Uutuuskirjoja Terkossa 01 / 2013








Kuntoutukseen? : sosioekonomiset tekijät Kelan kuntoutukseen hakemisessa ja myönnöissä / Tiina Pensola… [et al.]

“Tutkimuksessa selvitetään sosiodemografisten ja -ekonomisten tekijöiden yhteyttä Kelan järjestämään kuntoutukseen hakemiseen ja myöntävän kuntoutuspäätöksen saamiseen
5–59-vuotiailla naisilla ja miehillä ikäryhmittäin ja lakiperusteittain vuonna 2004. Sairastavuuden yhteyttä edellä löydettyihin eroihin on mitattu erityiskorvattavien lääkkeiden hankkimisella sekä 25–59-vuotiailla ei-eläkeläisillä myös sairauspäivärahatiedoilla.

Aineisto perustuu Kelan rekistereistä poimittuun 90 prosentin otokseen kuntoutuspäätös- ja sairastavuustiedoista, joihin Tilastokeskuksessa on yhdistetty sosioekonomiset ja asuinpaikkatiedot sekä poimittu vastaavat tiedot kyseisiä Kelan etuuksia saamattomalle 20 prosentille 5–19-vuotiasta ja 10 prosentille 25–59-vuotiasta. Yhteensä tutkimusväestössä oli 1 357 222 henkilöä, joista kuntoutukseen hakeneita oli 64 198. Sosioekonomisten tekijöiden yhteyttä kuntoutukseen hakemiseen ja kuntoutuspäätökseen eri toimenpiteissä ja sairausryhmissä tarkasteltiin väestöryhmittäisillä hakeneisuusluvuilla sekä logistisella regressioanalyysilla.

Kuntoutuksen hakeminen oli iän ja sukupuolen lisäksi yhteydessä koulutukseen, tuloihin ja perheasemaan. Nämä tekijät ja työvoima-asema olivat yhteydessä myös myöntöihin. Yhteyden suunta ja suuruus kuitenkin vaihtelivat toimenpiteittäin. Vähäinen koulutus ja alhainen tulotaso olivat yhteydessä vajaakuntoisten ammatilliseen kuntoutukseen hakemiseen ja myöntävän päätöksen saamiseen, sen sijaan keskimääräistä parempi koulutus ja tulotaso lisäsivät harkinnavaraisen kuntoutuksen hakemista ja myönnön todennäköisyyttä siihen sekä vaikeavammaisten lääkinnälliseen kuntou-tukseen.

Kuntoutukseen hakeminen oli muita yleisempää perheväestöön kuulumattomilla lapsilla sekä työikäisillä eronneilla ja naimattomilla. Myönnön todennäköisyys oli suurempi, jos aikuinen hakija oli avioliitossa. Työkyvyttömyyseläkeläiset ja työttömät saivat keskimääräistä harvemmin myöntävän päätöksen hakemaansa kuntoutukseen.

Sairastavuus moninkertaisti kuntoutuksen hakemisen, muttei selittänyt väestöryhmien välisiä eroja kuntoutuspalvelujen hakemisessa tai myöntävissä päätöksissä. Etenkin hyvässä sosioekonomisessa asemassa olevat naiset olivat hakeneet kuntoutusta vähäisemmällä sairastavuudella kuin alemmassa asemassa olevat.

Tutkimus antoi viitteitä Kelan kuntoutuksen toimivuudesta erityisesti nuorten vajaakuntoisten kohdalla: kuntoutukseen hakeneilla ja myönnön saanneilla oli useita syrjäytymistä lisääviä tekijöitä. Sen sijaan kuntoutustuella olevat sekä vähän koulutetut ja työttömät nuoret aikuiset saivat harvoin myönnön harkinnavaraiseen kuntoutukseen; edellisten hakeneisuus oli myös vähäistä suhteessa sairastavuuteen.

Työurien pidentämisen kannalta kuntoutustoimenpiteiden käyttö voisi ikääntyvillä olla monipuolisempaa. Esimerkiksi koulutukseen ja työkokeiluihin hakeneita oli vähän.”

Saatavuus Helka-tietokannassa













Ristiriitainen tiedepolitiikkamme : suuntana innovaatiot vai sivistys? / Antti Hautamäki & Pirjo Ståhle

“Suomen tiede elää ristiriitaisessa tilanteessa: markkinalogiikka ja tiedelogiikka ohjaavat toimintaa vastakkaisiin suuntiin. Tämä kuluttaa resursseja, luo hämmennystä ja heikentää tuloksia.

