Kurssi humanististen tieteiden roolista lääketieteessä 1.6.2012


Target group: 1) PhD students in medicine and health sciences, 2) Anyone interested
Time: June 1, 2012
Venue: House of Sciences, Kirkkokatu 6, Helsinki, Finland
Contact person: Docent Pekka Louhiala, Hjelt institute, University of Helsinki
Organisers: Finnish Society for Philosophy of Medicine, DPPH, VKTK
Volume: 1 credit: lectures + learning diary


09.00-09.10 Opening Remarks
(Dr. Raimo Puustinen, Tampere)

09.10-09.50 What is Medical Humanities?

(Professor Martyn Evans, Durham University)

09.50-10.30 Why Medical Humanities? – applications in General Practice

(Dr. Iona Heath, RCGP)

10.30-10.50 Coffee

10.50-11.30 Medical Humanities and Clinical Science
(Professor John Saunders, University of Wales)

11.30-12.10 Medical Humanities and Clinical Encounter
(Professor Jill Gordon, University of Sydney)

12.10-13.00 Lunch

13.00-13.40 Physician as a Writer

(Dr. Anne MacLeod, University of Aberdeen)

13.40-14.20 Why Should Physicians Read?
(Dr. Rolf Ahlzen University of Karlstad)

14.20-15.00 Hermeneutics and Clinical Understanding
(Professor Carl-Edvard Rudebeck, University of Tromsö and The Research unit of Kalmar county council)

15.00-15.20 Coffee

15.20-16.00 New Research Directions for Medical Humanities?

(Professor Jane Macnaughton, Durham University)

Enquiries and registration: by May 15, 2012 to pekka.louhiala@helsinki.fi
Registration Fee: The seminar is free for members of the Finnish Society for Philosophy of Medicine and the graduate schools involved, as well as undergraduate students. For others, the fee is 50 €.