A new round of data collection started for Skill learning

Tatting materials and tools: yarns, shuttles and crochet hook. Photo by Tellervo Härkki

Tatting materials and tools: yarns, shuttles and crochet hook. Photo by Tellervo Härkki

Second round of data collection for Skill learning has started. All 11 new participants visited  Finnish Institute of Occupational Health for EEG-measurements, and after that they spent an hour and a half at the University premises, Siltavuorenpenger 10 to learn tatting (in Finnish: käpyily or sukkulapitsi) and filet lace (in Finnish: verkkopitsi).

Learning materials for tatting. Photo by Tellervo Härkki

Learning materials for tatting. Photo by Tellervo Härkki


DRS 2014 – our upcoming presentations

DRS 2014 – Design’s Big Debates. The Design Research Society, Umeå, Sweden, June 16-19, 2014

The following presentations have been approved:

Seitamaa-Hakkarainen, P., Huotilainen, M., Mäkelä M., Croth, C., & Hakkarainen, K. (in press). The promise of cognitive neuroscience in design studies. Proceedings of Design Research Society 2014 Conference, June 16-19, 2014 Umeå, Sweden.

Groth, C., Mäkelä, M., Seitamaa-Hakkarainen, P. & Kosonen, K. (in press). Tactile augmentation: reaching for tacit knowledge. Proceedings of Design Research Society 2014 Conference, June 16-19, 2014 Umeå, Sweden.

Wordle word cloud created from draft article The promise of cognitive neuroscience

Wordle word cloud created from draft article The promise of cognitive neuroscience

Track B data collection completed for autumn 2013

We’re happy to inform that the first of three data collection rounds for track B is now succesfully completed.

Hands on visualisation assignment

Still capture from research video, capture by Tellervo Härkki, video by Miika Toivanen

Since September 6th we have been working with craft students from University of Helsinki Textile Teacher Education. All the 12 participants for this study attended a compulsory course called Basics of Craft Studies. As part of the course the participants were given a design task they got to solve in groups of three, during three consecutive design sessions. All the design sessions were videotaped, and at the end we also had group interviews.

The practical arrangements were done in co-operation with Työterveyslaitos. The basic setup was to have two cameras per group: one horizontal camera with external microphone and one camera at the ceiling. We also provided personal microphones for the participants and they were asked to wear markers in their wrists. In spite of all this, more than one of the groups managed to not only to complete their design assignment with flying colors but to have fun with it. The participants mentioned the word flow several times when describing their design sessions.

All in all this vivid phase took 8 weeks, and the end result is some query data, nice 24 hours of video data plus 5 hours of additional audio from the group interviews. Something to start transcibing and coding!

At this stage it’s time to warmly thank all the participants for their active and enthusiastic contribution – without you this research wouldn’t be possible. So big thanks to you all!