Tiedepoliittista keskustelua hallitsee innovaatiopolitiikka, jossa yliopisto nähdään pääosin talouden tukijana. Tämä on liian kapea lähtökohta yliopistojen kehittämiseen. Vastapainoksi tarvitaan tiedestrategiaa, jossa olisi riittävän kattava ja syvällinen näkemys yliopistojen tehtävistä ja tieteen luonteesta.

Suomen kannattaisi alkaa rakentaa uudentyyppistä – uushumboldtilaista – yliopistoa, jossa tieteen perinteiset tehtävät tutkimus ja opetus – yhdistetään ihmiskunnan suurten ongelmien ratkaisemiseen.

Ristiriitainen tiedepolitiikkamme on välttämätöntä luettavaa kaikille niille, joita kiinnostaa tiedepolitiikka ja yliopistojen kehittäminen.”

Saatavuus Helka-tietokannassa













AvoHILMO 2013 : perusterveydenhuollon avohoidon ilmoitus 2013 : määrittelyt ja ohjeistus / Hanna Rautiainen ja Sanna-Mari Saukkonen.

“Perusterveydenhuollon avohoidosta tuotetaan Terveyden ja hyvinvoinnin laitokseen avohoidon ilmoitus. AvoHILMO-oppaassa käsitellään vuoden 2013 avohoidon ilmoituksen tietosisältö ja luokitukset. Lisäksi oppaasta on linkkien kautta yhteys AvoHILMOn tietotekniseen kuvaukseen sekä sähköisen tiedonsiirron kuvaukseen. AvoHILMO-aineistoa (mm. tietosisällön tekninen kuvaus ja sähköisen tiedonsiirron ohje): www.thl.fi/avohilmo

Saatavuus Helka-tietokannassa













Itsemurhan filosofia / Tapani Kilpeläinen.

“Itsemurhan filosofia on monisävyistä kuin elämä itse, itsemurhasta nyt puhumattakaan.

Albert Camus’n mukaan itsemurha on ainoa todella vakava filosofinen ongelma. Valinta olemassaolon ja olemassaolemattomuuden välillä tehdään ensin, muu pohdiskelu tulee vasta sitten. Filosofi on ainakin väliaikaisesti ratkaissut itsemurhan ongelman aina kun hän ryhtyy miettimään muuta.

Siitä huolimatta itsemurhaa on käsitelty filosofiassa hämmästyttävän vähän, ja silloinkin useimmiten yksinkertaisesti sallien tai tuomiten. Aristoteles ja Kant vastaan, Hume puolesta. Mutta itsemurha välttää yleistykset ja kategorisoinnit: se muodostaa ongelman, joka on ajateltava jokaisessa yksittäistapauksessa uudelleen.

Itsemurhan filosofia on ensimmäinen suomenkielinen yleisesitys itsemurhasta filosofisena ja käsitteellisenä ongelmana. Sen lukeminen on parempi idea kuin itsensä tappaminen.”

Saatavuus Helka-tietokannassa













Hunter’s tropical medicine and emerging infectious disease / edited by Alan J. Magill… [et al.] ; 9th rev. ed.

“Hunter’s Tropical Medicine and Emerging Infectious Disease is your comprehensive, go-to resource on the health conditions that arise in the tropics! From infectious diseases through environmental issues, poisoning and toxicology, animal injuries, and nutritional and micronutrient deficiencies, this medical reference book provides you with all the guidance you need to diagnose and manage even the most exotic health concerns. Stay at the forefront of this ever-changing field with Hunter’s Tropical Medicine and Emerging Infectious Disease!

• Understand the common characteristics and methods of transmission for each disease, and learn all the applicable diagnosis, treatment, control, and prevention techniques.
• Get the information you need in the most organized way with infectious agents arranged by syndromes, as they typically present.

• Stay abreast of the latest maladies seen in returning travelers through useful chapters on delusional parasitosis, international adoptions, transplant patients, medical tourism, and more.
• Access the most up-to-date information on emerging and re-emerging diseases (such as H1N1), and see how progression occurs through all-new illustrative life cycles.
• Hone your techniques with a new skills-based section which includes dentistry, neonatal pediatrics and ICMI, and surgery in the tropics, and a service-based section covering transfusion in resource-poor settings, microbiology, and imaging.
• Learn everything you need to know about infrequently encountered tropical drugs and their practical application in the clinical setting.”

