The Challenge of the Electronic Environment to the Organization of Knowledge

Invitation and Call for Participation:

The Challenge of the Electronic Environment to the Organization of Knowledge –

Second International Seminar on Subject Access to Information, Helsinki, Finland, 29-30 November 2007

Target Group: Research librarians, information and subject specialists, students of information studies

Organizer: The International Relations Group of the Finnish Research Library Association

Venue: University of Helsinki, Porthania, Lecture Hall P674, 6th floor

Street address: Yliopistonkatu 3, Helsinki
Location information:


The purpose of Seminar is to explore and interpret some of the current changes in knowledge organization tools and methods which the more and more sophisticated information technology makes possible and which the more and more electronic and interactive environment makes necessary.
The Seminar aims to bring together research librarians, information and subject specialists as well as students of information studies to discuss these issues, local and global, of subject access to information in the context of the electronic environment.

Keynote and Guest Speakers:

Marcia Lei Zeng, School of Library and Information Science, Kent State University, USA

Maja Zumer, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia

Douglas Tudhope, School of Computing, University of Glamorgan, Wales, UK

Dennis Nicholson, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, Scotland, UK

Resgistration fees:

Member of the Finnish Research Library Association 150 Euro +22%vat
Non-member of the Finnish Research Library Association 200 Euro +22%vat

Registration online :

For more information:

Eva-Costiander Hulden

Päivi Pekkarinen:

Accommodation information eg.:

Programme (as of 4th October 2007)

Thursday 29th November

Theme: Classifications and Thesauri – What Changes – What Challenges

Some key questions the speakers will address:

  • Do we still need traditional knowledge structures and organization tools: classification
    schemes and controlled vocabularies, thesauri?
  • Are traditional knowledge structures still valid in organizing and searching information in the
    electronic environment? Or do we need new structures and tools?
  • Does the collaborative information creation of the emerging Library 2.0 suggest new collaborative
    structures, tools, methods, models?
  • What about multilingual and multicultural contexts?

09.30-10.00 Coffee

10.00 -10.10 Welcome

10.10-10.45 Introductory Review of Current Knowledge Structures and Tools
Marcia Lei Zeng
School of Library and Information Science, Kent State University, USA

10.45-12.00 Classifications and Thesauri: local needs – global reach

Problems of interoperability
Keynote: Douglas Tudhope
School of Computing, University of Glamorgan, Wales

Problems of multilingual and multicultural contexts
Keynote: Marcia Lei Zeng
School of Library and Information Science, Kent State University, USA


12.00-13.30 Lunch Break

13.30-16.15 From Classifications and Thesauri to Data Modelling

Functional requirements of authority data (FRBR-FRAD-FRSAR)

Eeva Murtomaa
National Library of Finland

Maja Zumer

University of Ljubljana, Slovenia


15.00-15.30 Refreshments

15.30-16.15 Optimising Interoperability in Multi-KOS Subject Searching: A Framework for a Collaborative Approach?

Dennis Nicholson
University of Strathclyde, Glasgow

16.15-17.00 From Data Modelling to Ontologies

Marcia Lei Zeng
School of Library and Information Science, Kent State University, USA


Friday 30th November

Theme: Ontologies – Local Applications – Global Implications

Some key questions speakers will address.

  • With access to global information, do we face a new situation?
  • How do the masses of information on the Web affect our thinking, our way of
    expressing ideas, structuring knowledge, conveying meanings?
  • What about the semantic content of documents, collections?

09.00-12.15 Ontologies – Local Applications

09.00-10.00 From General Thesaurus to General Ontology – Experiences from the National Library of Finland
Laila Heinemann
National Library of Finland
Finnish General Upper Ontology YSO

Katri Seppälä
Semantic Computing Research Group, Helsinki University of Technology

A special ontology – case Agriforest

Päivi Lipsanen, Kimmo Koskinen
Viikki Science Library


10.00-10.30 Coffee

10.30-11.00 Elements of a National Semantic Web Infrastructure –
Case Study Finland on the Semantic Web
Kim Viljanen et al.
Semantic Computing Research Group, Helsinki University of Technology
More information :
Paper :

11.00-11.15 CultureSampo – Finnish Culture on the Semantic Web
Tuukka Ruotsalo et al.
Semantic Computing Research Group, Helsinki University of Technology
More information:

11.15-11.30 TerveSuomi – Finnish Health Information on the Semantic Web
Osma Suominen et al.
More information:

11.30-12.00 QUCCOO – Query Construction with Ontology, ontology-based search interface
Feza Baskaya, Anne Kakkonen
University of Tampere, Department of information Studies

12.00-12.15 Discussion

12.15-13.45 Lunch Break

13.45-15.50 Ontologies – Global Implications

13.45-14.15 Douglas Tudhope

School of Computing, University of Glamorgan, Wales

14.15-14.30 Break

14.30-15.50 Panel with Seminar Speakers

Moderator: Marcia Lei Zeng

15.50-16.00 Closing Remarks