Uutuuskirjoja Terkossa 08 &09 / 2013





Sosiaaliset määrittäjät WHO:n ja Suomen terveyspolitiikassa / Hannele Palosuo, Marita Sihto, Eero Lahelma, Johanna Lammi-Taskula, Sakari Karvonen.

“Terveyserot ovat osoittautuneet vaikeammaksi ongelmaksi kuin ajateltiin joitakin vuosikymmeniä sitten. Maailman terveysjärjestön, WHO:n, Social Determinants of Health -komissio (2005 2008) haki työssään uutta otetta maailman maiden välisiin ja maiden sisäisiin terveyseroihin. Komissio keskitti huomionsa erojen perimmäisiin syihin, terveyden sosiaalisiin määrittäjiin. Sen haastavin suositus on puuttua vallan, rahan ja resurssien epäoikeudenmukaiseen jakautumiseen. Tässä raportissa verrataan WHO:n komission keskeisiä ehdotuksia Suomen kansallisiin terveyspolitiikan linjauksiin. Vaikka terveyden arvosta vallitsee laaja yksimielisyys, terveyseroihin kohdistuvaan politiikkaan liittyy usein ristiriitaisia arvoja ja intressejä. Terveyserojen kaventamista haittaavia jännitteitä pohditaan viiden i:n kehikossa. Nämä käsittelevät terveyspolitiikassa edellytettyä informaatiota, taustalla vaikuttavia ideologioita, terveyspolitiikkaan liittyviä intressejä, terveyspolitiikan piiriin kuuluvia instituutioita sekä politiikan ja ohjelmien implementaatiota. Lopuksi hahmotetaan terveyden määrittäjien alueita, joihin Suomessa olisi eriarvoisuuden kasvun hillitsemiseksi keskityttävä. Raportti on tarkoitettu tutkijoille, terveydenhuollon ammattilaisille ja asiantuntijoille sekä kaikille asiasta kiinnostuneille ja soveltuu myös oppimateriaaliksi yliopistoihin ja ammattikorkeakouluihin.”

Saatavuus Helka-tietokannassa




Designing clinical research / Stephen B Hulley … [et al.] ; 4th ed.

“Designing Clinical Research has been extensively revised and continues to set the standard as a practical guide for doctors, nurses, pharmacists, and other health professionals involved in all forms of clinical, translational, and public health research. It presents advanced epidemiologic concepts in a reader-friendly way, and suggests common sense approaches to the challenging judgments involved in designing, funding, and implementing.”

Saatavuus Helka-tietokannassa




Developmental biology / Scott F. Gilbert ; 10th ed.

“This book captivates student interest, opening minds to the wonder of developmental biology, whilst covering required material with scientific rigour. The tenth edition reflects the exciting new age of genomics, genetic regulatory networks and digital visualization techniques while keeping focus on the major questions of animal development.”

Saatavuus Helka-tietokannassa




Medical microbiology and infection at a glance / Stephen H. Gillespie, Kathleen B. Bamford ; 4th ed.

“This concise and popular introduction to medical microbiology and infection encapsulates the fundamental facts and principles of this rapidly growing and changing subject area. Written by experienced clinicians and teachers, it covers the basic concepts of medical microbiology, and the main human pathogens and infectious syndromes, in an accessible and lucid format.

Medical Microbiology and Infection at a Glance is an invaluable revision aid for medical and allied health students and junior doctors, and is ideal for anyone seeking a comprehensive and concise guide to this subject area.”

Saatavuus Helka-tietokannassa




Efficient reduction of indoor exposures : health benefits from optimizing ventilation, filtration and indoor source controls / editors Otto Hänninen, Arja Asikainen.

“Indoor exposures to air pollutants are associated with a significant burden of disease. In EU-27 the burden is estimated to be over 2 million healthy life years annually. This report investigates how this burden can be mitigated and in particular presents health based estimates for ventilation, including discussion of necessary control strategies for indoor sources and filtration needs for polluted outdoor air. The report allows for construction engineers, health professionals and legislators to weight the benefits of various strategies for optimal control of the health risks. Energy efficiency impacts are also shortly covered.”

Saatavuus Helka-tietokannassa




Nanosafety in Europe 2015-2025 : towards safe and sustainable nanomaterials and nanotechnology innovations / Kai Savolainen … [et al.].

“The Finnish Insitute of Occupational Health, together with the members of the European Nanosafety Cluster, that is, over a hundred European nanosafety research experts, have produced a research strategy for the European Commission. The strategy outlines the focal points of nanomaterial safety research for the Commission’s 8th framework programme (Horizon 2020).”

Saatavuus Helka-tietokannassa




World health report, 2013 : research for universal health coverage.

