Uutuuskirjoja Terkossa 07 / 2012











Ortopedia / toimittaneet Ilkka Kiviranta ja Markku Järvinen

“Kyseessä on ainoa suomenkielinen kirja tästä suurimmasta kirurgisesta erikoisalasta. Aineistoa kirjan toiseen painokseen on laajalti uudistettu vastaamaan ajantasaisinta tietoa. Kirjan painotus on aikuisortopedian puolella, mutta myös tärkeimpiä kehitysiän ortopedisia ongelmia käsitellään. Uutuutena kirjassa on apuvälineitä ja proteeseja esittelevä liite.
Lähes kaikki lääkärit kohtaavat työssään ortopedisia potilaita. Tämän vuoksi kirjassa on otettu huomioon avosektorin näkökulma, ja se sopii mainiosti esimerkiksi terveyskeskuksessa työskentelevälle lääkärille ortopediseksi lähdeteokseksi. Kirja on kirjoitettu myös kirurgiaan erikoistuvia silmälläpitäen, siinä on läpikäyty tärkeimpien ortopedisten leikkausten perusperiaatteita. Luonnollisesti on myös selvää, että Ortopedia kuuluu lääketieteen kandidaattien lukemistoon ortopedian kurssilla.”

Saatavuus Helka-tietokannassa










Ravitsemustiede / toimittajat Antti Aro, Marja Mutanen, Matti Uusitupa

“Tieto ravitsemuksen ja terveyden välisistä yhteyksistä on lisääntynyt ja samalla on korostunut elintapojen merkitys ihmisen terveydelle ja hyvinvoinnille.

Ravitsemustiede-kirjan 4. painos erottuu rakenteeltaan aikaisemmista painoksista. Kirja jakaantuu nyt kolmeen pääosaan: ravintofysiologiaan (I), sairauksien ehkäisyyn (II) ja sairauksien ravitsemushoitoon (III). Lisäksi mukana on lyhyt osa ravitsemuksen erityiskysymyksistä (IV).

Kirjan eri osissa käsitellään ravitsemustieteen perusteet kolmesta eri näkökulmasta. Ravitsemusfysiologia kertoo, miten ruoansulatus toimii ja miten ravintoaineiden imeytyminen, kuljetus ja eritys tapahtuvat elimistössä. Toisessa osassa kerrotaan, miten ravitsemuksen avulla voidaan ehkäistä kansansairauksia, kuten diabetesta ja sydän- ja verisuonisairauksia. Kolmas osa sisältää kliinisen ravitsemuksen eri osa-alueet, kuten tehostetun ravitsemushoidon.

Ravitsemustiede on hyödyllinen kirja lääketieteen ja ravitsemustieteen opiskelijoille, lääkäreille, ravitsemusasiantuntijoille ja terveydenhuoltohenkilöstölle.”

Saatavuus Helka-tietokannassa












Terveyskunnon testaus : menetelmä terveysliikunnan editämiseen / toim. Jaana Suni ja Annikka Taulaniemi

“Teos on tarkoitettu oppikirjaksi erityisesti fysioterapia ja liikunnanohjaajakoulutukseen. Se sopii myös liikuntatieteen testauksen opintoihin, työterveyshuollon täydennyskoulutukseen sekä alan ammattilaisille.
Teoksen pääpaino on terveyskunto-ominaisuuksien, kuten kehon koostumuksen, liikehallintakykyjen, notkeuden, lihasvoiman- ja kestävyyden sekä hengitys- ja verenkiertoelimistön kunnon testaamisessa. Kirjassa opetetaan kunkin kunto-ominaisuuden fysiologiset perusteet, testaaminen ja harjoittaminen.
Teoksessa käsitellään selkeästi fyysisen aktiivisuuden, kunnon ja terveyden väliset yhteydet sekä laadukkaan ja turvallisen testauksen tunnuspiirteet. Lisäksi pohditaan terveyskunnon testausta liikunnan edistämisen välineenä. Lähtökohta on tutkimukseen perustuva tieto liikunnan ja kunnon merkityksestä terveyteen ja hyvinvointiin. Kirjassa kuvataan “Terveyskunnon testipolku”, jonka testattava henkilö käy lävitse osallistuessaan testaukseen.
Terveyskunnon testauksella voidaan auttaa henkilöä liikkumaan terveyttä ja hyvinvointia edistävällä tavalla. Väestötasolla mittauksella voidaan tunnistaa riskiryhmiä ja tehdä ennusteita esimerkiksi ikääntyvän väestön hoivapalvelutarpeista.
Kirjoittajat ovat testauksen asiantuntijoita UKK-instituutista, Jyväskylän yliopistosta ja Työterveyslaitoksesta.”

Saatavuus Helka-tietokannassa












Lapsen ja nuoren hoitotyö / Stiina Storvik-Sydänmaa… [et al.]

