, individualisms and the seeming vulnerabilities of democracies?

This lecture is part of the lecture series FuturEducation II Reimagining the Future of Education is an open international lecture series meant for everyone interested in deepening their knowledge about the future trajectories of education, reimagining the future of education and wanting to understand some of the most crucial questions of changing education governance that are shaping education, knowledge formations and questions related to inequalities within and beyond education.

The lecture series provides a conceptual and more comprehensive understanding of expected and alternative future trajectories of education governance with eminent and internationally recognized speakers and provides essential knowledge for all stakeholders in the field of education. FuturEducation II is chaired by Professors Kristiina Brunila (AGORA) and Janne Varjo (KUPOLI) and coordinated by PhD researcher Kirsi Yliniva (

More information for the series can be found here:


Professor Fazal Rizvi: “Thinking Creatively about Educational Futures”

Tuesday, October 11, at 14.15-15.45 (UTC+3), Minerva Plaza, Siltavuorenpenger 5A and Zoom

Professor Fazal Rizvi: “Thinking Creatively about Educational Futures”

This lecture is part of the lecture series FuturEducation II Reimagining the Future of Education is an open international lecture series meant for everyone interested in deepening their knowledge about the future trajectories of education, reimagining the future of education and wanting to understand some of the most crucial questions of changing education governance that are shaping education, knowledge formations and questions related to inequalities within and beyond education.

A New Era of Education? Exploring the Future(s) of Education with the Lines of Precision Education Governance.

Friday September 30, 2022 clock 10.15-11.45 (UTC + 3):

Dr Katariina Mertanen: A New Era of Education? Exploring the Future(s) of Education with the Lines of Precision Education Governance.

This lecture is part of the lecture series FuturEducation II Reimagining the Future of Education is an open international lecture series meant for everyone interested in deepening their knowledge about the future trajectories of education, reimagining the future of education and wanting to understand some of the most crucial questions of changing education governance that are shaping education, knowledge formations and questions related to inequalities within and beyond education.

19.5.2022 Syrjäytymisen ehkäiseminen kirjastojen työssä

19.5.2022 Syrjäytymisen ehkäiseminen kirjastojen työssä

Etelä-Suomen aluehallintovirasto järjesti koulutustilaisuuden, jossa yhtenä kutsuttuna puhujana oli FuturEd-projektin Katariina Mertanen. Mertanen pohtii puheessaan “Mikä ihmeen syrjäytyminen?” syrjäytymisen käsitteen ongelmallisuutta.


Discussion with Tom Popkewitz in Policy Futures International Webinar -series

Professor Brunila acted as a discussant for professor Tom Popkewitz in an international webinar arranged by the Aarhus University, on March 9th, 2022.

Professor Popkewitz gave an interesting and thought-provoking talk “Desires, Calculations, and Making Kinds of People: The Modern University Has Never Been “An Ivory Tower”. In the talk professor Popkewitz examined both rational and affective folds of educational assessments and calculations and suggested that the education should be considered from a point of view of populations, and what kinds of people are “made” through education.

Another discussant in the webinar was professor Luis Miguel Carvalho.

More information about Policy Futures international webinar series and upcoming lectures can be found here!


Welcome to the Open Webinar: Educating for the Future? Exploring the Dimensions of Precision Education Governance

Interrupting Future Trajectories of Precision Education Governance (FuturEd)-research project
AGORA for the study of social justice and equality in education –research centre
Time: June 3rd, 13-15 (UTC +3)

According to public discussion and policy steering, education is in constant crisis and it does not properly tackle future societal and economic challenges. Great hopes are put to new technologies, behavioural and life sciences, and new networks and partnerships between global and local, public and private organisations to solve the ‘problems’ of education in the near future. At the same time, education governance is shifting towards more individually and personally tailored policies and practices.

FuturEd –research project is the first serious attempt in Finland to investigate these changes and their outcomes together. In the project, we also aim to create global and local research networks to raise discussion and awareness of these future changes and their possible effects.

This FuturEd-seminar explores future trajectories of education and some of the most significant changes in education governance, such as the emergence of precision education governance, with distinguished and esteemed guest speakers. The precision education governance (PEG) is an umbrella concept referring to a) strengthening global and local forms of education governance, networks and agendas, b) use of insights from behavioural and life sciences , and c) acceleration of marketisation, privatisation, digitalisation, datafication of education.

