Terveysuutisia tiedotusvälineistä – 15 / 2014


Poimintoja terveysuutisista, vko 15 / 2014.

Tutustu alkuperäisartikkeleihin Terkossa, (HY:n verkossa).

Tai tilaa kotiin Terkon kaukopalvelun kautta!




Joka kahdeksas kuolema johtuu ilmansaasteistaYle
YLE 7.4.2014
One in eight deaths is due to air pollution, says WHO
BMJ 2014;348:g2379


Verenmyrkytys voi laukaista sydänkohtauksen
YLE 8.4.2014
Risk for Myocardial Infarction and Stroke After Community-Acquired Bacteremia : A 20-Year Population-Based Cohort Study
Circulation. 2014; 129: 1387-1396


Iäkkään ihmisen elinpiiri on pienimmillään huone
YLE 9.4.2014
Association Between Physical Performance and Sense of Autonomy in Outdoor Activities and Life-Space Mobility in Community-Dwelling Older People
Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. Volume 62, Issue 4, pages 615–621, April 2014


Liikunta keski-iässä suojaa dementialta
YLE 9.4.2014
Leisure-time physical activity from mid- to late life, body mass index, and risk of dementia
Alzheimer’s & Dementia. Available online 8 April 2014


Influenssalääkkeissä ei ole valinnanvaraa
YLE 10.4.2014
Neuraminidase inhibitors for preventing and treating influenza in healthy adults and children
Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2014, Issue 4. Art. No.: CD008965


Asiantuntijat varoittavat Kiinaa, Intiaa ja Venäjää uhkaavasta syöpäkriisistä
YLE 12.4.2014
Challenges to effective cancer control in China, India, and Russia
The Lancet Oncology. Volume 15, Issue 5, April 2014, Pages 489–538


Tupakoinnin esiintyvyys ja määreet Etelä-IntiassaTampereenYOpx
Tampereen yo:n väitöstiedote 11.4.2014
Jayadevan Sreedharan: Prevalence and Determinants of Tobacco Habit in Kollam district, Kerala, India
University of Tampere. 2014


Tehohoitopotilaan koliitin leikkaushoidon tulokset, ennuste ja kudosmuutoksetOulunYO
Oulun yo:n väitöstiedote 11.4.2014
Seija Sipola: Colectomy in an ICU patient population : clinical and histological evaluation
University of Oulu. 2014


Rasvainen ruoka ei lihota hiiriä, kun NNMT-entsyymin ilmentyminen estetäänItaSuomenYO
Itä-Suomen yo:n tiedote 10.4.2014
Nicotinamide N-methyltransferase knockdown protects against diet-induced obesity
Nature. 508, 258–262


Uusi laki vahvistaa potilaan itsemääräämisoikeutta
Potilaan Lääkärilehti 7.4.2014
Sosiaali- ja terveydenhuollon asiakkaan itsemääräämisoikeus. Työryhmän loppuraportti
Sosiaali- ja terveysministeriön raportteja ja muistioita 2014:14


Erektiolääke voi lisätä melanooman riskiäPotilaanLääkärilehti
Potilaan Lääkärilehti 9.4.2014
Sildenafil Use and Increased Risk of Incident Melanoma in US Men : A Prospective Cohort Study
JAMA Intern Med. Published online April 07, 2014.


Syntymäpaino vaikuttaa ruokatottumuksiin
Potilaan Lääkärilehti 9.4.2014
Mia-Maria Perälä: Early Growth and Adult Health : Programming of postprandial responses, food intake and salt sensitivity
University of Helsinki. 2014


DNA-testi ja ulosteen veritesti eivät sovellu suolistosyöpien seulontaan
Potilaan Lääkärilehti 10.4.2014
Multitarget Stool DNA Testing for Colorectal-Cancer Screening
N Engl J Med 2014; 370:1287-1297


Tutkittavien rekrytointiongelmat keskeyttävät tutkimuksia
SLL 15/2014, vsk 69, s. 1130
Prevalence, Characteristics, and Publication of Discontinued Randomized Trials
JAMA. 2014;311(10):1045-1052