“Universal health coverage ensures everyone has access to the health services they need without suffering financial hardship as a result. In December 2012, a UN resolution was passed encouraging governments to move towards providing universal access to affordable and quality health care services. As countries move towards it, common challenges are emerging — challenges to which research can help provide answers.

The World health report: research for universal health coverage focuses on the importance of research in advancing progress towards universal health coverage. In addition, it identifies the benefits of increased investment in health research by low- and middle-income countries using case studies from around the world, and proposes ways to further strengthen this type of research.”

Saatavuus Helka-tietokannassa




World malaria report 2012.

“The World Malaria Report 2012 summarizes information received from 104 malaria-endemic countries and other sources, and updates the analyses presented in the 2011 report. It highlights the progress made towards the global malaria targets set for 2015, and describes current challenges for global malaria control and elimination.”

Saatavuus Helka-tietokannassa




Lipid-mediated protein signaling / Daniel G.S. Capelluto, editor.

“Lipids are no longer seen as molecules that only provide membrane structure and organization. Due to their amphipathic nature, lipids are localized both on the surface and internally in membranes in the cell, and at these locations, trigger signaling pathways by interacting with soluble proteins, typically through lipid-interacting domains and motifs. More importantly, interconversion of lipid species in these compartments is fundamental, not only by sustaining signaling but also by contributing to signaling pathways that link protein receptors with intracellular effectors. With contributions from eleven leading research teams, this book updates the most recent findings associated with lipid-mediated cell signaling in mammals and plants. Contributors give comprehensive overviews of the physiological role of sphingolipids and phospholipids and how they undergo synthesis and turnover. Emphasis on the structural aspects of protein-lipid interactions is compiled in several chapters with great detail, whereas fully described mechanisms of lipid-mediated membrane targeting and insertion are considered in others. Authors also discuss models and techniques used to characterize lipid-mediated membrane binding of proteins. In addition, several chapters highlight the correlation of abnormal intracellular levels of lipids with human diseases, thus, making this book a valuable resource for biochemists, biophysicists, cell biologists, and clinical scientists with interest in lipid-mediated signaling pathways.”

Saatavuus Helka-tietokannassa




Occupational therapy in epidermolysis bullosa : a holistic concept for intervention from infancy to adult / Hedwig Weiss, Florian Prinz.

“Epidermolysis bullosa (EB) is the collective term for a heterogenous group of genetic skin disorders characterised by the formation of blisters and erosions on skin and mucous membranes.
This book deals with early childhood motor and perceptual development, a particular challenge for children with extremely fragile skin. Going into functional treatment, it addresses rehabilitation of hands and feet in EB patients with fusions or contractures.
The authors are occupational therapists with long-term experience in the management of EB patients. In an extraordinary holistic approach, they present a combination of paediatric and functional areas of treatment.
Occupational therapy tools and interventions can help alleviate a number of accompanying complications and symptoms of EB, enhance self-care, and improve quality of life in general.
Due to its practical approach, this book not only serves as a unique guide for doctors and health care professionals but is also comprehensible and useful for patients.”

Saatavuus Helka-tietokannassa




Intrinsic immunity / Bryan Cullen R, ed.

“Recent research has focused attention on the importance of intrinsic antiviral immunity, i.e. immunity mediated by factors that are constitutively expressed in many cells. In this volume, leading experts provide a comprehensive overview of this relatively new and rapidly evolving field. They cover intrinsic proteinaceous antiviral immune effectors, such as the APOBEC3 and TRIM protein families as well as Tetherin and SAMHD1, which were initially discovered by researchers studying HIV-1. Furthermore, the role of RNA interference in antiviral defense in plants and invertebrates, as well as the interplay between microRNAs and viruses in mammalian cells, are analysed. One chapter discusses how intrinsic immunity and viral countermeasures to intrinsic immune effectors drive both pathogen and host evolution, and finally the emerging evidence that DNA damage response proteins restrict infection by DNA viruses is highlighted.”

Saatavuus Helka-tietokannassa




Updates in geriatric nephrology / editors, Edgar V. Lerma, Mitchell H. Rosner.

“This issue of Clinics in Geriatric Medicine features expert clinical reviews on Renal Disease in Older Adults which includes current information on topics such as Anatomic/ Physiological Changes with Aging, Acute Kidney Injury in Older Adults, Electrolyte Problems in Older Adults, Glomerular Disease in Older Adults, Hypertension in Older Adults, Chronic Kidney Disease in Older Adults, End-stage Renal Disease in Older Adults, Decision Making in the Older Adult Patient with Advanced Kidney Disease, Obstructive Uropathy in Older Adults, Drug Dosing, Transplantation in Older Adults, and Slowing the Aging Process.”

