Uutuuskirjoja Terkossa 12 / 2012









Siittiökato : mikä meitä ympäristössä oikeasti uhkaa? / Jouko Tuomisto.

Siittiökato – Mikä meitä ympäristössä oikeasti uhkaa? esittelee havainnollisesti elinympäristömme monet riskit. Teoksessa nostetaan esiin sellaisia riskitekijöitä, jotka ovat terveytemme kannalta merkittäviä, mutta joita ei aina ymmärretä kovin tärkeiksi. Toisaalta teoksessa pyritään asettamaan kohdalleen ne riskit, jotka aiheuttavat huolta ilman syytä. Kuinka määritellään riski, kun monet kemikaalit ovat pieninä määrinä hyödyllisiä, mutta suurina määrinä myrkyllisiä?

Saatavuus Helka-tietokannassa














Sairastavuustilastoinnin kehittäminen ja OECD:n laatuindikaattorit Suomessa / Mika Gissler … [et al.].

Julkaisussa kokeillaan ensimmäisen kerran kahden uuden kansainvälisen tilastointimenetelmän soveltuvuutta suomalaiseen terveydentilan ja terveydenhuollon palvelujärjestelmän seurantaan. Terveyden ja hyvinvoinnin laitos (THL) arvioi eurooppalaisen sairastavuuslistan ja OECD:n kehittämien terveydenhuollon laatuosoittimien soveltuvuutta suomalaiseen rekistereihin perustuvaan terveystietojärjestelmään. Julkaisussa esitetään kansalliset trendit ja sairaanhoitopiirikohtaiset vertailut vuosille 2005-2009.

Saatavuus Helka-tietokannassa













Hoitamalla hyvää oloa / Kyllikki Anttila, Tuulikki Kaila-Mattila, Suvi Kan, Eeva-Liisa Puska, Riitta Vihunen. – 14.-16. p.

Hoitamalla hyvää oloa on hoitotyön menetelmien perusteos, joka antaa käytännön valmiudet auttaa, tukea ja aktivoida ihmistä silloin, kun hän itse ei selviydy arkipäivän tilanteista. Kirja kuvaa ihmisen perustarpeita, niihin vaikuttavia tekijöitä ja niitä hoitotyön menetelmiä, joilla perustarpeista voidaan huolehtia ja ihmisen elämänhallintaa tukea.

Teos on tarkoitettu ensisijaisesti lähihoitajan ammatillisiin opintoihin, mutta se soveltuu myös käsikirjaksi käytännön hoitotyöhön sekä tietolähteeksi hoitoa ja tukea tarvitsevan henkilön läheiselle, perheelle ja omaiselle.

Kirjassa on otettu huomioon:
– lähihoitajakoulutuksen tutkinnon perusteiden uudistuminen
– hoitotietojen systemaattinen kirjaaminen FinCC-luokituksen avulla
– potilaan näkökulma
– ammattiosaamisen näytöt ja tutkintotilaisuudet.

Saatavuus Helka-tietokannassa












Hoitotyön taidot ja toiminnot / Hanna Rautava-Nurmi… [et al.]

Hoitotyön taidot ja toiminnot -kirja kattaa sairaanhoitajan ammatillisen osaamisen perusteet. Se käsittelee muun muassa hoitotyötä säätelevää lainsäädäntöä, monikulttuurisen hoitotyön haasteita, hoitotyön prosessia ja kirjaamista sekä aseptista työskentelyä. Hoitotyön toiminnot on jäsennelty rakenteisen kirjaamisen komponentteihin, joten kirja auttaa myös tehdyn työn dokumentoinnissa.

Kirjassa on käytännönläheisiä

– vinkkejä tiedonhakuun ja ajankohtaisiin hoitotieteen tutkimuksiin

– toimintaohjeita hoitotoimiin

– esimerkkejä hoitotyön prosessin eri vaiheista ja hoitosuunnitelman tekemisestä.

Teos on suunnattu sairaanhoitajaopiskelijoille, mutta se toimii myös hoitotyön ammattilaisten käsikirjana.

Saatavuus Helka-tietokannassa














Cytomegalovirus infections : risk factors, causes and management / editor, Irmeli Lautenschlager.

