Terveysuutisia tiedotusvälineistä – 07 / 2014


Poimintoja terveysuutisista, vko 07 / 2014.

Tutustu alkuperäisartikkeleihin Terkossa, (HY:n verkossa).

Tai tilaa kotiin Terkon kaukopalvelun kautta!




Sokkohoito paransi hiirten kuuloaYLE
YLE 10.2.2014
Crossmodal Induction of Thalamocortical Potentiation Leads to Enhanced Information Processing in the Auditory Cortex
Neuron, Volume 81, Issue 3, 664-673, 5 February 2014


Uniapneaa sairastavien pitäisi pyrkiä pudottamaan painoa
YLE 11.2.2014
The impact of weight reduction in the prevention of the progression of obstructive sleep apnea : an explanatory analysis of a 5-year observational follow-up trial
Sleep Medicine. Available online 30 January 2014


Keväällä syntyvillä saattaa olla enemmän melanoomaa
YLE 13.2.2014
Season of birth and other perinatal risk factors for melanoma
Int J Epidemiol. First published online: January 22, 2014


Rokotetta vailla oleva pneumokokkibakteerikanta levittää perimäänsä tarpeen mukaanHY
HY:n lehdistötiedote 10.2.2014
Dense genomic sampling identifies highways of pneumococcal recombination
Nature Genetics. Published online 09 February 2014


Mistä on pienet peptidit tehty? – Massaspektrometria avaa proteiinien salaisuuksia
HY:n lehdistötiedote 13.2.2014
Ville Parviainen: Mass spectrometry in clinical protein biomarker discovery
Helsingin yliopisto, lääketieteellinen tiedekunta, kliinisteoreettinen laitos. 2014


Sydämen repolarisaation genetiikka ja leposyke sydän- ja verisuonitautien riskin arvioinnissaTampereenYOpx
Tampereen yo:n väitöstiedote 14.2.2014
Jenni Koskela: Evaluation of Cardiovascular Risk by Electrocardiographic Variables – focus on heart rate and genetic variants of cardiac repolarization
University of Tampere, School of Medicine. 2014


Ohimolohkoepilepsiaa sairastavien lasten neuropsykologinen suoriutuminen ja hermoverkostojen toimintaOulunYO
Oulun yo:n väitöstiedote 14.2.2014
Katariina Mankinen: Neuropsychological performance and functional MRI findings in children with non-lesional temporal lobe epilepsy
University of Oulu, Faculty of Medicine, Institute of Clinical Medicine. 2014


Arpeutumista estävä lääkeaine parantaa nenänsisäisesti tehdyn kyynelteiden uusintaleikkauksen tuloksia
Itä-Suomen yo:n väitöstiedote 14.2.2014
Elina Penttilä: Predictive factors in endonasal endoscopic lacrimal surgery
Itä-Suomen yliopisto, Terveystieteiden tiedekunta. 2014


Myytti suomalaisen psykiatrian takapajuisuudesta ei pidä paikkaansaItaSuomenYO
Itä-Suomen yo:n väitöstiedote 15.2.2014
Helena Hirvonen: Suomalaisen psykiatriatieteen juuria etsimässä : psykiatria tieteenä ja käytäntönä 1800-luvulta vuoteen 1930
Itä-Suomen yliopisto, Yhteiskuntatieteiden ja kauppatieteiden tiedekunta. 2014


Lääkitys saattaa pienentää ADHD-potilaan riskiä liikenteessä
Potilaan Lääkärilehti 10.2.2014
Serious Transport Accidents in Adults With Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder and the Effect of Medication : A Population-Based Study
JAMA Psychiatry. Published online January 29, 2014.


Ikääntyneiden diabetes haastaa terveydenhuollonPotilaanLääkärilehti
Potilaan Lääkärilehti 12.2.2014
Rates of Complications and Mortality in Older Patients With Diabetes Mellitus : The Diabetes and Aging Study
JAMA Intern Med. 2014;174(2):251-258


Työryhmät tappavat uudet ideat
Potilaan Lääkärilehti 13.2.2014
Riku Ruotsalainen: The micro-to-macro problem : the generation of mobilizing frames through idea development conversations
Aalto University, School of Science, Department of Industrial Engineering and Management. 2013


Statiinit vähentävät kuolleisuutta eturauhassyöpään
SLL 7/2014, vsk 69, s. 466
Use of Statins and the Risk of Death in Patients With Prostate Cancer
J Clin Oncol. 2014 Jan 1;32(1):5-11.


