Uutuuskirjoja Terkossa 02 / 2014


Lastenneurologia / toimittajat: Helena Pihko, Leena Haataja, Heikki Rantala

”Kirjassa esitellään lapsen normaali kehitys ja sen yleisimmät poikkeavuudet, kuten puheen- ja kielenkehityksen sekä motoriikan häiriöt, oppimisvaikeudet, aktiivisuuden ja tarkkaavuuden häiriö, autismikirjon häiriöt ja kehitysvammaisuus. Lastenneurologia kuvaa tavallisia lasten neurologisia oireita ja sairauksia, kuten päänsärky, sekä harvinaisia neurologisia sairauksia, kuten neuromuskulaarisairaudet. Mukana ovat myös lastenneurologisen kuntoutuksen periaatteet ja menetelmät. Kirjassa käsitellään diagnostiset tutkimusmenetelmät ja pohditaan aiheeseen liittyviä eettisiä kysymyksiä.
Kirjan kohderyhmiä ovat lääketieteen opiskelijat ja lääkärit. Kirjan toivotaan palvelevan myös lasten parissa toimivia moniammatillisia yhteisöjä sairaaloissa ja perusterveydenhuollossa sekä erityispedagogiikan toimijoita.”

Saatavuus Helka-tietokannassa




Lääkärin käsikirja / toimitus Jukkapekka Jousimaa … [et al.] ; 11. uud. p.

” Lääkärin käsikirja on jo yli kahden vuosikymmenen ajan palvellut suomalaisia lääkäreitä käytännön työssä tiivistämällä olennaisen tarvittavan tiedon selkeiksi hoitosuosituksiksi. Oirelähtöiset ohjeet helpottavat diagnoosin tekoa, ja sairauslähtöisistä ohjeista löytyvät suositukset hoidosta ja seurannasta. Käsikirja on suunnattu perusterveydenhuollossa ja sairaaloiden poliklinikoilla toimiville lääkäreille. Sen toimittamiseen osallistuu lähes 500 eri alojen asiantuntijaa.
Lääkärin käsikirja 11. painos on kokonaisuudessaan päivitetty ja kaikkien artikkeleiden ajanmukaisuus on tarkistettu. Myös artikkeleiden rakenteelliseen yhdenmukaistamiseen on kiinnitetty huomiota. Kirjan kokoa on rajoitettu sen käytettävyyden parantamiseksi, ja siksi osa artikkeleista on julkaistu vain Lääkärin käsikirjan sähköisessä versiossa. Nämä artikkelit on listattu erikseen kunkin luvun lopussa. Kokonaan uutena osana kirjassa on mukana yleislääketieteen luku, johon on kerätty artikkeleita avohoidon vastaanotoilla yleisistä oireista.”

Saatavuus Helka-tietokannassa




Systems Analysis of Human Multigene Disorders / edited by Natalia Maltsev, Andrey Rzhetsky, T. Conrad Gilliam.

“Understanding the genetic architecture underlying complex multigene disorders is one of the major goals of human genetics in the upcoming decades. Advances in whole genome sequencing and the success of high throughput functional genomics allow supplementing conventional reductionist biology with systems-level approaches to human heredity and health as systems of interacting genetic, epigenetic, and environmental factors. This integrative approach holds the promise of unveiling yet unexplored levels of molecular organization and biological complexity. It may also hold the key to deciphering the multigene patterns of disease inheritance.”

Saatavuus Helka-tietokannassa




Heterogeneity in Asthma / edited by Allan R. Brasier.

“Asthma is a chronic relapsing airways disease that represents a major public health problem worldwide. Intermittent exacerbations are provoked by airway mucosal exposure to pro-inflammatory stimuli, with RNA viral infections or inhaled allergens representing the two most common precipitants. In this setting, inducible signaling pathways the airway mucosa play a central role in the initiation of airway inflammation through production of antimicrobial peptides (defensins), cytokines, chemokines and arachidonic acid metabolites that coordinate the complex processes of vascular permeability, cellular recruitment, mucous hyper-secretion, bronchial constriction and tissue remodeling. These signals also are responsible for leukocytic infiltration into the submucosa, T helper-lymphocyte skewing, and allergic sensitization. Currently, it is well appreciated that asthma is a heterogeneous in terms of onset, exacerbants, severity, and treatment response. Current asthma classification methods are largely descriptive and focus on a single aspect or dimension of the disease. An active area of investigation on how to collect, use and visualize multidimensional profiling in asthma. This book will overview multidimensional profiling strategies and visualization approaches for phenotyping asthma. As an outcome, this work will facilitate the understanding of disease etiology, prognosis and/or therapeutic intervention.”