Terveellinen ruokavalio saattaa suojata ennenaikaiselta synnytykseltä
SLL 15/2014, vsk 69, s. 1130 – 1131
Maternal dietary patterns and preterm delivery: results from large prospective cohort study
BMJ 2014;348:g1446


Joko löytyi tehokas kohdun lihaskasvaimen lääkehoito?
SLL 15/2014, vsk 69, s. 1131
Individualized vaginal bleeding experience of women with uterine fibroids in the PEARL I randomized controlled trial comparing the effects of ulipristal acetate or placebo
Hum. Reprod. (2014) 29 (3): 480-489


Statiini ja ASA hematologin lääkevalikoimaan?
SLL 15/2014, vsk 69, s. 1131
Statin and aspirin use is associated with improved outcome of FCR therapy in relapsed/refractory chronic lymphocytic leukemia
Blood. February 27, 2014, vol. 123, no. 9, 1424-1426


Statiinit saattavat auttaa osaa MS-potilaistaDuodecim
Duodecim 8.4.2014
Effect of high-dose simvastatin on brain atrophy and disability in secondary progressive multiple sclerosis (MS-STAT) : a randomised, placebo-controlled, phase 2 trial
The Lancet, Early Online Publication, 19 March 2014


Nuorena kuntoilevien muisti parempi keski-iässä
Duodecim 9.4.2014
Cardiorespiratory fitness and cognitive function in middle age : The CARDIA Study
Neurology. Published online before print April 2, 2014


Tupakoiva puoliso vähentää lopettamishaluja
Duodecim 9.4.2014
The Association of Spousal Smoking Status With the Ability to Quit Smoking : The Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities Study
Am J Epidemiol. First published online: April 3, 2014


Eteisvärinän ablaatiohoito sydänleikkauksen yhteydessä palauttaa tehokkaasti normaalirytmin
Duodecim 10.4.2014
Surgical ablation for treatment of atrial fibrillation in cardiac surgery : a cumulative meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials
Heart. Published Online First 20 March 2014


Viruslääkkeet ehkä luultua tehottomampia influenssaan
Duodecim 11.4.2014
Oseltamivir for influenza in adults and children : systematic review of clinical study reports and summary of regulatory comments
BMJ 2014;348:g2545
Zanamivir for influenza in adults and children : systematic review of clinical study reports and summary of regulatory comments
BMJ 2014;348:g2547


Högkänslig troponin T-analys förbättrar tidig diagnostik av hjärtinfarktLäkartidningen2
Läkartidningen. 2014;111:CUFS
Dina Melki: Assessment of patients with symptoms suggestive of acute coronary syndrome : the use of high sensitive cardiac troponin T and a risk score
Karolinska Institutet. 2013


Alla danskars psykiatriska vårdbehov riskbedömt
Läkartidningen. 2014;111:CUUY
A Comprehensive Nationwide Study of the Incidence Rate and Lifetime Risk for Treated Mental Disorders
JAMA Psychiatry. Published online March 26, 2014


Genetisk kartläggning av hjärnans utvecklingsstadier
Läkartidningen. 2014;111:CUUX
Transcriptional landscape of the prenatal human brain
Nature. 508, 199–206


Goda effekter av rökförbud på offentliga platser
Läkartidningen. 2014;111:CUUW
Effect of smoke-free legislation on perinatal and child health : a systematic review and meta-analysis
The Lancet. Available online 28 March 2014


Samma sexfantasier hos flickor och pojkarForskning
Forskning.se 7.4.2014
Pornography and Sexual Experiences Among High School Students in Sweden
Journal of Developmental & Behavioral Pediatrics. Volume 35(3), April 2014, p 179–188


Muskelsvaghet orsakas av dysfunktionella molekylära system
Forskning.se 7.4.2014
Johan Lindqvist: Cellular and Molecular Mechanisms Underlying Congenital Myopathy-related Weakness
Uppsala University. 2014


