Uutuuskirjoja Terkossa 02 / 2013












Kansan terveys, yksilön hyvinvointi / Jukka Reivinen & Leena Vähäkylä (toim.).

”Onko terveys sairauden poissaoloa vai henkilökohtainen kokemus? Mitkä tekijät vaikuttavat kansanterveyteen, ja minkälaisilla valinnoilla ihminen voi vaikuttaa omaan terveyteensä? Inhimillisen elämän ja taloudenkin näkökulmasta on mielekkäämpää ehkäistä kansansairauksia ennalta kuin hoitaa sairauksia tai pahoinvointia. Kirjan aiheita ovat muun muassa nuorten lisääntyvä ylipaino, aikuistyypin diabeteksen ennaltaehkäisy ja ikääntyminen. Yksilön hyvinvointi, kansan terveys tarjoaa hyödyllistä ja ajantasaista tietoa terveellisestä elämästä ja kansanterveyden kehityskuluista. Kirja on toinen osa Suomen Akatemian kanssa julkaistavaa Tutkitusti-kirjasarjaa. Kirjan kirjoittajat ovat mukana Suomen Akatemian Kansanterveyden haasteet -tutkimusohjelmassa.”

Saatavuus Helka-tietokannassa











Haavanhoidon periaatteet / Vesa Juutilainen, Helvi Hietanen (toim.).

”Teos on huippuasiantuntijoiden laaja katsaus haavojen hoitoon. Erilaisia haavatyyppejä esitellään erittäin kattavasti aina traumaattisista haavoista ja palovammoista painehaavoihin ja diabeetikon jalkahaavoihin. Teos käsittelee myös muun muassa haavanhoidon kehittämistä sekä haavakivun hoitoa. Haavahoidon periaatteet on jokaisen terveysalan ammattilaisen tärkeä hakuteos, mutta erityisesti se sopii kaikille sairaanhoitajille ja lääkäreille.”

Saatavuus Helka-tietokannassa













Rintasyövän toteaminen : terveydenhuolto ja naiset yhdessä / Gisela Gästrin.

”Kirjassa kerrotaan kolmesta rintasyövän toteamisen liittyvästä terveydenhuollon ohjelmasta. Rinnakkain toteutettuina ja toisiaan täydentävinä voivat lääkärin tekemä rintojen terveystarkastus, mammografiaseulonta ja omatarkkailuun perustuva kokonaisvaltainen Mamaohjelma palvella kaiken ikäisiä naisia. Kun toimintojen yhteisvaikutuksesta sairauden toteaminen aikaistuu, voivat alan radiologit, kirurgit ja onkologit käyttää kehittämiään moderneja, tehokkaita ja potilasta säästäviä hoitotoimenpiteitä yhä useammalle naiselle.

Valtaosa rintasyövistä löytyy naisen oman havainnon seurauksena. Mama-ohjelman keksiminen ja käyttö ovat vaikuttaneet naisten tietoisuuteen Suomessa ja muualla siitä, mitä jokainen voi itse tehdä rintasyövän toteamisen aikaistamiseksi. Mamaohjelmassa naisen henkilökohtainen Mamakortti päivyreineen yhdistyneenä terveydenhuollon ammattilaisen antamaan opastukseen palvelee jatkuvaa omatarkkailua ja seurantaa. Se auttaa lääkärissä käynnin yhteydessä myös lääkäriä, joka tarvitsee tietoja rintojen muuttumisen vaiheista.

Kirja tarjoaa tärkeää tietoa ja opastusta rintasyövän varhaiseen toteamiseen sekä terveydenhuoltohenkilöstölle että kaikille omasta terveydentilastaan huolehtiville naisille.”

Saatavuus Helka-tietokannassa














Terveys, toimintakyky ja hyvinvointi Suomessa 2011 / Seppo Koskinen, Annamari Lundqvist ja Noora Ristiluoma (toim.).