Saatavuus Helka-tietokannassa













Atlas of regional and free flaps for head and neck reconstruction : flap harvest and insetting / Mark L. Urken … [et al.] ; 2nd ed.

“This Atlas depicts in a clear manner the use of regional skin, muscle and musculocutaneous flaps as well as donor sites from distant regions of the body where vascularized skin, muscle, bone, and nerves can be harvested and transferred to the head and neck. Otolaryngologists, plastic surgeons and general surgeons use both regional and free flaps to reconstruct damage to the head and neck caused by cancer and trauma. This Atlas provides the surgeon with techniques for mastering different donor sites needed to find solutions to virtually every reconstruction problem. It provides detailed descriptions of the anatomy and harvesting techniques of the major regional and free-flap donor sites currently employed in head and neck reconstruction.”

Saatavuus Helka-tietokannassa













Jatin Shah’s head and neck surgery and oncology / Jatin Shah, Snehal Patel, Bhuvanesh Singh. ; 4th ed.

“Head and Neck Surgery and Oncology, by Drs. Jatin P. Shah Snehal G. Patel, and Bhuvanesh Singh, offers you authoritative, multidisciplinary guidance on the latest diagnostic and multidisciplinary therapeutic approaches for head and neck cancer. With this medical reference book, you’ll have all the help you need to offer your patients the best possible prognoses and to optimally preserve and restore form and function.

• Overcome any challenge in head and neck surgery with comprehensive coverage of the scalp, skull base, paranasal sinuses, oral cavity, pharynx, larynx, cervical lymph nodes, thyroid, salivary glands, and soft tissue and bone tumors – from incidence, diagnosis, and work up through treatment planning, operative techniques, rehabilitation, and outcomes.

• Increase your understanding of head and neck oncology with this completely reorganized edition, presenting a uniform flow of topics, which includes the latest information on Diagnostic approaches, staging, algorithms for selection of therapy, and outcomes of treatment for head and neck tumors.
• Offer today’s best treatment options with outcomes of therapy data from the NCDB, institutional data from MSKCC, and evidence-based information
• Diagnose patients using the latest advances in radiographic imaging, diagnostic pathology and molecular biology.
• Take fullest advantage of every multidisciplinary management approach available including radiation oncology, medical oncology (including targeted therapies), maxillofacial prosthodontics and dental oncology, surgical procedures for salvage of recurrences after chemoradiation therapy, and rehabilitation measures to improve functional outcomes (speech, swallowing, etc.).
• Understand the nuances of day-to-day practical care of patients with basic operating room techniques and technology, intraoperative decisions, and post operative care for patients undergoing head and neck surgery.
• Know what to look for and how to proceed with sequential operative photographs of each surgical procedure and full-color artwork to demonstrate anatomical relationships. Particular emphasis is placed on surgical management of patients after chemo-radiotherapy, reflecting the changing paradigms in head and neck oncology and the special challenges that confront modern day head and neck surgeons.

This comprehensive text will assist in improved survival and preserving and restoring form and function with the surgical treatment of tumors.”

Saatavuus Helka-tietokannassa













Clinical gynecologic oncology / edited by Philip J. Di Saia, William T. Creasman ; 8th ed.

“Clinical Gynecologic Oncology, by Drs. Di Saia and Creasman, is the leading medical reference book geared toward helping you improve gynecologic cancer outcomes. You’ll see how to take advantage of the latest advances in early detection and improved treatment options for gynecologic cancers, especially uterine and cervical cancers, equipping you with the skills you need to provide effective and compassionate care for your patients.

• Easily identify and absorb key information with outlines beginning each chapter.
• Choose the best management plan for each patient using algorithms throughout the book.

• Stay at the forefront of your field thanks to new chapters on Genetic Counseling and Clinical Management of Inherited Disease; Molecular Genetics; and Minimally Invasive Surgery, plus sweeping updates covering all the latest advances.

• Find everything you need to face your daily challenges with appendices covering staging, screening, nutritional therapy, toxicity criteria, blood component therapy, and radiation therapy.
• Locate answers fast with a chapter organization based on cancer type and size.

Stay current on gynecologic cancer treatment options and protocols with the leading reference for diagnosis and treatment – still the most readable, most comprehensive book in the field.”

Saatavuus Helka-tietokannassa













Kendig and Chernick’s disorders of the respiratory tract in children / Robert W. Wilmott [et al.] ; 8th ed.