Hoito vai seuranta eturauhassyöpäpotilaalle?
SLL 7/2014, vsk 69, s. 466 – 467
Initial management of prostate-specific antigen-detected, low-risk prostate cancer and the risk of death from prostate cancer
BJU International. Volume 113, Issue 1, pages 43–50, January 2014


Geenitutkimuksista ei etua varfariinihoidon aloittamisessa
SLL 7/2014, vsk 69, s. 467
A Randomized Trial of Genotype-Guided Dosing of Acenocoumarol and Phenprocoumon
N Engl J Med. 2013 ; 369 : 2304-2312
A Randomized Trial of Genotype-Guided Dosing of Warfarin
N Engl J Med. 2013 ; 369 : 2294-2303
A Pharmacogenetic versus a Clinical Algorithm for Warfarin Dosing
N Engl J Med. 2013 ; 369 : 2283-2293


Inflammaation ja hyytymisen yhteydet ja muutosten vaikutus keskosten sairastuvuuteen
SLL 7/2014, vsk 69, s. 488

Anniina Palojärvi: Coagulation and Inflammation in Very Low Birth Weight Infants
Helsingin yliopisto, lääketieteellinen tiedekunta, kliininen laitos. 2013


Raskausmyrkytyksen ennustaminen alkuraskaudessa
SLL 7/2014, vsk 69, s. 488 – 489
Elina Keikkala: Predicting pre-eclampsia : angiogenic factors and various forms of human chorionic gonadotropin
Helsingin yliopisto, lääketieteellinen tiedekunta, kliininen laitos. 2014


Puolison kuolema ei aikaista iäkkään dementiaaDuodecim
Duodecim 10.2.2014
Spousal Loss and Cognitive Function in Later Life : A 25-year Follow-up in the AGES-Reykjavik Study
Am J Epidemiol. First published online: January 19, 2014


D-vitamiinin vähyys ennustaa MS-taudin etenemistä
Duodecim 11.2.2014
Vitamin D as an Early Predictor of Multiple Sclerosis Activity and Progression
JAMA Neurol. Published online January 20, 2014


Sydänkohtauksen vaara saattaa suurentua eläkkeellä
Duodecim 12.2.2014
Does retirement reduce the risk of myocardial infarction? A prospective registry linkage study of 617 511 Danish workers
Int J Epidemiol. First published online: January 9, 2014


Ilmansaasteet voivat nostaa verenpainetta
Duodecim 13.2.2014
Spatial Association Between Ambient Fine Particulate Matter and Incident Hypertension
Circulation. 2014; 129: 562-569


Syömishäiriöt saattavat altistaa aikuistyypin diabetekselle
Duodecim 14.2.2014
Associations between DSM-IV mental disorders and diabetes mellitus : a role for impulse control disorders and depression
Diabetologia. Published online: 2 February 2014


Keskosuus suurentaa astman vaaraa
Duodecim 14.2.2014
Preterm Birth and Childhood Wheezing Disorders : A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
PLOS Medicine. January 2014,  Volume 11,  Issue 1,  e1001596


KBT gav lätt förbättring vid schizofreniLäkartidningen
Läkartidningen. 2014;111:CR7E
Cognitive therapy for people with schizophrenia spectrum disorders not taking antipsychotic drugs : a single-blind randomised controlled trial
The Lancet. Available online 6 February 2014


Stentbehandling alternativ vid malign kolonileus hos palliativa patienter
Läkartidningen. 2014;111:CR43
Predictors of outcome in palliative colonic stent placement for malignant obstruction
Br J Surg. 2014 Jan;101(2):121-6.


Ökad risk för schizofreni hos barn till äldre fäder
Läkartidningen. 2014;111:CR7I
A Comprehensive Assessment of Parental Age and Psychiatric Disorders
JAMA Psychiatry. Published online January 22, 2014


Positiva långtidseffekter av diabetesbehandling
Läkartidningen. 2014;111:CR7P
Stefan P.O. Jansson: A Longitudinal Study of Diabetes Mellitus : With Special Reference to Incidence and Prevalence, and to Determinants of Macrovascular Complications and Mortality
Uppsala University, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Public Health and Caring Sciences, Family Medicine and Preventive Medicine. 2014


Migration ökar spridning av sicklecellsanemi
Läkartidningen. 2014;111:CR7F
Global migration and the changing distribution of sickle haemoglobin : a quantitative study of temporal trends between 1960 and 2000
The Lancet Global Health. Volume 2, Issue 2, February 2014, Pages e80–e89


1–3 procent neandertalgener i den moderna människan
Läkartidningen. 2014;111:CSAS
The genomic landscape of Neanderthal ancestry in present-day humans
Nature. Published online 29 January 2014
Resurrecting Surviving Neandertal Lineages from Modern Human Genomes
Science Express. Published Online January 29 2014


Ny metod för screening av livmoderhalscancerForskning
Forskning.se 11.2.2014
Patrik Malm: Image Analysis in Support of Computer-Assisted Cervical Cancer Screening
Uppsala University, Department of Information Technology, Division of Visual Information and Interaction. 2013


Matematik ger svar på mest effektiva cancerbehandlingen
Forskning.se 12.2.2014
Hang Zettervall: Fuzzy Set Theory Applied to Make Medical Prognoses for Cancer Patients
Department of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Blekinge Institute of Technology. 2014


Bara svenska föräldrar behöver betala för hemförlossning
Forskning.se 14.2.2014
Praxis and guidelines for planned homebirths in the Nordic countries : An overview
Sexual & Reproductive Healthcare. Volume 5, Issue 1, March 2014, Pages 3–8