“Nyt lasten ja nuorten hoitotyöhön on saatu perusteellinen teos, jossa käsitellään lapsen kehitystä ja sen häiriintymistä sekä lapsen sairastumista, hoitoa ja hoitotyön keinoja terveyden tukemiseen lapsen ja nuoren eri ikävaiheissa. Sairauskohtaisissa luvuissa edetään hoitotyön prosessin mukaisesti hoitotyön tavoitteista toteutukseen ja arviointiin, ja tietoja sovelletaan havainnollisten esimerkkien ja tehtävien avulla.

Kaikki terveydenhuollon ammattihenkilöiksi kouluttautuvat opiskelijat tarvitsevat tietoa lastenhoitotyöstä, koska lähes kaikki hoitotyöntekijät kohtaavat työssään myös lapsipotilaita.

Uutuuskirja on selkeä, yhtenäinen kokonaisuus lasten hoitotyöstä, ja se kattaa seuraavat osa-alueet: – terve lapsi ja nuori – lasten ja nuorten hoitotyön erityispiirteet – sairastavan lapsen ja nuoren hoitotyö – lasten ja nuorten tutkimukset ja hoitotoimenpiteet.”

Saatavuus Helka-tietokannassa














Medical physiology : a cellular and molecular approach / edited by Walter F. Boron, Emile L. Boulpaep

“Medical Physiology, in its updated 2nd edition, firmly relates molecular and cellular biology to the study of human physiology and disease. Drs. Walter Boron and Emile Boulpaep and a team of leading physiologists present you with practical, accurate coverage, continually emphasizing the clinical implications of the material. Each chapter explains the principles and organization of each body system, while more than 1400 high-quality, full-color line drawings and prominently featured clinical examples clarify every concept. This exceptionally detailed and comprehensive guide to physiology is ideal for a rich, straightforward, state-of-the-art understanding of this essential subject.

• Quickly review important content using prominent boxes included throughout the text to provide clinical examples of disordered physiology.
• Master difficult concepts with the use of 800 color drawings that feature balloon captions explaining key processes.
• Find information easily with the intuitive organization by body system and consistent style.

• Get up-to-date coverage of physiology with updated text and figures.
• Stay current thanks to updated material, including a new chapter on Physiology of Aging and a new section on hemostasis.
• Gain a clear visual understanding with a revised and updated art program of high-quality, full color line drawings and prominently featured clinical examples.

Easily relate molecular and cellular biology to the study of human physiology and disease.”

Saatavuus Helka-tietokannassa












Janeway’s immunobiology / Kenneth Murphy


“Janeway’s Immunobiology is a textbook that introduces the immune system in all its aspects to undergraduates, and also provides a treatment of the subject that is comprehensive enough to be useful to graduate students interested in research, and to medical students focused on clinical applications. The Eighth Edition has been thoroughly revised and updated and is available in both print and e-book formats.

Janeway’s Immunobiology continues to set the standard for currency and authority with its clear writing style and organization, uniform art program, and scientific accuracy. It presents a consistent point of view throughout—that of the host’s interaction with an environment containing many species of potentially harmful microorganisms. The full-color art program is conceptually coherent and illustrates the processes and mechanisms underlying the concepts in the text. The 16 chapters in this readable, accessible textbook are organized and presented in such a way as to help deliver a complete one-semester immunology course, beginning with innate immunity, then moving to adaptive immunity, and ending with applied clinical immunology.”

Saatavuus Helka-tietokannassa












The developing mind : how relationships and the brain interact to shape who we are / Daniel J. Siegel

“This bestselling book put the field of interpersonal neurobiology on the map for many tens of thousands of readers. Daniel J. Siegel goes beyond the nature and nurture divisions that traditionally have constrained much of our thinking about development, exploring the role of interpersonal experiences in forging key connections in the brain. He presents a groundbreaking integrative framework for understanding the emergence of the growing, feeling, communicating mind. Reflecting significant scientific and technical advances, the second edition incorporates new discussions of cutting-edge topics, plus an epilogue describing specific pathways to well-being and therapeutic change.

Using a wealth of illustrative examples from clinical practice and everyday life, Siegel traces the interplay of human and neural connections in early childhood and beyond. The book reveals how difficulties with attachment to caregivers can result in problems with memory, self-organization, and emotional regulation. Implications for adult states of mind, emotional competence, and the ability to cope with stress are considered, as are links to such clinical problems as dissociation and depression. Siegel offers compelling insights into how therapeutic and personal relationships can promote healing and integration as the mind continues to develop throughout the lifespan. The second edition provides expanded discussions of neuroplasticity, epigenetics, mindfulness, the neural correlates of consciousness, and more. It also includes useful pedagogical features, such as diagrams and an extensive glossary.

Illuminating how and why interpersonal neurobiology matters, this book is essential reading for clinicians, educators, researchers, and students interested in promoting healthy development and resilience. It has been widely adopted as a text in advanced undergraduate- and graduate-level courses in developmental psychology, child development, and clinical practice.”

