Uutuuskirjoja Terkossa 03 / 2013


Urologia / toimittajat Kimmo Taari … [et al.] ; 3. uud. p.

”Urologian kolmannen, uudistetun painoksen kirjoittajakunta koostuu alan huippuasiantuntijoista. Teos on koko urologian alan kattava oppikirja. Kirjan tiedot on kauttaaltaan tarkistettu ja päivitetty ajan tarpeita vastaaviksi.

Urologia käsittelee perusteellisesti virtsateiden ja miehen sukupuolielinten anatomiaa ja fysiologiaa, niiden sairauksien etiologiaa ja patofysiologiaa, diagnostiikkaa ja uusimpia hoitomuotoja. Kirjan muita keskeisiä aiheita ovat urologiset sairaudet, munuaisensiirto, urologisten syöpäkasvainten molekyylibiologian alan viimeisimmät saavutukset sekä urologisten syöpätautien hoidon tulevaisuudennäkymät. Mukana on myös uusinta tietoa mm. impotenssin tutkimuksesta ja eturauhasen hyvänlaatuisen liikakasvun hoidosta.

Urologia on tarkoitettu oppikirjaksi lääketieteen opiskelijoille ja kirurgiaan ja urologiaan erikoistuville. Se on myös käsikirja kaikille urologisia potilaita hoitaville lääkäreille ja hoitajille.”

Saatavuus Helka-tietokannassa




Potilasturvallisuuden perusteet / toimittajat: Leena-Maija Aaltonen, Per Rosenberg

”Potilas voi mennä sairaalaan tai terveyskeskukseen turvallisin mielin luottaen siihen, että häntä hoidetaan hyvin. Mistä kaikista asioista potilasturvallisuus koostuu?

Potilasturvallisuuden perusteet -kirja sisältää arvokasta tietoa, opettavaisia tapausselostuksia, ajankohtaisia tilastoja ja analyysejä sekä arvioita lähivuosien kehitysnäkymistä ja -ennusteista. Kirjassa korostetaan syyllistämättömyyden periaatetta vaaratilanteiden raportoinnissa sekä moniammatillisen koulutuksen ja yhteisharjoitteluiden tarvetta potilasturvallisuuden takaamiseksi. Kirjan kirjoittajat edustavat maamme huippuasiantuntemusta asioissa, jotka koskevat potilashoidon laatua ja turvallisuutta. Teos on tärkeä kaikille, jotka haluavat tuntea ja oppia oleelliset potilasturvallisuuteen liittyvät keskeiset kliiniset ja lainsäädännölliset seikat.

Kirja soveltuu oppikirjaksi lääketieteen opiskelijoille heidän varttuessaan lääkäreiksi ja erityisesti erikoistuvien lääkäreiden lähijohtajakoulutukseen. Kirja soveltuu kaikille terveydenhuollon aloille ammatilliseksi täydennyskoulutukseksi sekä oppaaksi sairaanhoidon hallintotehtävissä toimiville ja päättäjille.”

Saatavuus Helka-tietokannassa




Huumetilanne Suomessa 2012 / Vili Varjonen, Hannele Tanhua, Martta Forsell, Riikka Perälä.

”Millaista on Suomen huumepolitiikka? Paljonko Suomessa käytetään huumeita? Pääsevätkö halukkaat hoitoon? Kannattaako huumeruiskujen ja -neulojen vaihto? Keitä ovat huumeiden käyttäjät? Millainen on huumausainerikollisuustilanne? Mitä huumausaineita Suomen huumemarkkinoilla liikkuu? Raportissa tarkastellaan huumetilanteen kehitystä viime vuosina. A-osassa huumetilannetta kuvataan lakien, politiikan, käytön, haittojen sekä hoidon ja muiden interventioiden lähtökohdista. Huumekysymystä lähestytään niin terveydellisestä, sosiaalisesta kuin rikosoikeudellisesta näkökulmasta. B-osassa käsitellään huumeita koskevia erityisteemoja, joita tänä vuonna ovat huumeiden käyttäjien laitoshoito ja Helsingin huumetilanne. Raportti on yksi EU:n huumeviraston (EMCDDA) koordinoiman huumetietoverkoston (REITOX) kansallisista vuosiraporteista, joiden pohjalta tuotetaan EMCDDA:n vuosiraportti Huumeongelma Euroopassa.”

Saatavuus Helka-tietokannassa




Kropp och ord i en allmänläkares rum / Carl Edvard Rudebeck.