This book deals primarily with pathogenesis, specific immunology, clinical management and efforts to prevent and treat Cytomegalovirus infection. The book includes chapters on the management of CMV infection in pregnancy, CMV and male fertility, CMV and immunity, risk factors, diagnosis and impact on immunity and health, as well as antiviral and vaccine strategies against CMV.

Saatavuus Helka-tietokannassa













Principles of neural science / edited by Eric R. Kandel. – 5. ed.

The field’s definitive work from a Nobel Prize-winning author.

900 full-color illustrations.

Principles of Neural Science, 5e describes our current understanding of how the nerves, brain, and mind function. From molecules to anatomic structures and systems to cognitive function, this comprehensive reference covers all aspects of neuroscience. Widely regarded as the field’s cornerstone reference, the fifth edition is highlighted by more than 900 full-color illustrations. The fifth edition has been completely updated to reflect the tremendous amount of new research and development in neuroscience in the last decade. Lead author Eric Kandel was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 2000.

Saatavuus Helka-tietokannassa














Pediatric neuroimaging / editors, A. James Barkovich, Charles Raybaud. – Fifth Edition.

The thoroughly updated Fifth Edition of Pediatric Neuroimaging is a highly illustrated text-reference that describes and illustrates the full range of pediatric disorders diagnosable by modern neuroimaging. Covering the diagnosis of brain, spinal, and head and neck disorders in the pediatric patient, the text is rooted in the principle that the proper interpretation of studies requires the acquisition of high-quality images and an understanding of the basic concepts of neuroembryology, normal development, and pathophysiology. Much coverage is given to the disorders seen in everyday practice. The emphasis is on CT and MRI, which are the optimal imaging modalities in children.

The first two chapters describe useful imaging techniques in this patient population and the imaging manifestations of normal development, to distinguish that from manifestations of disease. The final ten chapters of the book are divided by groups of diseases, with numerous drawings and images that illuminate the underlying pathologic and embryologic/genetic bases of each disorder. The goal is provide a basic approach to groups of diseases, then offer detailed information about the clinical manifestations, underlying biochemistry, molecular biology, genetics and/or pathology of specific disorders.

The book incorporates the essential concepts for obtaining good images and understanding normal development, which helps the reader to distinguish normal developmental changes from disease.

Saatavuus Helka-tietokannassa












Avery’s diseases of the newborn / [edited by] Christine A. Gleason, Sherin U. Devaskar. – 9th ed.

Avery’s Diseases of the Newborn, edited by Christine A. Gleason and Sherin U. Devaskar, is a practical, clinical reference for diagnosing and managing of all the important diseases affecting newborns. Thoroughly revised by a team of new editors, this edition provides new perspectives and updated coverage of genetics, nutrition, respiratory conditions, MRSA, neonatal pain, cardiovascular fetal interventions, care of the late preterm infant, and more.

• Treat newborns effectively with focused coverage of diagnosis and management, including pertinent developmental physiology and the pathogenesis of neonatal problems.
• Meet every challenge you face in neonatology with Avery’s authoritative, comprehensive clinical resource and subspecialty review tool.
• Navigate quickly and easily with extensive cross-referencing throughout the organ-related sections.

• Access the fully searchable text online at www.expertconsult.com, along with a downloadable image gallery.
• Stay current with coverage of hot topics including MRSA, neonatal pain, cardiovascular fetal interventions, care of the late preterm infant, and the developing intestinal microbiome.
• Tap into the fresh perspectives of new editors who provide extensive updates throughout, particularly on genetic and respiratory disorders.
• Apply the latest nutritional findings with thorough discussions of this valuable information in the more comprehensive nutrition section.
• Master the fundamentals of neonatology through the greater emphasis on developmental biology and pathobiology.

Fully understand neonatology with Avery’s Diseases of the Newborn – the authoritative, clinical, and practical reference.

Saatavuus Helka-tietokannassa












Rennie and Roberton’s textbook of neonatology / editor, by Janet M. Rennie. – 5th ed.