“Kendig, Chernick’s Disorders of the Respiratory Tract in Children is the definitive medical reference book to help you confront critical challenges using the latest knowledge and techniques. You’ll get the state-of-the-art answers you need to offer the best care to young patients.

• Tackle the toughest challenges and improve patient outcomes with coverage of all the common and rare respiratory problems found in newborns and children worldwide.
• Get a solid foundation of knowledge to better understand and treat your patients through coverage of the latest basic science and its relevance to clinical problems.

• Get comprehensive, authoritative coverage on today’s hot topics, such as interstitial lung disease, respiratory disorders in the newborn, congenital lung disease, swine flu, genetic testing for disease and the human genome, inflammatory cytokines in the lung, new radiologic techniques, diagnostic imaging of the respiratory tract, and pulmonary function tests.
• Learn from the experts with contributions from 100 world authorities in the fields of pediatrics, pulmonology, neurology, microbiology, cardiology, physiology, diagnostic imaging, anesthesiology, otolaryngology, allergy, and surgery.”

Saatavuus Helka-tietokannassa













Maxillofacial trauma & esthetic facial reconstruction / edited by Peter Ward Booth, Barry L. Eppley, Rainer Schmelzeisen. ; 2nd ed.

“Filled with hundreds of superb, full-color photographs and step-by-step, illustrated procedures, Maxillofacial Trauma and Esthetic Facial Reconstruction, 2nd Edition, is your definitive source on all aspects of managing facial trauma. World-renowned authors Peter Ward Booth, Barry L. Eppley, and Rainer Schmelzeisen deliver today’s foremost guidance on everything from management of the acute trauma patient to the newest materials in surgical trauma to secondary procedures for improved facial appearance.

• Offers complete coverage of maxillofacial trauma highlighted by an unparalleled collection of outstanding, full-color photographs, and highly detailed line drawings that clarify surgical procedures.
Addresses secondary surgery in a dedicated section, covering such topics as facial scar management; secondary osteotomies and bone grafting to correct deformities; bone distraction, used commonly with congenital malformations; secondary rhinoplasty for traumatic nasal deformities, which are associated with a variety of cosmetic and functional issues; secondary orbital surgery; facial nerve injuries; and psychological support for patient with facial trauma.
• Features an outstanding, full-color art program, with more than 750 color photos that cover all aspects of injury and treatment, and 250 color line drawings that walk you step by step through surgical procedures.
• Includes contributions from a “who’s who” list of international experts in oral and maxillofacial surgery, psychology, ophthalmology, neurosurgery, plastic surgery, and craniofacial surgery.

• Discusses the latest etiology and management of trauma, walking you through all aspects of injury, treatment, and surgical procedures.
• Provides stabilizing guidance prior to surgery in the acute care chapter.
• Presents updated information on new imaging technology, current surgical procedures, and innovative treatment software throughout.
• Includes more illustrations to guide you to the best radiologic investigation for each injury.
Relates brain injury to the overall management of the face for both function and esthetics.
• Contains updated guidelines on facial fractures, expanded information on psychological problems following facial trauma, and a new chapter on pediatric trauma.”

Saatavuus Helka-tietokannassa













Bad Pharma : how drug companies mislead doctors and harm patients / Ben Goldacre.

“‘Bad Science’ hilariously exposed the tricks that quacks and journalists use to distort science, becoming a 400,000 copy bestseller. Now Ben Goldacre puts the $600bn global pharmaceutical industry under the microscope. What he reveals is a fascinating, terrifying mess.

Doctors and patients need good scientific evidence to make informed decisions. But instead, companies run bad trials on their own drugs, which distort and exaggerate the benefits by design. When these trials produce unflattering results, the data is simply buried. All of this is perfectly legal. In fact, even government regulators withhold vitally important data from the people who need it most. Doctors and patient groups have stood by too, and failed to protect us. Instead, they take money and favours, in a world so fractured that medics and nurses are now educated by the drugs industry.

Patients are harmed in huge numbers.

Ben Goldacre is Britain’s finest writer on the science behind medicine, and ‘Bad Pharma’ is a clear and witty attack, showing exactly how the science has been distorted, how our systems have been broken, and how easy it would be to fix them.”