”Den här boken handlar om allmänläkarens arbete men den handlar i hög grad också om alla läkares arbete. Uppmärksamheten är på den mellanmänskliga dimensionen, som frånsett de rent tekniska procedurerna, är medicinens konkreta verklighet; det som faktiskt sker. Boken är skriven i läkarens perspektiv med ett ständigt växlande patient-du inför ögonen eller i tankarna. Den första delen handlar om upplevelsen att inte må bra, med eller utan sjukdom som grund. Den andra delen beskriver mötet mellan läkare och patient och hur läkarens uppdrag här framträder som en förening av moral och kunnande. Makt och känslor ger mötet tillspetsning och energi. I den tredje delen beskrivs helhetssynen, dels något av den teoretiska bakgrunden men framför allt hur den faktiskt kan se ut. Hos den enskilda läkaren antar helhetssynen med nödvändighet en individuell version. Människors livsvillkor påverkar i hög grad deras hälsa och deras behov av att söka läkare, men i helhetssynen inlemmas de också i läkarens värld av erfarenheter, uppfattningar, kunskaper och kanske fördomar. Respekten för det okända hos patienten är det enda som kan ge helhetssynen nödvändig legitimitet.

Som en röd tråd genom boken löper temat ”Den existentiella anatomin”; korta texter om kroppen som den kan upplevas.

Bokens omedelbara målgrupp är läkare av olika specialiteter men den har troligen ett särskilt intresse för allmänläkare och blivande allmänläkare. Många avsnitt handlar om människans villkor och utsatthet i sin kropp och sin tillvaro och den kan därför förhoppningsvis vara av intresse även för läsare utanför den medicinska professionen.”

Saatavuus Helka-tietokannassa




Brow and upper eyelid surgery : multispecialty approach / editors: Babak Azizzadeh, Guy G. Massry.

“Information and updates on surgical techniques and equipment in the face of continued, rapid growth of plastic surgery are presented. The majority of this surgical information presents a blend of the newest data with a description of current and potential future clinical/surgical applications of new concepts, tools and techniques. Unique innovations in the field of breast reconstruction, treatment of lymphedema, and genitourinary function rehabilitation are addressed. Burns, extremity salvage, muscle flaps, biomaterials, reconstructive transplantation are among the topics presented. Information contained in Impact of Advances in breast Cancer Management on Reconstructive and Aesthetic Breast Surgery provides a practicing plastic surgeon an update of what is new in breast oncology and how it is or should be linked with the plastic surgeon’s approach to breast surgery and reconstruction. Compilations of outcomes data are provided from ongoing clinical trials testing new concepts and techniques on the near horizon. A conclusion pertains to the details of ongoing acquisition of new skills, transferrance of existing skills, and maintenance of old skills, along with safety in plastic surgery in the context of surgical and technological advances presented by leaders representing diverse generations of practitioners.”

Saatavuus Helka-tietokannassa




Rare cancers / editor Guy Eslick

“Topics include: Rare Cancers; Mast Cell Leukemia; Uveal Melanoma; Esthesioneuroblastoma; Parathyroid Carcinoma; Thymoma/Thymic Carcinoma; Mesothelioma; Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumor (GIST); Uterine Sarcoma; Cancer of the Appendix; Urethral Cancer; Anal Cancer; and Merkel Cell Carcinoma.”

Saatavuus Helka-tietokannassa




Diabetic chronic kidney disease / editor Mark E. Williams.

“This issue of Medical Clinics covers the important advances and current best practices surrounding the management of patients with diabetic chronic kidney disease. Guest edited by Mark Williams of the Joslin Diabetes Clinic, the topics covered will include proteonomics, diabetes and hypertension, obesity, genetic predispositions, pancreas transplantation, fibrotic therapies, and more.”

Saatavuus Helka-tietokannassa




Botulinum neurotoxins / edited by Andreas Rummel, Thomas Binz.

“The extremely potent substance botulinum neurotoxin (BoNT) has attracted much interest in diverse fields. Originally identified as cause for the rare but deadly disease botulism, military and terrorist intended to misuse this sophisticated molecule as biological weapon. This caused its classification as select agent category A by the Centers for Diseases Control and Prevention and the listing in the Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention. Later, the civilian use of BoNT as long acting peripheral muscle relaxant has turned this molecule into an indispensable pharmaceutical world wide with annual revenues >$1.5 billion. Also basic scientists value the botulinum neurotoxin as molecular tool for dissecting mechanisms of exocytosis. This book will cover the most recent molecular details of botulinum neurotoxin, its mechanism of action as well as its detection and application.”

Saatavuus Helka-tietokannassa




Tandem repeat polymorphisms : genetic plasticity, neural diversity, and disease / edited by Anthony J. Hannan.

“This book addresses the role of tandem repeat polymorphisms (TRPs) in genetic plasticity, evolution, development, biological processes, neural diversity, brain function, dysfunction and disease. There are hundreds of thousands of unique tandem repeats in the human genome and their polymorphic distributions have the potential to greatly influence functional diversity and disease susceptibility. Recent discoveries in this expanding field are critically reviewed and discussed in a range of subsequent chapters, with a focus on the role of TRPs and their various gene products in evolution, development, diverse molecular and cellular processes, brain function and disease.”