”Terveys 2011 -tutkimuksen ensimmäisten tulosten mukaan suomalaisten terveys, toimintakyky ja hyvinvointi näyttävät monelta osin kohentuneen vuodesta 2000. Myönteisen kehityksen jatkuminen tulevaisuudessa ei ole kuitenkaan varmaa. Alle 45-vuotiailla muutokset eivät olleet yhtä suotuisia kuin tätä vanhemmissa ikäryhmissä ja kielteisiäkin muutoksia havaittiin. Myös joidenkin elinolojen, ravintotottumusten, liikunnan ja alkoholinkäytön kehitys oli huolestuttavaa.

Väestöryhmien väliset terveys- ja hyvinvointierot olivat edelleen jyrkkiä. Suomalaisten terveyden ja hyvinvoinnin myönteisen kehityksen turvaamiseksi tarvitaan aiempaa vaikuttavampia toimia, joilla elinoloja ja elintapoja voidaan kohentaa erityisesti huono-osaisimmissa väestöryhmissä.”

Saatavuus Helka-tietokannassa














Sarcoidosis / [edited by] Donald N. Mitchell … [et al.].

“Sarcoidosis represents a major challenge for physicians – not just in respiratory medicine, but across a range of specialties. This book, with a multi-disciplinary authorship of the highest standard, presents the most up to date thinking on all aspects of the condition, from epidemiology to clinical manifestations and treatment options. Full coverage is given to both respiratory and non-respiratory aspects; the basic science that underlies the disease and its progression is evaluated in detail, and placed into its correct clinical context. Possible future advances are covered in a concluding section.

The editors – all leading figures in the field with international reputations – have compiled the definitive work on the subject in a single volume. The book is fully comprehensive and evidence-based and will be an essential addition to the bookshelves of all whose practice involves the care and treatment of patients with sarcoidosis.”

Saatavuus Helka-tietokannassa












Neurological rehabilitation : optimizing motor performance / Janet H. Carr, Roberta B. Shepherd ; 2nd ed.

“Janet Carr and Roberta Shepherd head up a new team of eminent authors for the second edition of this definitive text on neurological physiotherapy. In the first edition, the authors described a model of neurological rehabilitation for individuals with motor dysfunction based on scientific research in the areas of neuromuscular control, biomechanics, motor skill learning, and the link between cognition and action, together with developments in pathology and adaptation.

The new edition continues to advance this model while identifying and incorporating the many advances that have occurred in the last decade in the understanding and treatment of adults with neurological conditions, whether caused by accident or disease. Among these advances is the knowledge that the brain retains a plastic potential to reorganize, even in old and/or lesioned brains, and that neural plasticity can be influenced by task-related mental and physical practice in a stimulating environment. There is also an increasing body of knowledge related to the musculoskeletal system’s adaptability and the need to prevent length and stiffness- related changes in muscle contractility, together with loss of aerobic fitness and endurance. There is an expanding body of clinical research that appears to support the model provided here. The training guidelines outlined in Neurological Rehabilitation are based on biomechanical constructs and motor relearning research, applied to enhance brain reorganization and muscle contractility, and encourage functional recovery of the patient. It connects science and clinical practice enabling students and practitioners to develop their knowledge and use new clinical methods based on modern scientific understanding.

• All chapters have been revised, some with the collaboration of five specialists who are engaged in high level scientific research and clinical practice
• Biomechanical models are presented to provide a framework for action-specific training and exercise to improve performance
• Clinical guidelines are science- and evidence-based
• Emphasis is on new approaches to the delivery of neurological rehabilitation that increase the time spent in mental and physical activity, and the intensity of practice and exercise
• Up-to-date referencing “

Saatavuus Helka-tietokannassa














Moss & Adams heart disease in infants, children, and adolescents : including the fetus and young adult / Hugh D. Allen … [et al.]. ; 8th ed.

”This 8th Edition of Moss and Adams’ Heart Disease in Infants, Children, and Adolescents: Including the Fetus and Young Adult, provides updated and useful information from leading experts in pediatric cardiology.


–  Leading international experts provide state-of-the-art diagnostic and interventional techniques to keep you abreast of the latest advances in treatment of young patients

– Chapters on quality of life, quality and safety, pharmacology, and research design add to this well-respected text”

Saatavuus Helka-tietokannassa














Health systems, health, wealth and societal well-being : assessing the case for investing in health systems / edited by Josep Figueras and Martin McKee.