Störd återhämtning från inflammation kopplas till Alzheimers
Forskning.se 14.2.2014
Resolution of inflammation is altered in Alzheimer’s disease
Alzheimer’s & Dementia. Available online 12 February 2014


Rise in deaths from ‘legal highs’ in the UKBBC
BBC 12.2.2014
Drug-related deaths in the UK : Annual Report 2013
International Centre for Drug Policy ; St George’s, University of London. 2014


Mathematics: Why the brain sees maths as beauty
BBC 13.2.2014
Original Article:
The experience of mathematical beauty and its neural correlates
Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. February 2014,  Volume 8,  Article 68


Bacteria in lungs make COPD patients sickerFuturity
Futurity 10.2.2014
Original Article:
Bacterial Colonization Increases Daily Symptoms in Patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
Ann Am Thorac Soc. 2014 Jan 14. [Epub ahead of print]


More stomach ‘bugs’ for kids low on vitamin A
Futurity 10.2.2014
Original Article:
Vitamin A Deficiency Is Associated with Gastrointestinal and Respiratory Morbidity in School-Age Children
J Nutr. First published February 5, 2014


To predict how Lyme disease spreads, look closely at the rash
Futurity 10.2.2014
Original Article:
Spatiotemporal Evolution of Erythema Migrans, the Hallmark Rash of Lyme Disease
Biophysical Journal. Volume 106, Issue 3, 4 February 2014, Pages 763–768


Injected Virus Protects Mice From HIV
Futurity 10.2.2014
Original Article:
Vectored immunoprophylaxis protects humanized mice from mucosal HIV transmission
Nature Medicine. Published online 09 February 2014


Paper-strip test detects parasite that causes diarrhea
Futurity 10.2.2014
Original Article:
Nucleic Acid Test to Diagnose Cryptosporidiosis : Lab Assessment in Animal and Patient Specimens
Anal Chem. Publication Date (Web): January 30, 2014


Young adults who skip flu shot show most severe symptoms
Futurity 11.2.2014
Original Article:
High Intensive Care Unit Admission Rate for 2013–2014 Influenza Is Associated with a Low Rate of Vaccination
American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, Vol. 189, No. 4 (2014), pp. 485-487


Sweat Test May Lead To Better Cystic Fibrosis Therapy
Futurity 12.2.2014
Original Article:
A Little CFTR Goes a Long Way : CFTR-Dependent Sweat Secretion from G551D and R117H-5T Cystic Fibrosis Subjects Taking Ivacaftor
PLOS One. February 2014,  Volume 9,  Issue 2,  e88564


11 common disinfectants can’t kill HPV
Futurity 12.2.2014
Original Article:
Susceptibility of high-risk human papillomavirus type 16 to clinical disinfectants
J. Antimicrob. Chemother. First published online: February 4, 2014


Nanoparticles deliver drug to mice with muscular dystrophy
Futurity 12.2.2014
Original Article:
Rapamycin nanoparticles target defective autophagy in muscular dystrophy to enhance both strength and cardiac function
The FASEB Journal. Published online before print February 5, 2014


During pregnancy, is air pollution as bad as cigarettes?
Futurity 13.2.2014
Original Article:
Ambient air pollution and hypertensive disorder of pregnancy
J Epidemiol Community Health. 2014; 68 : 13-20


To improve mental health, quit smoking
Futurity 13.2.2014
Original Article:
Smoking cessation is associated with lower rates of mood/anxiety and alcohol use disorders
Psychological Medicine. Published online: 12 February 2014


Is mortality a good measure of stroke care?
Futurity 13.2.2014
Original Article:
Variation in Do-Not-Resuscitate Orders for Patients With Ischemic Stroke : Implications for National Hospital Comparisons
Stroke. Published online before print February 12, 2014


How to turn scar tissue into beating heart cells
Futurity 13.2.2014
Original Article:
Matrix identity and tractional forces influence indirect cardiac reprogramming
Scientific Reports. 3, Article number: 3474


‘Repurposed’ drugs may treat rare, resistant cancer
Futurity 13.2.2014
Original Article:
Unbiased Compound Screening Identifies Unexpected Drug Sensitivities and Novel Treatment Options for Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumors
Cancer Research. Published OnlineFirst January 2, 2014


Are annual mammograms still a good idea?
Futurity 14.2.2014
Original Article:
Twenty five year follow-up for breast cancer incidence and mortality of the Canadian National Breast Screening Study : randomised screening trial
BMJ 2014;348:g366


Mold may set off asthma in middle-aged men
Futurity 14.2.2014
Original Article:
Domestic airborne pollutants and asthma and respiratory symptoms in middle age
Respirology. Article first published online: 12 Feb 2014


Oregano Compound May ‘Crack’ Tough Norovirus
Futurity 14.2.2014
Original Article:
Antiviral efficacy and mechanisms of action of oregano essential oil and its primary component carvacrol against murine norovirus
Journal of Applied Microbiology. Article first published online: 12 Feb 2014






© Koonnut – 21.2.2014 – Lassi Pohjanpää – Meilahden kampuskirjasto Terkko