Saatavuus Helka-tietokannassa




Cellular and Molecular Control of Neuronal Migration / editors, Laurent Nguyen, Simon Hippenmeyer.

“Cellular and Molecular Control of Neuronal Migration provides an up-to-date collection of reviews on the molecular and cellular principles of neuronal migration in the mammalian brain. Over the last decades a rich catalogue of signaling molecules controlling neuronal migration has been compiled, and within this book an international panel of experts provides up-to-date discussions of the state of knowledge how these distinct signaling pathways regulate various aspects of neuronal migration. This book introduces the reader to the latest discoveries and concepts of neuronal migration enabled through the application of most sophisticated methods and cutting edge experimental approaches. Cellular and Molecular Control of Neuronal Migration also provides an update on the underlying cellular and molecular basis of neurodevelopmental migration disorders in human patients for all interested neuroscientists and clinicians.”

Saatavuus Helka-tietokannassa




One health : the human-animal-environment interfaces in emerging infectious diseases : the concept and examples of a one health approach / editors, John S. Mackenzie, Martyn Jeggo, Peter Daszak, Juergen A. Richt.

“This volume brings together the concepts that underpin a One Health approach and a range of examples of this approach in action around a variety of emerging infectious diseases. The first section starts with a human clinical perception, brings in the veterinary and human-animal interface perspective and then links this with environment issues, with a special chapter dealing with wildlife. It concludes by looking at the economics of a One Health approach, both in terms of the costs of delivering a One Health approach as well as the value added. The second section looks at a number of key emerging infectious diseases and in each case details how a One Health approach has added value, particularly in terms of disease control and cost outcomes. The examples cover virus, bacterial, protozoal and parasitic infections and provide case studies at the national, regional and global level. The studies themselves vary in depth and detail but provide an engaging set of examples of the value of a One Health approach. In all cases, the authors have local and personal experience of the disease in question, providing real life examples of what can be achieved. The final chapter entitled ’Men, primates and germs: an ongoing affair’ provides a fascinating insight into pathogen host switching between closely related species which serves to illustrate a core value of a One Health approach.”

Saatavuus Helka-tietokannassa




Pathogenesis of Mycobacterium tuberculosis and its interaction with the host organism / editors, Jean Pieters, John D. McKinney.

“Mycobacterium tuberculosis is one of the most notorious pathogens on earth, causing the death of approximately 1.5 million people annually. A major problem in the fight against tuberculosis is the emergence of strains that have acquired resistance to all available antibiotics. One key to the success of M. tuberculosis as a pathogen is its ability to circumvent host immune responses at different levels. This is not only a result of the special makeup of M. tuberculosis in terms of genetic diversity and DNA metabolism and its possession of specialized secretion systems, but also of its ability to hijack innate immune defence mechanisms. In this volume, researchers from different disciplines provide a topical overview of the diverse mechanisms that contribute to the virulence of M. tuberculosis, ranging from their genetic, metabolic and molecular makeup, as well as the complex strategies these bacteria utilize to escape immune destruction within infected hosts.”

Saatavuus Helka-tietokannassa




Molecular mechanisms in Legionella pathogenesis / edited by Hubert Hilbi.

“Legionnaires’ disease, a potentially fatal type of pneumonia primarily affecting elderly and immuno-compromised persons, is caused by the ubiquitous environmental bacterium Legionella pneumophila. This book offers authoritative reviews of different facets of its virulence, focusing on comparative phagocyte infection, virulence gene regulation, biochemical functions of effector proteins and cellular pathogen-host interactions, as well as host responses and immunity to L. pneumophila. Taken together, the contributions in this compilation provide a state-of-the-art overview of current insights into the molecular pathogenesis of the opportunistic and potentially fatal pathogen L. pneumophila.”

Saatavuus Helka-tietokannassa




Thymic development and selection of T Lymphocytes / edited by Thomas Boehm, Yousuke Takahama.

“The thymus is an evolutionarily ancient primary lymphoid organ common to all vertebrates in which T cell development takes place. Failing thymus function is associated with immunodeficiency and/or autoimmunity. In this volume, leading experts provide a comprehensive overview of recent advances in thymopoiesis research. The chapters cover the development of the thymic epithelial microenvironment, address the formation of a diverse and self-tolerant repertoire of T cell receptors as the basis for cellular immunity, discuss the mechanisms by which progenitor cells colonize the thymus and detail the molecular basis for T lineage decisions. The reviews illustrate the important role of the multifaceted process of thymopoiesis for adaptive immunity.”

