Micromedex Training Seminar in Terkko 16.5.2014

Micromedex Training Seminar in Terkko

Get the best value from Micromedex Clinical Knowledge
Aika: pe 16.5.2014 klo 13:00 – 15:00
Paikka: Terkko, Haartmaninkatu 4, Helsinki (Terkon auditorio)
Esittelijä: Fabien Wecker, MSN, RN, MA, Senior Clinical Training Manager at Truven Health Analytics

Ilmoittautuminen 9.5. mennessä: http://interest.truvenhealth.com/forms/INTL-CDS-201405-MDXNordicHelsinkiTraining
tai s-postitse: dan.ahlskog@wizenordic.com

This May we are hosting a seminar to give current Micromedex users practical training on using the evidence-based medicines resource in a clinical setting and to share the recent and upcoming Micromedex developments. The focus will be on providing concrete tips and advice on how you can get the best possible benefits and value from your Micromedex access. The presenter, Fabien Wecker, will also be able to answer any of your questions and give real-life examples from using Micromedex in a clinical environment.

Micromedex Terkko Navigatorissa: http://terkko.helsinki.fi/micromedex