Research profile

I am Professor of Criminology at the Institute of Criminology and Legal Policy, University of Helsinki. My job description includes directing the Criminological Unit of the Institute. The Institute is part of the Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Helsinki.

My research has focused on homicide, delinquency, crime measurement systems, and historical dimensions of criminology. I have been centrally involved in the creation of research based crime indicators, such as the Finnish Self-Report Delinquency Study (FSRD, 1995-), the Finnish Homicide Monitor (FHM, 2002-), and the Finnish Crime Victim Survey (FCVS, 2012-). I currently serve in the Steering Committees of the International Self-Report Delinquency Study (ISRD) and the European Homicide Monitor (EHM).

My research interests include the history of criminology and historical criminology. The Historical Homicide Monitor project explores homicide in the long time span, from remote past to current times. The main report of that project, Nordic Homicide in Deep Time, has been recently published as an open access e-book by Helsinki University Press.

The monograph Discovery of Hidden Crime (Oxford University Press, 2011) presented an historical analysis of how criminological paradigms develop in interaction with methodological innovation and policy concerns. The study focused on the invention of the crime survey as a means of going beyond administrative crime data. Currently I am studying how administrative statistics influenced the emergence of criminology in the early 19th century. I have also explored the work of Veli Verkko (1893-1955), the founder of Finnish criminology.

Janne Kivivuori
Professor of Criminology
Institute of Criminology and Legal Policy
University of Helsinki
E-mail: janne.kivivuori(at)