Fler unga har typ 1-diabetes än vad som tidigare beräknats
Forskning.se 7.4.2014
The incidence of diabetes among 0–34 year olds in Sweden : new data and better methods
Diabetologia. Published online: 9 April 2014


Hoppande gener och antibiotikaresistens
Forskning.se 7.4.2014
A Bayesian Method for Analyzing Lateral Gene Transfer
Systematic Biology. First published online: February 20, 2014


Livsstilsförändrande metod kan minska risken för stroke och ohälsa
Forskning.se 7.4.2014
Ann Blomstrand: Life style intervention in primary care and aspects on stroke prevention
University of Gothenburg. 2014


Ultraljud varnar för annalkande hjärt- och kärlsjukdom
Forskning.se 8.4.2014
Charlotte Eklund: Biological relevance and prognostic significance of radial artery intima-media thickness
University of Gothenburg. 2014


Autism som en naturlig variation
Forskning.se 8.4.2014
Pier Jaarsma: Reflections on Autism : Ethical Perspectives on Autism Spectrum Disorder in Health Care and Education
Linköping University. 2014


Ökad diabetesrisk om invandrarbarn föds i Sverige
Forskning.se 9.4.2014
Ulf Söderström: Type 1 diabetes in children with non-Swedish background : epidemiology and clinical outcome
Örebro University. 2014


Eating disorders in young men ‘are being overlooked’BBC
BBC 8.4.2014
Original Article:
The role of gendered constructions of eating disorders in delayed help-seeking in men : a qualitative interview study
BMJ Open 2014;4:e004342


Mental health cuts cost the NHS millions, charity says
BBC 9.4.2014
Investing in recovery : Making the business case for effective interventions for people with schizophrenia and psychosis.
Rethink Mental Illness & London School of Economics. 2014


Doctors implant lab-grown vagina
BBC 11.4.2014
Original Article:
Tissue-engineered autologous vaginal organs in patients : a pilot cohort study
The Lancet. Available online 10 April 2014


Prostate cancer tests miss severity in half of cases
BBC 11.4.2014
Original Article:
Identification of pathologically insignificant prostate cancer is not accurate in unscreened men
British Journal of Cancer advance online publication 10 April 2014


Hepatitis C: New drug treatment ‘is a breakthrough’
BBC 12.4.2014
Original Article:
ABT-450/r–Ombitasvir and Dasabuvir with Ribavirin for Hepatitis C with Cirrhosis
NEJM. April 12, 2014


Diseases of poor nations see little researchFuturity
Futurity 7.4.2014
Original Article:
Attention to Local Health Burden and the Global Disparity of Health Research
PLOS One. April 2014, Volume 9, Issue 4, e90147


How immune cells tag ‘trash’ for destruction
Futurity 7.4.2014
Original Article:
Molecular mechanism for differential recognition of membrane phosphatidylserine by the immune regulatory receptor Tim4
PNAS. Published online before print on March 31, 2014


Anticancer drug reverses schizophrenia symptoms in teen mice
Futurity 7.4.2014
Original Article:
PAKs inhibitors ameliorate schizophrenia-associated dendritic spine deterioration in vitro and in vivo during late adolescence
PNAS. Published online before print on April 3, 2014


Scientists find ‘off’ switch for scleroderma
Futurity 8.4.2014
Original Article:
Targeting the myofibroblast genetic switch : inhibitors of MRTF/SRF-regulated gene transcription prevent fibrosis in a murine model of skin injury
JPET. Published online before print April 4, 2014


Going easy on yourself may improve health
Futurity 8.4.2014
Original Article:
Self-compassion as a predictor of interleukin-6 response to acute psychosocial stress
Brain, Behavior, and Immunity. Volume 37, March 2014, Pages 109–114


Dog genes may offer clues to cleft palate in humans
Futurity 8.4.2014
Original Article:
A LINE-1 Insertion in DLX6 Is Responsible for Cleft Palate and Mandibular Abnormalities in a Canine Model of Pierre Robin Sequence
PLOS Genetics. April 2014, Volume 10, Issue 4, e1004257