Thoroughly revised and updated, the New Edition of this definitive text explains how to care for neonates using the very latest methods. Of diagnosis and treatment.Rennie & Roberton’s Textbook of Neonatology, 5th Edition represents the state-of-the-art on neonatal care, providing not only detailed pathophysiology and clinical chapters on every condition of the neonate but also comprehensive chapters on the psychosocial aspects of neonatology, such as handling perinatal death and ethical and legal aspects of neonatal care. Contributions from Fetal Medicine experts and Obstetricians provide valuable peripheral information essential to the practice of neonatology.Rennie & Roberton’s Textbook of Neonatology, 5th Edition is the gold standard for neonatal care and will be an invaluable tool for everyone involved in the care of the neonate. It serves as an authoritative reference for practitioners, a valuable preparation tool for neonatal certification exams, and a useful resource for the entire neonatal care team

Improved illustration program throughout –color figures, line drawings. Will facilitate quick review and enhance comprehension.

Major changes have been made to the chapters on genomics, screening,and a range of neurologic, respiratory and cardiovascular disorders including: resuscitation and ventilation, chronic lung disease, periventricular leucomalcia.This book continues to provide the user with the latest clinically relevant applications in diagnosis and management to enable user to derive appropriate differential diagnosis and management plans.

Latest advances in imaging techniques included (CT, cranial ultrasonography, MRI. There has been tremendous growth in the pace of development and refinement of imaging techniques. This book will ensure that the user if fully aware of their clinical applications.

Incorporates the latest guidelines on clinical governance (as recommended by RCPCH).Helps ensure implementation of appropriate management plans.

Selected “key” references now included at end of each chapter. Experts carefully select the most important articles for further reading to facilitate further understanding/research

Saatavuus Helka-tietokannassa














Epigenetic alterations in oncogenesis / Adam R. Karpf, editor.

The purpose of this book is to provide an up to date review of the nature and consequences of epigenetic changes in cancer. Epigenetics literally means “above” genetics, and consists of heritable gene expression or other phenotypic states not accounted for by DNA base sequence. Epigenetic changes are now known to make a large contribution to various aspects of tumorigenesis. These changes include alterations in global and promoter specific DNA methylation, activating and repressive histone modifications, and changes in higher order chromatin structures. Each of these topics will be covered in this book.

Saatavuus Helka-tietokannassa














HIV interactions with dendritic cells : infection and immunity / Li Wu, Olivier Schwartz, editors.

Given rapid research progress and advance of the techniques in studying HIV interactions with host cells and factors, there is a critical need for a book on HIV interactions with DCs. The proposed book will aim for a broad readership to facilitate HIV/AIDS research and provide a practical tool for HIV researchers to continuously address novel questions. Specifically, the editors will summarize the literature in this field and provide critical analysis and future directions. International researchers will be invited as contributors of the book, highlighting authors who have contributed significantly to the field from different angles and aspects of virology, cell biology and immunology, etc.

Saatavuus Helka-tietokannassa














Biology and regulation of blood-tissue barriers / edited by C. Yan Cheng.

This book was written by many outstanding investigators who have spent decades to study different aspects of blood‑tissue barrier function. They have summarized some of the latest and fascinating development in their fields of research including the blood‑brain barrier, the blood‑retinal barrier, the gut barrier, the blood‑biliary barrier, the blood‑follicle barrier, the blood‑epididymis barrier, the blood‑testis barrier, the tight junction barrier in general as well as barriers in the female reproductive tract. Included are also chapters that focus on topics that are physiologically applicable to all blood‑tissue barriers. Many of these chapters also include information on specific human diseases, such as pathological changes of the gut barrier that cause bowel disorders resulting from inflammation of the epithelial lining in the intestine, and infertility in men as a result of disruption of the blood‑epididymal and/or blood‑testis barriers; and on new therapeutic approaches (e.g., drug delivery across the blood‑brain and the blood‑retinal barriers).

Saatavuus Helka-tietokannassa














Complement therapeutics / John D. Lambris, V. Michael Holers, Daniel Ricklin, editors.

This book highlights progress and trends in the rapidly evolving field of complement-related drug discovery and spotlights examples of clinical applications. As an integral part of innate immunity and critical mediator in homeostatic and inflammatory processes, the human complement system has been identified as contributor to a large number of disorders including ocular, cardiovascular, metabolic, autoimmune, and inflammatory diseases as well as in ischemia/reperfusion injury, cancer and sepsis. In addition, complement is often involved in adverse immune reactions to biomaterials, cell and organ transplants or drug delivery systems. Although the complement cascade with its close to 50 extracellular protein targets has long been recognized as an attractive system for therapeutic modulation, the past few years have seen a particularly strong boost in interest. Fueled by novel research insight and the marketing of the first complement-targeted drugs, a plethora of highly creative treatment approaches and potent drug candidates have recently emerged and are currently evaluated in disease models and clinical trials.