– “How can we improve health, wealth and societal well-being by investing in health systems?

– How can we ensure that health systems are sustained in the future?

– How can we monitor, manage and improve performance so that health systems are as effective and efficient as possible?

This book looks at health systems from a new perspective. By reviewing the complex relationship between health systems, health and wealth, it argues that health systems need not be, as is often believed, simply a drag on resources but rather can be part and parcel of improving health and achieving better economic growth.

Aiming to assist policy-makers as they assess the case for investing in health systems, Health Systems,Health, Wealth and Societal Well-being reviews the evidence on:

– The contribution of health systems to better health and to economic growth

– The ways that investment in better health can save future health costs as well as boosting economic growth

– How we can create equitable, sustainable health systems fit for the 21st century”

Saatavuus Helka-tietokannassa














Malignant : medical ethicists confront cancer / edited by Rebecca Dresser.

“You have cancer.” Words no one wants to hear, but heard by millions every year. Millions more hear the equally shattering news that a loved one has cancer. Both are life-changing messages.

For the people writing this book, cancer was not only a personal crisis, it was also an education. Experts on medical ethics, personal experience with cancer showed them how little they understood of the real world of serious illness. Despite years of teaching and writing about treatment decision-making and patient autonomy, they were unprepared for many of the problems they faced. They discovered that the rights and wrongs of cancer care were more complicated than they had anticipated. Ethics outside the hospital walls took on unexpected significance as they discovered the astonishing generosity, and the unintentional cruelty, that cancer provokes in others. Cancer was a test of personal character, too, as patients accustomed to control became dependent on others and caregivers shouldered unfamiliar and difficult responsibilities.

In chapters on cancer diagnosis, treatment choices, and research participation, the authors examine medical ethics from the personal point of view. In chapters on family caregiving, cancer interactions, and cancer support groups, they consider ethics outside the medical setting. In chapters on mortality and survivorship, they reflect on cancers personal moral teachings.

Cancer is an unavoidable feature of modern life. Readers will come away with a deeper understanding of what it is like to have cancer, better equipped to respond to cancer in their own lives and the lives of others. The book also offers insights to doctors and nurses seeking to improve cancer treatment and to medical ethicists seeking to make their work more relevant to patients and caregivers.”

Saatavuus Helka-tietokannassa














Global justice and bioethics / edited by Joseph Millum and Ezekiel J. Emanuel.

“Despite the massive scale of global inequalities, until recently few political philosophers or bioethicists addressed their ethical implications. Questions of justice were thought to be primarily internal to the nation state. Over the last decade or so, there has been an explosion of interest in the philosophical issues surrounding global justice. These issues are of direct relevance to bioethics. The links between poverty and health imply that we cannot separate questions of global health from questions about fair distribution of global resources and the institutions governing the world order. Similarly, as increasing numbers of medical trials are conducted in the developing world, researchers and their sponsors have to confront the special problems of doing research in an unjust world, with corresponding obligations to correct injustice and avoid exploitation.

This book presents a collection of original essays by leading thinkers in political theory, philosophy, and bioethics. They address the key issues concerning global justice and bioethics from two perspectives. The first is ideal theory, which is concerned with the social institutions that would regulate a just world. What is the relationship between human rights and the provision of health care? How, if at all, should a global order distinguish between obligations to compatriots and others? The second perspective is from non-ideal theory, which governs how people should behave in the unjust world in which we actually find ourselves. What sort of medical care should actual researchers working in impoverished countries offer their subjects? What should NGOs do in the face of cultural practices with which they deem unethical? If coordinated international action will not happen, what ought individual states to do?

These questions have more than theoretical interest; their answers are of direct practical import for policymakers, researchers, advocates, NGOs, scholars, and others. This book is the first collection to comprehensively address the intersection of global justice and bioethical dilemmas.”

Saatavuus Helka-tietokannassa














Hidden treasure : the National Library of Medicine / edited by Michael Sappol.