Saatavuus Helka-tietokannassa




MRI in sports medicine / editor Timothy G. Sanders ; consulting editor Mark D. Miller.

“This issue of Clinics in Sports Medicine will provide an in-depth overview of the most common areas for MRI scans, including shoulder, elbow, wrist, hip, knee, and ankle. There will be two additional chapters, which will discuss how tumors and arthritis can be the underlying causes of an athlete’s pain, and how to look for those in scans.”

Saatavuus Helka-tietokannassa




Vascular surgery and endovascular therapy / editor, Girma Tefera ; consulting editor Ronald F. Martin.

“An important review on vascular surgery for the general surgeon! Topics include work up, optimal medical management, non-atherosclerotic arterial diseases, claudication, critical limb ischemia, aneurismal diseases, mesenteric ischemia, vascular trauma, venous diseases, thromboembolic diseases, dialysis access, carotid artery occlusive disease, and more!”

Saatavuus Helka-tietokannassa




Cardiac anesthesia / editor Colleen G. Koch.

“This issue of Anesthesiology Clinics covers the latest updates in cardiovascular anesthesia written by the world-leading experts on the topic. Procedurally-focused articles cover best practices in fluid and blood management, mechanical circulation support, anesthesia for robotic surgery, adult congenital heart surgery, transplantation and more. Achieve the best outcomes and keep current on this area of anesthesia practice.”

Saatavuus Helka-tietokannassa




HIV and respiratory disease / editors Kristina Crothers, Laurence Huang, Alison Morris.

“This issue of Clinics in Chest Medicine is Guest Edited by Kristina Crothers, MD from the University of Washington and will focus on HIV and Respiratory Disease. Article topics include Abnormalities in Host Defense, Antiretroviral Therapy and Lung Immunology, HIV associated Pneumonia, HIV associated Tuberculosis, HIV associated lung malignancies, and HIV associated COPD.”

Saatavuus Helka-tietokannassa




Outpatient plastic surgery / editors Geoffrey R. keyes, Robert Singer.

“With approximately 13.8 million minimally-invasive cosmetic surgeries performed in the United States, and approximately 12.2 million minimally invasive cosmetic treatments performed in 2011, most of these are undertaken in surgeons’ group practice or surgery center locations. The most common as well as the most dreaded complications are presented along with articles presenting “best practice” for cosmetic surgery centers. Each topic presents Anesthesia, Infection control, Complication avoidance and management, along with technique video. Some of the topics include: Patient Selection in Outpatient Surgery; Airway Management in the Outpatient Setting; Deep Venous Thrombosis – Prevention and Management; Intravenous Sedation from the Surgeon’s Perspective; Postoperative Nausea and Vomiting; among other relevant issues to the surgeon. Guest Editors are Geoffrey Keyes and Robert Singer, both involved with the Association for Accreditation of Ambulatory Surgery and fervent about certified surgeons running ambulatory facilities for best outcomes and avoidance of mortalities and severe morbidities.”

Saatavuus Helka-tietokannassa




Aging and endocrinology / editor Anne R. Cappola ; consulting editor Derek Leroith.

“This issue of Endocrinology Clinics brings the reader up to date on the important advances in research surrounding the role of aging on the endocrine system. Guest edited by Anne Cappola, the topics covered include reproductive aging in women, thyroid disorders, testosterone administration, osteoporosis in older adults, hormonal therapeutics and more.”

Saatavuus Helka-tietokannassa




Disorders of the platelets / editor A. Koneti Rao ; consulting editors George P. Canellos, H. Franklin Bunn.

“This issue of Hematology/Oncology Clinics is guest edited by Dr. A. Koneti Rao and focuses on Disorder of the Platelets. Article titles include: Mechanisms of Platelet Activation and Inhibition, Testing Platelet Function,Clinical Implications of Platelet Genomics and Proteomics, Congenital Thrombocytopenias, Immune Thrombocytopenias, Heparin Induced Thrombocytopenia, and Functional defects: Chronic granulomatous disease (CGD) and beyond.”

Saatavuus Helka-tietokannassa




Infectious disease threats / editor Douglas S. Paauw.

“This issue of Medical Clinics covers the current best practices on how to manage infectious disease threats. Guest edited by Douglas Paauw, the topics covered will include herpes, pertussis, multi-drug-resistant tuberculosis, pneumococcal infections, MRSA and more.”

Saatavuus Helka-tietokannassa




HPV, colposcopy, and prevention of squamous anogenital tract malignancy / editors Alan G. Waxman, Maria Lina Diaz ; consulting editor William F. Rayburn.

“Cervical Cancer screening, which includes the PAP test and HPV testing is an essential part of a woman’s routine healthcare. This issue of the Ob/Gyn Clinics covers colposcopy and screening for women at all stages of life, along with the HPV vaccine, treatment options, and what is on the horizon regarding ever-changing screening methods.”