Saatavuus Helka-tietokannassa




TRIM/RBCC proteins / edited by Germana Meroni.

“The genomic ‘golden age’ has delivered the sequence of numerous novel genes while leaving us with many unanswered questions about their function. This is particularly true for gene families as, often, members are annotated based on homology rather than function. The tripartite motif family belonged to this category, although, during the last few years, the field boosted an important wealth of biochemical, cellular and physiological breakthrough data. In the first part of this book, we attempt to offer an overview of state‑of‑the‑art basic findings on the tripartite motif (TRIM, also known as RBCC) family members and to deal in the second part with their relevant and growing physiological and pathological roles.”

Saatavuus Helka-tietokannassa




Ten years of progress in GW/P body research / edited by Edward K. L. Chan, Marvin J. Fritzler.

“GW bodies are novel cytoplasmic foci that were discovered and named by Dr. Chan’s group in 2002.These bodies are now known to be active cytoplasmic foci involved with the new gene regulation process mediated by microRNA that leads to translational repression and mRNA degradation.The detailed biological functions of these cytoplasmic structures are still being uncovered and the idea for this book is to provide the history of the discovery and the major work from different laboratories that has led to the characterization and elucidation of the structure and function of these new multiple subcellular structures.”

Saatavuus Helka-tietokannassa




Prominin-1 (CD133) : new insights on stem & cancer stem cell biology / edited by Denis Corbeil.

“Prominin-1 or otherwise known as CD133 is a glycoprotein that ispresent in humans and mice.Since the first description of prominin in 1997, in mouse neuroepithelial cells and in human hematopoietic stem cells as AC133 antigen, this molecule has aroused a large interest especially, as a stem cell marker, that gave rise to an ever growing body of publications and more recently its expression in cancer stem cells. Controversies as to its role as a cancer stem and its detection in different models, as well as its use as a prognostic marker have emerged. Yet, beyond its use as a stem cell and cancer stem cell marker, prominin-1/CD133 displays unique biological features and appears of importance in other processes like for example in retinal biogenesis. Indeed, this five-transmembrane plasma membrane glycoprotein, whichmarks membrane protrusions is associated with several essential processes like cell polarity, asymmetric cell division and membrane remodeling. We propose to review current knowledge about this intriguing molecule and presentpertinent information to determine the biological role of prominins and assess their importance in medicine and cancer research.The primary audience for this book is geared towards scientists and researchers with interestin cancer stem cells, stem cells,cell biology, neurobiology, and regenerative medicine.”

Saatavuus Helka-tietokannassa




Addressing the social determinants of health : the urban dimension and the role of local government / World Health Organization

“This report summarizes the evidence on the social determinants of health in the urban context, drawing on the findings of the global Commission on Social Determinants of Health and the European review of social determinants of health and the health divide. It also highlights how, through its leadership, local government can play a significant role in addressing these causes of health inequalities, by working across sectors and with civil society partners.

This report provides a helpful overview of practices from across Europe, and identifies priority action areas and key implementation issues, to support and accelerate the growing interest of local governments in being sensitive and proactive in tackling inequities.”

Saatavuus Helka-tietokannassa




Governance for health in the 21st century / by Ilona Kickbusch and David Gleicher.

“Governance for health describes the attempts of governments and other actors to steer communities, whole countries or even groups of countries in the pursuit of health as integral to well-being. This study tracks recent governance innovations to address the priority determinants of health and categorizes them into five strategic approaches to smart governance for health. It relates the emergence of joint action by the health sector and non-health sectors, by public and private actors and by citizens, all of whom have an increasing role to play in achieving seminal changes in 21st-century societies.

This study was commissioned to provide the evidence base for the new European health policy, Health 2020. Calling for a health-in-all-policies, whole-of-government and whole-of-society approach, Health 2020 uses governance as a “lens” through which to view all technical areas of health.”

Saatavuus Helka-tietokannassa




Home care across Europe : current structure and future challenges / edited by Nadine Genet… [et al.]

“For every person over the age of 65 in today’s European Union, there are four people of working age but, by 2050, there will only be two. Demand for long-term care, of which home care forms a significant part, will inevitably increase in the decades to come.

Despite the importance of the issue, however, up-to-date and comparative information on home care in Europe is lacking. This book attempts to fill some of that gap by examining current European policy on home care services and strategies.

Home care across Europe probes a wide range of topics including the links between social services and health-care systems, the prevailing funding mechanisms, how service providers are paid, the impact of governmental regulation, and the complex roles played by informal caregivers. Drawing on a set of Europe-wide case studies (available in a second, online volume), the study provides comparable descriptive information on many aspects of the organization, financing and provision of home care across the continent. It is a text that will help frame the coming debate about how best to serve elderly citizens as European populations age.”

Saatavuus Helka-tietokannassa