“Founded 175 years ago, the National Library of Medicine is the world’s largest medical library, with more than 17 million items dating from the 11th century to the present in its holdings. Today it is home to a rich worldwide heritage of objects, from the rarest early medical books to delightful 20th-century ephemera, artifacts, and documentary and animated films. Despite more than a century and a half of classification and cataloging, buried in the sheer mass of this collection are wondrous items largely unseen by the public and obscure even to librarians, curators, and historians. The individual objects brought to light in this book glow with beauty — or grotesquery or wit or calamitous tragedy — and include spectacular large-scale, color-illustrated medical books; rare manuscripts; pamphlets and ephemera; “magic lantern” slides; toys; stereograph cards; scrapbooks; film stills; posters; and more from the 13th to the 20th century, from Europe, Africa, North America, and Asia. Specially selected and showcased in Hidden Treasure, they once again speak to us, charm us, repulse us, amaze us, inform us, and intrigue us.”

Saatavuus Helka-tietokannassa














Systems biology of tumor dormancy / Heiko Enderling, Nava Almog, Lynn Hlatky, editors.

“This volume is based on the Workshop on Systems Biology of Tumor Dormancy meeting, held July 25th to July 28th, 2011. The first annual CCSB workshop brought together biologists, clinicians, mathematicians, and computer scientists to discuss various aspects of tumor dormancy and develop novel mathematical/computational models with the keynote speakers. Specific topics included the angiogenic switch, immune system interactions, cancer stem cells and signaling.”

Saatavuus Helka-tietokannassa














Respiratory regulation : clinical advances / Mieczyslaw Pokorski, editor.

“This book, written for pulmonary and family doctors, general practitioners, allergologists, and neuropsychologists, presents cutting-edge clinical research and therapy-oriented knowledge in the field of respiratory medicine. Clinical knowledge is undergoing dramatic improvement. Respiration is one such prominent field. A better understanding of the pathogenesis of respiratory ailments and the regulation of lung ventilation is essential for advances in pharmacotherapy and the patient’s quality of life. The book discusses a wide scope of topics, notably, innovations in detection and management of chronic inflammatory conditions such as COPD or asthma, acute infections of the respiratory tract, airway allergies and hyper-responsiveness, lung cancer, interstitial lung diseases, pulmonary function in health, disease and aging, sleep disordered breathing, interaction between the respiratory system and other bodily functions, and psychosomatic aspects of disease. After all, respiration is generated and integrated by the brain; therefore brain function is influential in respiratory regulation. The book is a platform that fosters the exchange of new clinical data between clinicians and academic neuroscientists, bringing a unique blend of medical diagnosis and practice to the leadership in respiratory medicine.”

Saatavuus Helka-tietokannassa














Diabetes : an old disease, a new insight / edited by Shamim I. Ahmad.

“Diabetes is a complex disease and is also one of the most common. It is very difficult to reach an accurate estimate for the global prevalence of diabetes since the standards and methods of data collection vary widely in different parts of the world. In addition, many potential sufferers are not included in the count because according to an estimate about 50% of cases remain undiagnosed for up to 10 years. However, according to an estimate for 2010, globally, there are about 285 million people (amounting to 6.4% of the adult population) suffering from this disease. This number is estimated to increase to 439 million by 2030 if no cure is found. The general increase in life expectancy, leading to an ageing population, and the global rise in obesity are two main reasons for the increase.With the basic platform set, Editor presents his views and advice tothe readers, especially to diabetic patients suffering from T2DM, on the basis ofhis observations and information collected from other diabetics.”

Saatavuus Helka-tietokannassa














Arterial chemoreception : from molecules to systems / Colin A. Nurse… [et al.].

“Arterial chemoreceptors are unique structures which continuously monitor changes in arterial blood oxygen, carbon dioxide, glucose, and acid. Alterations in these gases are almost instantaneously sensed by arterial chemoreceptors and relayed into a physiological response which restores blood homeostasis.