The chapters in this book cover a wide range of topics related to the development of complement therapeutics, ranging from the molecular and functional description of complement targets to the presentation of novel inhibitors, improved treatment strategies as well as examples of disease models and clinical applications. The broad and up-to-date overview on a highly versatile and dynamic field renders this book an indispensable source of information for researchers and clinicians dealing with therapeutic and disease-related aspects of the human complement system.

Saatavuus Helka-tietokannassa














Surgical advances in plastic surgery / guest editor: Marek K. Dobke.

Information and updates on surgical techniques and equipment in the face of continued, rapid growth of plastic surgery are presented. The majority of this surgical information presents a blend of the newest data with a description of current and potential future clinical/surgical applications of new concepts, tools and techniques. Unique innovations in the field of breast reconstruction, treatment of lymphedema, and genitourinary function rehabilitation are addressed. Burns, extremity salvage, muscle flaps, biomaterials, reconstructive transplantation are among the topics presented. Information contained in Impact of Advances in breast Cancer Management on Reconstructive and Aesthetic Breast Surgery provides a practicing plastic surgeon an update of what is new in breast oncology and how it is or should be linked with the plastic surgeon’s approach to breast surgery and reconstruction. Compilations of outcomes data are provided from ongoing clinical trials testing new concepts and techniques on the near horizon. A conclusion pertains to the details of ongoing acquisition of new skills, transferrance of existing skills, and maintenance of old skills, along with safety in plastic surgery in the context of surgical and technological advances presented by leaders representing diverse generations of practitioners.

Saatavuus Helka-tietokannassa














Non-CML myeloproliferative diseases / guest editor Ross Levine

Topics include: Clinical Predictors of Outcome in MPNs; Molecular pathogenesis of MPNs; Disordered signaling in MPNs; Role of TET2/ASXL1 in MPN Pathogenesis; Pathogenesis and treatment of systemic mastocytosis; Role of additional novel therapies in MPNs; Role of novel mutations in MPN pathogenesis and outcome; Role of JAK inhibitors in MPN treatment; Animal Models of MPNs; and Role of Germline Genetic Factors in MPN Pathogenesis.

Saatavuus Helka-tietokannassa














Heart failure / guest editor Prakash C. Deedwania.

This important issue of Medical Clinics provides essential updates in heart failure. The following topics are covered: epidemiology, pathophysiology, and general approach for heart failure; symptoms, signs, diagnostic studies, and prognostic significance of systolic versus diastolic heart failure; the appropriate use of biomarkers; oral versus intravenous diuretic therapy; guideline-based therapy including RAAS blockade, beta-blockade, and aldosterone antagonist, appropriate use of AICD and biventricular pacing; role of ventricular assist device; pathophysiological consideration and management approaches in acute decompensated heart failure; pathophysiology and current approaches to cardiorenal syndrome; heart failure with other comorbidities including diabetes, obesity, anemia, and cancer; heart failure and atrial fibrillation; and the role of disease management strategies in heart failure.

Saatavuus Helka-tietokannassa














Contemporary management of esophageal malignancy / guest editors Chadrick E. Denlinger, Carolyn E. Reed

An important review on esophageal neoplasms for the general surgeon! Topics will include epidemiology and prevalence of esophageal cancer, molecular basis of esophageal cancer development and progression, diagnosis and management of Barrett’s esophagus, evaluation and staging of patients with esophageal cancer, medical evaluation of patients preparing for an esophagectomy, management of stage 1 esophageal cancer, management of T2 esophageal cancer, management of advanced stage operable esophageal cancer, management of GE junction tumors, traditional esophagectomy surgical techniques, minimally invasive esophagectomy techniques, esophageal reconstruction with alternative conduits, complications of esophagectomy, quality of life after an esophagectomy, palliation of inoperable esophageal cancer and more!

Saatavuus Helka-tietokannassa