Saatavuus Helka-tietokannassa












Polypharmacy / guest editor, Holly M. Holmes


“With the use of multiple medications in the elderly patient comes the risk of drug-related problems. This issue covers polypharmacy in the elderly patient with topics that include: The Interplay between Polypharmacy, Geriatric Conditions, and Adverse Drug Reactions, Factors Leading to Excessive Polypharmacy, Clinical Practice Guidelines for Chronic Diseases and How They Contribute to Polypharmacy, Polypharmacy in Nursing Home Residents, Psychotropic Polypharmacy, Deprescribing Trials: Methods to Reduce Polypharmacy and the Impact on Prescribing and Clinical Outcomes, Ethical Framework for Medication Discontinuation in Nursing Home Residents with Limited Life Expectancy, Pharmacokinetics in the Elderly and the Interaction with Polypharmacy, Medication Adherence to Multi-drug Regimens, Improvements in Electronic Prescribing to Reduce Inappropriate Medication Use and Polypharmacy, and Tools to Decrease Polypharmacy.”

Saatavuus Helka-tietokannassa












Insulin therapy / guest editors Jack L. Leahy, William T. Cefalu

“This issue of Endocrinology Clinics brings the reader up do date on the current standards and important advances in insulin therapy. The following clinical topics are discussed: types of insulins, including new insulins; goals of therapy; pathophysiology of, and insulin treatment in type1 and type 2 diabetes mellitus; pumps and glucose sensors; alternative insulin delivery; patient and provider insulin resistance; inpatient insulin therapy; insulin therapy in pregnancy; and pediatric insulin therapy.”

Saatavuus Helka-tietokannassa












Evaluation of inflammatory bowel disease / guest editors Samir A. Shah, Adam Harris, Edward Feller

“The Guest Editors have focused on methods of diagnosing and evaluating IBD to help guide optimal treatment to maximize clinical outcomes and minimize risks. Authors have provided state-of-the-art updates with practical information/guidelines/algorithms and cutting-edge data for incorporation into practice. The first set of articles deals with endoscopy: its role in diagnosis and monitoring IBD; the growing importance of chromoendoscopy in IBD surveillance exams; assessment of post-operative recurrence; and finally the emerging role of capsule endoscopy. The second section focuses on specific scenarios that IBD physicians encounter frequently: health maintenance in IBD focusing on proper vaccinations; the growing problem of Clostridium difficile in IBD; assessment of pouch problems; optimal evaluation of perianal disease; the state of the art in using thiopurines including use of allopurinol to optimize metabolites and optimizing the use of infliximab by measuring levels and antibodies to infliximab; factors to consider in choosing monotherapy versus combination therapy and communication of risk/benefit to patients; and finally disability assessment in IBD. The third and final section highlights noninvasive methods to evaluate IBD: clinical predictors of aggressive or disabling disease; the evolving role of specific antibodies in diagnosing, subtyping and most recently prognosticating in IBD; stool markers (calproctectin and lactoferrin) for evaluating and monitoring IBD; the growing role of imaging modalities with emphasis on MR enterography and CT enterography; and finally, the genetics of IBD and the potential role of genetic testing in the diagnosis/prognosis and tailoring of therapy.”

Saatavuus Helka-tietokannassa












Vitamin D / guest editor Sol Epstein


“This issue features internationally renowned experts who have provided their expertise on a variety of topics related to the importance of vitamin D. It was not until feed back loops were identified between Vitamin D production and parathyroid hormone, phosphate that it earned its place as a true endocrine hormone. Current social and economic conditions have brought it back into the limelight with outbreaks of rickets and osteomalacia even in developed countries. However its complex regulation, together with the identification and characterization of the vitamin D receptor and its role in influencing multiple genetic pathways and function has heralded a new era highlighting its importance in health and disease. This includes its role in auto immune diseases such as multiple sclerosis, diabetes mellitus, cancer especially breast and prostate, skin, neurological and cognitive disorders and infectious diseases such as tuberculosis. We now know that adequate levels of vitamin D it is important in preventing falls and fracture. The need for supplementation and the amount recommended has also changed considerably from what we previously considered sufficient. The ongoing development of selective active analogs of vitamin D targeted to specific organs and function leads to the exciting possibility of improving outcomes of diseases associated with vitamin D regulation.”

Saatavuus Helka-tietokannassa










Health effects of black carbon / by Nicole A.H. Janssen… [et al.]

“This report presents the results of a systematic review of evidence of the health effects of black carbon (BC). Short-term epidemiological studies provide sufficient evidence of an association of daily variations in BC concentrations with short-term changes in health (all-cause and cardiovascular mortality, and cardiopulmonary hospital admissions). Cohort studies provide sufficient evidence of associations of allcause and cardiopulmonary mortality with long-term average BC exposure. Studies of short-term health effects suggest that BC is a better indicator of harmful particulate substances from combustion sources (especially traffic) than undifferentiated particulate matter (PM) mass, but the evidence for the relative strength of association from long-term studies is inconclusive. The review of the results of all available toxicological studies suggested that BC may not be a major directly toxic component of fine PM, but it may operate as a universal carrier of a wide variety of chemicals of varying toxicity to the lungs, the body’s major defence cells and possibly the systemic blood circulation. A reduction in exposure to PM2.5 containing BC and other combustion-related PM material for which BC is an indirect indicator should lead to a reduction in the health effects associated with PM.”

Saatavuus Helka-tietokannassa