Saatavuus Helka-tietokannassa




Hospitals and borders : seven case studies on cross-border collaboration and health system interactions / edited by Irene A. Glinos and Matthias Wismar.

“The European Union (EU) Directive on the application of patients’ rights in cross-border health care explicitly calls for Member States to cooperate in cross-border health care provision in border regions. Given that most such collaboration in the health care field involves secondary care, the new legal requirement means that hospitals that are close to national frontiers will be the focus of significant attention. But how do hospitals interact with each other and with other health care actors across borders? Why does cross-border collaboration take place? Who actually benefits from it? And when does it work? These are the questions at the heart of the present volume.
Seven case studies examine the circumstances under which cross-border collaboration is likely to work, the motivations and incentives of health care actors and the role played by health systems, individuals and the EU in shaping cross-border collaboration. The study is original in offering qualitative and analytical scientific evidence on aspects of cross-border collaboration involving hospitals in 11 EU and non-EU countries (Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, the Netherlands, Norway, Romania and Spain).
This book is of interest to decision-makers and field actors engaged in or considering cross-border collaboration. Questions on feasibility, desirability and implementation are at the core of the analysis. The book puts forward policy conclusions directly linked to the EU Directive on patients’ rights and proposes a “toolbox” of prerequisites for starting or maintaining cross-border collaboration in health care. In addition to its deliberate policy perspective, it also focuses on at the intersection between the EU and domestic health systems known as cross-border health care.”

Saatavuus Helka-tietokannassa




What doctors feel : how emotions affect the practice of medicine / Danielle Ofri.

“Physicians are assumed to be objective, rational beings, easily able to detach as they guide patients and families through some of life’s most challenging moments. But doctors’ emotional responses to the life-and-death dramas of everyday practice have a profound impact on medical care. And while much has been written about the minds and methods of the medical professionals who save our lives, precious little has been said about their emotions. In What Doctors Feel, Dr. Danielle Ofri has taken on the task of dissecting the hidden emotional responses of doctors, and how these directly influence patients. How do the stresses of medical life-from paperwork to grueling hours to lawsuits to facing death-affect the medical care that doctors can offer their patients? Digging deep into the lives of doctors, Ofri examines the daunting range of emotions-shame, anger, empathy, frustration, hope, pride, occasionally despair, and sometimes even love-that permeate the contemporary doctor-patient connection. Drawing on scientific studies, including some surprising research, Dr. Danielle Ofri offers up an unflinching look at the impact of emotions on health care. With her renowned eye for dramatic detail, Dr. Ofri takes us into the swirling heart of patient care, telling stories of caregivers caught up and occasionally torn down by the whirlwind life of doctoring. She admits to the humiliation of an error that nearly killed one of her patients and her forever fear of making another. She mourns when a beloved patient is denied a heart transplant. She tells the riveting stories of an intern traumatized when she is forced to let a newborn die in her arms, and of a doctor whose daily glass of wine to handle the frustrations of the ER escalates into a destructive addiction. But doctors don’t only feel fear, grief, and frustration. Ofri also reveals that doctors tell bad jokes about “toxic sock syndrome,” cope through gallows humor, find hope in impossible situations, and surrender to ecstatic happiness when they triumph over illness. The stories here reveal the undeniable truth that emotions have a distinct effect on how doctors care for their patients. For both clinicians and patients, understanding what doctors feel can make all the difference in giving and getting the best medical care.”

Saatavuus Helka-tietokannassa




Paralysed with fear : the story of polio / Gareth Williams

“For much of the twentieth century, polio inspired terror as the ’morning paralysis’ which could break into any home and disable or kill a previously healthy person. The cruelty of the disease is epitomised by the iconic images of the crippled child and the iron lung. This story of mankind’s struggle against polio is compelling, exciting and full of twists and paradoxes. One of the grand challenges of modern medicine, it was a battleground between good and bad science. Some research won Nobel Prizes; other work was flawed or fraudulent, holding up progress and endangering patients’ lives. Gareth Williams takes an original view of the journey to understanding and defeating polio, exploring the profoundly moving experiences of victims alongside the medical and scientific landmarks in the history of the disease.”

Saatavuus Helka-tietokannassa