Saatavuus Helka-tietokannassa













Thoracic anesthesia / editor Peter Slinger

“This issue of Anesthesiology Clinics covers the latest updates in thoracic anesthesia written by the world-leading experts on the topic. Procedurally-focused articles cover best practices in anesthestic management of one-lung ventilation, airway stenting, esophagectomy, mediastinal biopsies, postthoracotomy atrial fibrillation, and more. Achieve the best outcomes and reduce risks and complications in your thoracic anesthesia practice.”

Saatavuus Helka-tietokannassa













Cardiac rhythm disorders in older adults / editors, Michael W. Rich, Win-Kuang Shen.

“This issue of Clinics in Geriatric Medicine focuses on the pharmacological, non-pharmacological, and device therapies in the medical management of cardiac rhythm disorders in the elderly population. It also reviews the epidemiology of arrhythmias and conduction disorders in older adults, atrial fibrillation and atrial flutter: stroke prevention, bradyarrhythmias and conduction disorders, and comorbidities, quality of life, and end-of-life issues in older patients with heart rhythm disorders.”

Saatavuus Helka-tietokannassa













Rotator cuff surgery / guest editor Stephen F. Brockmeier

“In this issue of Clinics in Sports Medicine, Dr. Stephen Brockmeier from the University of Virginia has assembled a group of experts to provide the latest updates on Rotator Cuff Surgery. This issue begins with the epidemiology and natural history of rotator cuff tears, followed by articles on: Imaging Evaluation of the Rotator Cuff; Arthroscopic Rotator Cuff Repair: Techniques in 2012; Biologics in the Management of Rotator Cuff Surgery; Outcomes of Rotator Cuff Surgery: What Does the Evidence Tell Us?; Rotator Cuff Injury in the Overhead Athlete; Failed Rotator Cuff Surgery, Evaluation and Decision-Making; Revision Rotator Cuff Repair; Non-Arthroplasty Options for the Management of Massive and Irreparable Rotator Cuff Tears; and Reverse Total Shoulder Arthroplasty for Irreparable Rotator Cuff Tears and Cuff Tear Arthroplasty.”

Saatavuus Helka-tietokannassa













Pediatric endocrinology / editor Robert Rapaport

“This issue of Endocrinology and Metabolism Clinics provides essential updates across the spectrum of pediatric endocrinology. Topics covered include Prevention of type 1 and type 2 diabetes mellitus; genetics of growth; diagnosis in prepubescent girls; Turner and Noonan Syndromes; thyroid function in Down Syndrome; chronic disease; effects of ADHD treatment on growth; Vitamin D and bone health; use of statins; and obesity prevention.”

Saatavuus Helka-tietokannassa













Clinical applications of probiotics in gastroenterology : questions and answers / editor Gerald Friedman.

“The authors in this issue will provide state-of-the-art reviews on the use of probiotics in care of the gastroenterologic system. Articles are devoted to probiotics as treatment for IBD, chronic diarrhea, C. difficile colitis, functional bowel disease, allergic disorders, necrotizing enterocolitis, and obesity. Other articles examine the safety of probiotics, fecal biotherapy, and molecular assessment of intestinal microflora.”

Saatavuus Helka-tietokannassa













Forensic psychiatry / editor Charles L. Scott.

“This subject, written for psychiatrists, is of importance and relevance to psychiatrists dealing with apsects of the practice that cross with legal professionals and with school and corporate professionals. This subject of Forensic Psychiatry presents topics on: Psychopharmacologic treatment of aggression; Assessment of blackouts and claimed amnesia; Forensic assessment of bullying; Testamentary capacity and guardianship assessments; Psychological testing and the assessment of malingering; Child murder by parents; Mass murderers: who are they and how might we stop them?; Child pornography and the Internet; Do’s and don’ts of depositions; Juvenile offenders: Updates on competency and culpability; The role of the forensic psychiatrist in the immigration process; and Psychiatric Management of the Problematic Employee. The topics are presented to include coverage of Nature and Definition of the Problem, Physical Examination, Evaluation, Competency Evaluation, Clinical Assessment Strategies, Psychiatric Testing Strategies, Reaching an Opinion, with Key Points of every topic.”

Saatavuus Helka-tietokannassa










Castrate-resistant prostate cancer / editor Adam S. Kibel

“Castrate Resistant Prostate Cancer is advanced disease that has stopped responding to hormone therapy. This issue of the Urologic Clinics focuses on the various forms of therapy including immunotherapy, first line chemotherapy, and novel targeted agents. Articles on defining the diseae and palliative care are also included.”

Saatavuus Helka-tietokannassa