Thieme ElectronicBook Library koekäytössä

Thieme ElectronicBook Libraryn 39 e-kirjaa ovat koekäytössä 30.11.2007 asti. Anna palautetta, jos tämä tietokanta on työssäsi tärkeä tietolähde:

Thieme ElectronicBook Library:

A selection of 39 core titles is currently available, and the Thieme ElectronicBook Library will continue to expand with new titles and new editions.
Succinct and didactic, Flexibook Atlases & Textbooks are
invaluable to students mastering critical subjects. They are an
essential resource for clinicians and scientists in the health
sciences and related fields. The user-friendly web-based
system makes this vital resource available to every student,
researcher, and clinician on campus.