Arterial Chemoreception contains updated material regarding the physiology of the primary arterial chemoreceptor; the carotid body. Moreover, this book also explores tantalizing evidence regarding the contribution of the aortic bodies, chromaffin cells, lung neuroepithelial bodies, and brainstem areas involved in monitoring changes in blood gases. Furthermore this collection includes data showing the critical importance of these chemoreceptors in the pathophysiology of human disease and possible therapeutic treatments.
This book is a required text for any researcher in the field of arterial chemoreception for years to come. It is also a critical text for physicians searching for bench-to-bedside treatments for heart failure, sleep apnea, and pulmonary hypertension.”

Saatavuus Helka-tietokannassa














Isotope labeling in Biomolecular NMR / edited by Hanudatta S. Atreya.

“NMR spectroscopy has undergone a revolution in recent years with the advent of several new methods overcoming the problems of sensitivity and resolution. Recent developments in biotechnology have made it easier and economical to introduce 13C, 15N and 2H into proteins and nucleic acids. At the same time, there has been an explosion in the number of NMR experiments that utilize such isotope labeled samples. Thus, a combination of isotopic labeling and multidimensional, multinuclear NMR has opened up new avenues for structural studies of proteins, nucleic acids and their complexes.
This book will focus on recent developments in isotope labeling methods for structural studies of small molecules, peptides, proteins and nucleic acids. The aim of the book is to serve as a compendium of isotope labeling for the biomolecular NMR community providing comprehensive coverage of the existing methods and latest developments along with prools and practical hints on the various experimental aspects. The book will cover a wide range of topics in isotope labeling under one title including emerging areas of metabolonomics and solid state NMR.”

Saatavuus Helka-tietokannassa














Occupational pulmonology / editors Carrie A. Redlich… [et al.]

“This issue of Clinics in Chest Medicine, Guest Edited by Carrie A. Redlich, MD, MPH, Paul Blanc, MD, MSPH, Mridu Gulati, MD, and Ware Kuschner, MD, will focus on Occupational and Environmental Lung Diseases, with article topics including: asthma, hypersensitivity pneumonitis, and other immune-mediated lung disease; Work-exacerbated asthma; Occupational COPD; Indoor fuel exposure and the lung in both the developed and developing worlds; New (and newly recognized) occupational and environmental causes of selected chronic parenchymal and terminal airway diseases; Occupational rhinitis and other work-related upper respiratory tract conditions; Military service and lung disease; Ambient air pollution; Protecting the lungs from microbes, particles and other inhalational exposures; and Exhaled breath and induce sputum analysis in assessing the effects of occupational and environmental exposures.”

Saatavuus Helka-tietokannassa











Geriatric emergency medicine / editor, Christopher R. Carpenter.

“This issue of Clinics in Geriatric Medicine features expert clinical reviews on Geriatric Emergency Medicine which includes current information on topics such as palliative medicine and emergency care, alternative management strategies, transitions of care, the emergency department observation unit and the older patient, generalized weakness, altered mental status, trauma management, acute pain management, acute visual changes, orthopedic emergencies, dizziness, palpitations, acute stroke syndromes, abuse and neglect, and electrolyte and endocrine emergencies.”

Saatavuus Helka-tietokannassa














Anatomic ACL reconstruction / editors Freddie H. Fu, Volker Musahl

“The Adult ACL world is constantly changing and is in need of continual updates; approximately 60,000-75,000 ACL reconstructions are performed annually in the United States. Dr. Freddie Fu just held a world-wide symposium on this topic and is considered the expert. In the Clinics survey sent in the fall of 2010, survey takers were most interested in seeing an issue on ACL repair and injury prevention.”

Saatavuus Helka-tietokannassa














Notch regulation of the immune system / Freddy Radtke, editor.

“Notch signaling regulates many cell fate decision and differentiation processes during embryonic development and tissue homeostasis. Moreover, disregulation of the pathway is associated with human disorders and cancer. In the last 15 years it became evident that Notch plays important roles in the hematopoietic system as well as in the regulation of immune responses. This special issue on Notch regulation of the immune system summarizes recent advances and covers multiple aspects of Notch signaling within the hematopoietic and the immune system. This issue covers subjects including Notch function in embryonic and adult hematopoietic stem cells, lymphocyte development and function as well as in T cell leukemia.”