Saatavuus Helka-tietokannassa




Psychiatric manifestations of neurotoxins / editors: Daniel E. Rusyniak, Michael R. Dobbs.

“Personality disorders, depression, mania, psychosis, behavioral problems, anxiety disorder, attention deficit disorder, dementia, hyperactivity, insomnia, panic disorder, suicide, sleep disorder, all the purview of psychiatrity, can be the result of neurotoxicity from chemicals capable of damaging the brain or nervous system. The ambiguity of such outcomes is acknowledged, at the same time emphasizing the value in considering the effects of chemicals on the brain. In this issue of Psychiatric Clinics, some of the topics related to neurotoxicity outcomes are: Review of Cognitive Assessment in Neurotoxicology; Neurologic Manifestations of Chronic Methamphetamine Abuse; Emerging Toxic Neuropathies and Myopathies; Neurotoxic Emergencies; Antidepressant Overdose-induced Seizures; and Neurotoxic Pesticides and Neurologic Effects.”

Saatavuus Helka-tietokannassa




The use of imaging in inflammatory joint and vascular disorders / editor Stephen A. Paget ; consulting editor Michael H. Weisman.

“This issue of Rheumatic Disease Clinics teaches you the latest best practices for using musculoskeletal ultrasound to diagnose and monitor the progression of rheumatoid arthritis, vasculitis, and other rheumatic and soft tissue disorders.”

Saatavuus Helka-tietokannassa




Transcriptional and translational regulation of stem cells / edited by Gary Hime, Helen Abud.

“Stem cells are central to the development and homeostasis of metazoan tissues and play roles at multiple times within a diversity of organs during the lifetime of an animal. A key goal of regenerative medicine is the in vivo repair of organs damaged by disease or injury.℗ In order to facilitate this goal we need to understand how stem cells are generated, what factors maintain them in their respective tissues and how their differentiation is regulated. In this volume, leading researchers discuss the nature of stem cells and pluripotency and how this state can be experimentally induced.℗ Stem cell maintenance, proliferation and differentiation is under tight regulation as excess stem cell proliferation could facilitate tumour formation and conversely loss of stem cells or failure of℗ differentiation could disrupt tissue homeostasis or℗ repair. Hence, stem cells are regulated by multiple layers of molecular control and this volume discusses transcriptional, translational, epigenetic, cell signalling and microRNA modalities that affect stem cell behaviour. Many of the underlying key principles of stem cell biology were discovered by genetic analysis of invertebrate systems and chapters in this volume describe regulation of the germline in C. elegans and in the digestive system, central nervous system and germline of Drosophila. The molecular processes that regulate regenerative organ systems from all three of the vertebrate germ layers are described with emphasis on the male germline, nervous system, epidermis, intestine, haematopoietic system and derivatives of the mesoderm. Several chapters also focus on molecular families that have been implicated in controlling a range of stem cell types including the JAK-STAT, Wnt and℗ Notch signalling pathways; Myc, Myb and nuclear receptor transcriptional regulators; the Musashi family of RNA-binding proteins; microRNAs and epigenetic regulators. This volume will provide access to the current state of research in these rapidly evolving areas of stem cell biology to the student, educator or researcher.”

Saatavuus Helka-tietokannassa




Basic aspects of hearing : physiology and perception / edited by Brian C. J. Moore, Roy D. Patterson, Ian M. Winter, Robert P. Carlyon, Hedwig E Gockel.

“The International Symposium on Hearing is a highly-prestigious, triennial event where world-class scientists present and discuss the most recent advances in the field of hearing research in animals and humans. Presented papers range from basic to applied research, and are of interest neuroscientists, otolaryngologists, psychologists, and artificial intelligence researchers. Basic Aspects of Hearing: Physiology and Perception includes the best papers from the 2012 International Symposium on Hearing. Over 50 chapters focus on the relationship between auditory physiology, psychoacoustics, and computational modeling.”

Saatavuus Helka-tietokannassa




Att färdas hoppfullt : läkare i fyra världsdelar / Erik Hagman.

“När Erik Hagman blev pensionerad våren 2002 efter drygt trettio år som läkare, lämnade han arbetslivet utan saknad. Men redan på hösten märkte han att tillvaron hemma i Ekenäs blev alltför trist. Han tackade snart ja till korta men lockande jobb utomlands som medicinsk gästarbetare. Det blev tio minnesrika år för den pensionerade doktorn bland patienter av olika kulörer och samhällsklasser i fyra världsdelar, från Europas utpost Grönland i norr till Australien i söder.”

Saatavuus Helka-tietokannassa