Severe obesity on the rise among US kids
Futurity 8.4.2014
Original Article:
Prevalence and Trends in Obesity and Severe Obesity Among Children in the United States, 1999-2012
JAMA Pediatr. Published online April 07, 2014


Why high blood pressure can lead to abnormal heartbeats
Futurity 8.4.2014
Original Article:
Mechanochemotransduction During Cardiomyocyte Contraction Is Mediated by Localized Nitric Oxide Signaling
Sci. Signal., 18 March 2014, Vol. 7, Issue 317, p. ra27


Climate change may make food less nutritious
Futurity 8.4.2014
Original Article:
Nitrate assimilation is inhibited by elevated CO2 in field-grown wheat
Nature Climate Change. Published online 06 April 2014


Losing, Not Violent Content, Triggers Video Game Rage
Futurity 9.4.2014
Original Article:
Competence-Impeding Electronic Games and Players’ Aggressive Feelings, Thoughts, and Behaviors
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. Volume 106(3), March 2014, p 441–457


Depression linked to asthma risk for black women
Futurity 9.4.2014
Original Article:
Depressive symptoms and the incidence of adult-onset asthma in African American women
Annals of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology. Volume 112, Issue 4, April 2014, Pages 333–338.e1


New clues to why RSV sends babies to the hospital
Futurity 9.4.2014
Original Article:
RSV-encoded NS2 promotes epithelial cell shedding and distal airway obstruction
J Clin Invest. Published April 8, 2014


Green Tomato Compound Fights Muscle Atrophy
Futurity 10.4.2014
Original Article:
Systems-Based Discovery of Tomatidine as a Natural Small Molecule Inhibitor of Skeletal Muscle Atrophy
The Journal of Biological Chemistry. First Published on April 9, 2014


HIV battle must focus on hard-hit neighborhoods
Futurity 10.4.2014
Original Article:
Geography Should Not Be Destiny : Focusing HIV/AIDS Implementation Research and Programs on Microepidemics in US Neighborhoods
American Journal of Public Health. May2014, Vol. 104, Issue 5, p.775-780


In Chicago’s poor neighborhoods, residents suffer and get sick
Futurity 10.4.2014
Original Article:
Negative Life Events Vary by Neighborhood and Mediate the Relation between Neighborhood Context and Psychological Well-Being
PLOS One. April 2014, Volume 9, Issue 4, e93539


Stop ‘copying’ protein to knock out flu virus
Futurity 10.4.2014
Original Article:
Cellular DDX21 RNA Helicase Inhibits Influenza A Virus Replication but Is Counteracted by the Viral NS1 Protein
Cell Host & Microbe. Volume 15, Issue 4, 9 April 2014, Pages 484–493


Teamwork is best when making surgery decisions for elderly
Futurity 10.4.2014
Original Article:
Redesigning Surgical Decision Making for High-Risk Patients
N Engl J Med 2014; 370:1379-1381


Treatment cuts H1N1 flu deaths in mice
Futurity 10.4.2014
Original Article:
Targeted Prostaglandin E2 Inhibition Enhances Antiviral Immunity through Induction of Type I Interferon and Apoptosis in Macrophages
Immunity. Volume 40, Issue 4, p554–568


‘Molecular trigger’ holds clues to psychiatric disorders
Futurity 11.4.2014
Original Article:
Roles of Heat Shock Factor 1 in Neuronal Response to Fetal Environmental Risks and Its Relevance to Brain Disorders
Neuron. Available online 10 April 2014


Sense of smell gets ‘wired’ early in life
Futurity 11.4.2014
Original Article:
A Critical Period Defined by Axon-Targeting Mechanisms in the Murine Olfactory Bulb
Science. Vol. 344, no. 6180, pp. 197-200


Overeating can lead to brown fat ‘dysfunction’
Futurity 11.4.2014
Original Article:
Vascular rarefaction mediates whitening of brown fat in obesity
J Clin Invest. Published April 8, 2014





© Koonnut – 25.4.2014 – Lassi Pohjanpää – Meilahden kampuskirjasto Terkko