Saatavuus Helka-tietokannassa














Phosphoinositides and disease / Marco Falasca, editor.

“Phosphoinositides (PIs) are minor components of cellular membranes that play critical regulatory roles in several intracellular functions. This book describes the main enzymes regulating the turnover of each of the seven PIs in mammalian cells, some of their intracellular functions and some evidence of their involvement in human diseases. Due to the complex inter-relation between the distinct PIs and the plethora of functions that they can regulate inside a cell, this book is not meant to be a comprehensive coverage of all aspects of PIs signalling but rather an overview on the current state of the field and where it could go from here. Phosphoinositide and inositol phosphates interact with and modulate the recruitment and activation of key regulatory proteins and in doing so control diverse functions including cell growth and proliferation, apoptosis, cytoskeletal dynamics, insulin action, vesicle trafficking and nuclear function. Initially, inositide signaling was limited to the PLC pathway; however, it is now clear that all the seven phosphoinositides and more than 30 different inositol phosphates likely have specific signaling functions. Moreover there is a growing list of proteins that are regulated by inositol signaling. This has raised the question as to how inositol signaling can control diverse processes and yet maintain signaling specificity. Controlling the levels of inositol signaling molecules and their subcellular compartmentalisation is likely to be critical. This meeting will bring together scientists from different backgrounds to discuss how understanding inositol signaling may be used to target complex human diseases that manifest themselves when inositol signaling is deregulated.”

Saatavuus Helka-tietokannassa














OB/GYN emergencies / editors Sarah K. Sommerkamp, Kathleen Wittels.

“This issue of Emergency Medicine Clinics guest edited by Drs. Kathleen Wittels and Sara Sommerkamp focuses on OB/GYN emergencies. It features article topics such as: Emergencies in early pregnancy, Hypertension in pregnancy, Complications in late pregnancy, Trauma in pregnancy, Cardiovascular disasters in pregnancy, Precipitous and difficult deliveries, Ultrasound in pregnancy, and Gynecologic infections.”

Saatavuus Helka-tietokannassa














Medical and surgical management of common fertility issues / editor G. Wright Bates Jr.

“This issue of the Obstetrics and Gynecology Clinics covers the Medical and Surgical Management of Common Fertility Issues. Articles include Infertility Evaluation, Ovulation Induction, and problems such as fibroids, endometriosis, and ectopic pregnancy.”

Saatavuus Helka-tietokannassa














Practice management / editor Michelle Anne Bholat.

“This issue of Primary Care: Clinics in Office Practice focuses on practice managment models for achieving health outcomes in chronic disease management and serves as a key to help the primary care practitioners work with local systems of care, integrate behavioral medicine in primary care, and collaborate with university-based research.”

Saatavuus Helka-tietokannassa














Surgical critical care / editor John A. Weigelt.

“An important review on critical care for the general surgeon! Topics include: heparin induced thrombocytopenia, monitoring devices, mechanical ventilation, removal from mechanical ventilations, common complications in the critically ill patients, common drugs in the SICU, hypovolemic shock resuscitation, sepsis, nutrition, renal management, pain management, family engagement, and more!”

Saatavuus Helka-tietokannassa














Complications, considerations, and consequences of colorectal surgery / editor Scott R. Steele.

“This issue will explore the complications, considerations and consequences of colorectal surgery. Topics will include evaluating colorectal surgery patients to estimate and minimize morbidity and mortality, fast-track pathways, intra-operative adjuncts, colorectal anastomotic complications, proctectomy, stomas, Crohn’s disease, rectal prolapse, pelvic surgery, laparoscopy, enterocutaneous fistula, and more.”

Saatavuus Helka-tietokannassa














Multidisciplinary management of urinary stone disease / editor Ojas Shah.

“Kidney stones affect nearly 3 million people every year and the management of these stones can often be complicated. This issue of the Urologic Clinics covers all of the current treatments for kidney stones from medicine to surgery. There are also articles on pathology, imaging, and diet and alternative therapies.”

Saatavuus Helka-tietokannassa