We warmly welcome everyone interested in future trajectories of education.

The programme:

13.00 Education for what? Opening words. Professor Kristiina Brunila, FuturEd project, University of Helsinki

13.15 Guardians of the Future: International Organisations, Anticipatory Governance and Education. Professor Susan Robertson, University of Cambridge

14.00 Decentralization, marketization, privatization and beyond – School digitalisation in the light of education policy from a Swedish perspective. Associate Professor Catarina Player-Koro, University of Gothenburg

14.45-15.00 Discussion

Susan L. Robertson is Professor of Sociology of Education, University of Cambridge. She has written extensively on globalisation, international organisations and education in the context of transformations of the state. Susan is founding Editor and Co-Editor of Globalisation, Societies and Education, and convenor of the research group Culture, Politics and Global Justice.

Catarina Player-Koro is Professor in Educational Work at the University of Borås (start 1/8) and Associate Professor in Educational work at the University of Gothenburg. Her research expertise is in critical digital sociology and education, policy sociology and education ethnography, with a special interest in teachers work and teacher education. Currently, she is PI of the IFAU funded project “Selected or deselected – a profession in change.”, and participant in “Teachers’ digital work – (in)balance between demands and support? (Forte)”. She has a record of co-publications and collaborations with national and international researchers and works as a senior editor of Journal of praxis in Higher Education.

Seminar is chaired by Dr Katariina Mertanen, University of Helsinki.

Please join us through this Zoom-link:

Meeting ID: 639 6113 8799
Passcode: 648949

Warm welcome!

Ethics in the research of marketisation and privatisation of education

December 11th 2020 we arranged a FuturEd seminar focusing on research ethics in the marketisation of education research. We had two engaging presentations. Professor Malin Ideland and Dr Anna Jobér from the University of Malmö talked about the cooperation with EdTech -companies and doing critical ethnographic research about the marketisation of education. University lecturer, Dr Satu Valkonen also gave a presentation about experiences in researching the privatisation of early childhood education in Finland. Here is the full programme for the seminar:

Chair Katariina Mertanen, University of Helsinki


13.00-13.10 Opening words – prof. Kristiina Brunila, University of Helsinki

13.10-13.30 – Alcohol, apperance, accessebility. Ethical considerations when researching the ed-tech field. Prof Malin Ideland & Dr. Anna Jobér, University of Malmö

13.30-13.40 Discussion

13.40-14.00 Researching Edu-business – Lessons learned (so far) about ethics. Dr. Satu Valkonen, University of Helsinki

14.00-14.10 Discussion

14.10-14.15 Short break

14.15-14.55 Joint discussion and future plans:

– Possibilities for joint research

– Questionnaire/other forms of joint data production

– Questions and comments

14.55-15.00 Concluding remarks. Kristiina Brunila

Markkinoituvat kasvatus- ja koulutuspalvelut -teemaryhmä Kasvatustieteen päivillä 2020

Markkinoituvat kasvatus- ja koulutuspalvelut -teemaryhmä Kasvatustieteen päivillä 2020

Kasvatustieteen päivät 2020 järjestettiin koronapandemian vuoksi etäkonferenssina joulukuussa. Päivien teema oli “Kestävä kasvatus – kestävä tulevaisuus”. FuturED’n tutkija Satu Valkonen koordinoi teemaryhmää “Markkinoituvat kasvatus- ja koulutuspalvelut” yhdessä Henna Juusolan kanssa. Työryhmässä käytiin keskustelua markkinoitumisen, yksityistymisen ja digitalisaation vaikutuksista koulutuksen järjestämisen ehtoihin ja käytäntöihin. Työryhmässä virisi aktiivinen keskustelu koulutusviennistä sekä kaupallisuudesta opettajan työssä. FuturED-tutkimushankkeen Jaana Pesonen ja Satu Valkonen keskittyivät omassa esityksessään vilkasta keskustelua herättäneeseen aiheeseen opettajan ammatillisuuden muuttumisesta ja opettajan työn hallinnasta. He painottivat esityksessään kriittisen yhteiskuntalukutaidon merkitystä ja peräänkuuluttivat tarvetta huomioida koulutuksen markkinoituminen osana opettajankoulutusta.