Kutsu koulutustilaisuuteen: Micromedex seminar 13.9.2012

Terkossa järjestetään koulutustilaisuus 13.9.2012 klo 13.00-16.00 Micromedex-tietokannan käytöstä. Paikkoja on rajoitetusti, ilmoittaudu heti: tiina.m.heino(ät)helsinki.fi




Micromedex seminar for drug information experts and healthcare professionals in Finland

Venue: Helsinki University Medical Library, Meilahti Campus Library Terkko, Haartmaninkatu 4
Thursday 13 September 2012, 13.00 hrs – 16.00 hrs

Micromedex 2.0 is an evidence-based drug information resource and clinical decision tool allowing users to quickly source relevant and in-depth information about drugs and drug treatment therapies. Drug information experts, pharmacists and healthcare professionals in Finland are invited to attend this free seminar that is arranged by Thomson Reuters Micromedex. Both current and new Micromedex-users in Finland are welcome to attend.

The key presenter at this expert seminar is Dani Przychodzin, Pharm.D and Clinical Solution Executive from Thomson Reuters Micromedex. The seminar agenda include the following main areas:

• Evidence-based medicine and quality criteria for medical information sourcing
• Micromedex Knowledge Development process for creating evidence-based content
• Search scenarios and benefits for different user groups: hospital pharmacies, retail pharmacies, drug wholesalers, and pharma companies
• Overview of information sourcing for drug interactions, reproductive risk information, IV compatibility, dosing information, pharmacokinetics, comparative efficacy and safe medication use in special populations including neonates and pediatrics
• Overview of recent and ongoing development of Micromedex 2.0
• Questions and answers

Attendees are also welcome to forward questions and areas of specific interest in advance of the seminar.
Jon Challenger, Director EMEA and South Asia, Thomson Reuters Micromedex, and Dan Ahlskog, Regional Sales Representative for Finland will also present during the seminar.