Terveysuutisia tiedotusvälineistä – 08 / 2014


Poimintoja terveysuutisista, vko 08 / 2014.

Tutustu alkuperäisartikkeleihin Terkossa, (HY:n verkossa).

Tai tilaa kotiin Terkon kaukopalvelun kautta!


Älykkyystestit ennustavat myös kuolleisuuttaYLE
YLE 20.2.2014
Intelligence in early adulthood and mortality from natural and unnatural causes in middle-aged Danish men
J Epidemiol Community Health. 2014 ; 68 : 130-136


Kiusaamisen haitat kasvavat kiusaamisen pitkittyessä
YLE 20.2.2014
Peer Victimization in Fifth Grade and Health in Tenth Grade
Pediatrics. Published online February 17, 2014


Monet vanhemmat aliarvioivat lapsensa painon
YLE 23.2.2014
Parental Underestimates of Child Weight : A Meta-analysis
Pediatrics. Published online February 2, 2014


Unohdettu X-kromosomiHY
HY, LTDK, Viikon julkaisu 17.2.2014
Chromosome X-Wide Association Study Identifies Loci for Fasting Insulin and Height and Evidence for Incomplete Dosage Compensation
PLOS Genetics. February 2014,  Volume 10,  Issue 2,  e1004127


Tumajyväsen rooli leukemiassa ja seeprakalan kehityksessäTampereenYOpx
Tampereen yo:n väitöstiedote 20.2.2014
Kaisa Teittinen: Nucleolar RNAs and Proteins in Leukemia and Zebrafish Development
University of Tampere, School of Medicine. 2014


Hävittäjälentäjien niska-hartiaseudun kuormittumisanalyysi
Tampereen yo:n väitöstiedote 21.2.2014
Roope Sovelius: Cervical loading analysis of fighter pilots : Studies on cumulative loading, contributing factors and interventions
University of Tampere, School of Medicine. 2014


Mikä on geenien tosiasiallinen merkitys?ItaSuomenYO
Itä-Suomen yo:n tiedote 19.2.2014
Genes without prominence : a reappraisal of the foundations of biology
J. R. Soc. Interface. Published 19 February


Oma kokemus fyysisestä kunnosta kertoo tulevaisuuden dementiariskistä
Jyväskylän yo:n tiedote 19.2.2014
Association between mid- to late life physical fitness and dementia : evidence from the CAIDE study
J Intern Med. 2014 Jan 20. [Epub ahead of print]


Hengästyminen kevyessä rasituksessa ennustaa kuolleisuutta
Jyväskylän yo:n tiedote 19.2.2014
Dyspnea and All-Cause Mortality : 28-Year Follow-up Study among Adult Twins
Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2014 Feb 4. [Epub ahead of print]


Uusi menetelmä arvioi pneumokokkirokotteen vaikuttavuutta
Potilaan Lääkärilehti 17.2.2014
Lotta Siira: Clonality of Streptococcus pneumoniae in relation to antimicrobial resistance in Finland
Department of Bacteriology and Immunology, Haartman Institute, University of Helsinki. 2014


Ravitsemus- ja liikuntaneuvonnalla ei vaikutusta ylipainoisille raskaana olevilleSLL
Potilaan Lääkärilehti 18.2.2014
Antenatal lifestyle advice for women who are overweight or obese : LIMIT randomised trial
BMJ 2014;348:g1285


Musiikkiharrastus muokkaa aivoja
Potilaan Lääkärilehti 19.2.2014
Vesa Putkinen: Musical activities and the development of neural sound discrimination
University of Helsinki, Faculty of Behavioural Sciences, Institute of Behavioural Sciences. 2014


Luontoympäristö elvyttää
Potilaan Lääkärilehti 19.2.2014
The influence of urban green environments on stress relief measures : A field experiment
Journal of Environmental Psychology. Volume 38, June 2014, Pages 1–9


Tupakka-askin riisuminen lisäsi soittoja lopetuslinjalle
Potilaan Lääkärilehti 20.2.2014
Association between tobacco plain packaging and Quitline calls : a population-based, interrupted time-series analysis
Med J Aust. 2014 ; 200 (1) : 29-32.


Kaksikin HPV-rokoteannosta vähentää kondyloomariskiä
Potilaan Lääkärilehti 21.2.2014
Association of Varying Number of Doses of Quadrivalent Human Papillomavirus Vaccine With Incidence of Condyloma
JAMA. 2014;311(6):597-603


Tupakointi huomattava keskenmenojen riskitekijäDuodecim
Duodecim 17.2.2014
Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Miscarriage and Maternal Exposure to Tobacco Smoke During Pregnancy
Am J Epidemiol. First published online: February 10, 2014


Kahvi auttaa sydäntautien välttämisessä
Duodecim 18.2.2014
Long-Term Coffee Consumption and Risk of Cardiovascular Disease : A Systematic Review and a Dose–Response Meta-Analysis of Prospective Cohort Studies
Circulation. 2014; 129: 643-659


Ohitusleikkaus pallolaajennusta parempi monisuonitautia sairastaville
Duodecim 18.2.2014
Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting vs Percutaneous Coronary Intervention and Long-term Mortality and Morbidity in Multivessel Disease : Meta-analysis of Randomized Clinical Trials of the Arterial Grafting and Stenting Era
JAMA Intern Med. 2014;174(2):223-230


Tupakoinnin lopettaminen vähentää stressiä, ahdistusta ja masennusoireita
Duodecim 19.2.2014
Change in mental health after smoking cessation : systematic review and meta-analysis
BMJ 2014;348:g1151


Naiset pärjäävät huonommin aivohalvauksen jälkeen
Duodecim 19.2.2014
Sex differences in quality of life after ischemic stroke
Neurology. Published online before print February 7, 2014


Vähän nukkuvat miehet alttiita kaatumaan
Duodecim 21.2.2014
Sleep Disturbances and Risk of Falls in Older Community-Dwelling Men : The Outcomes of Sleep Disorders in Older Men (MrOS Sleep) Study
Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. Volume 62, Issue 2, pages 299–305, February 2014


Masennuslääke lievittää Alzheimer-potilaan levottomuutta
Duodecim 21.2.2014
Effect of Citalopram on Agitation in Alzheimer Disease : The CitAD Randomized Clinical Trial
JAMA. 2014;311(7):682-691


Färre postoperativa komplikationer med WHO:s checklistaLäkartidningen
Läkartidningen. 2014;111:CSII
Systematic review and meta‐analysis of the effect of the World Health Organization surgical safety checklist on postoperative complications
BJS. 2014; 101: 150–158


Presentationen av risk påverkar valet av behandling
Läkartidningen. 2014;111:CSFT
Presenting the improved possibility for staying well might be better than talking about change in risk : Use of the Non-Occurrence Probability Increase (NOPI)
Scandinavian Journal of Primary Health Care. September 2013, Vol. 31, No. 3 , Pages 138-140


Ingen eller negativ effekt av klonidin vid kroniskt trötthetssyndrom
Läkartidningen. 2014;111:CSIH
Disease Mechanisms and Clonidine Treatment in Adolescent Chronic Fatigue Syndrome : A Combined Cross-sectional and Randomized Clinical Trial
JAMA Pediatr. Published online February 03, 2014


Avstannad viktökning bland barn i USA – men på hög nivå
Läkartidningen. 2014;111:CSIE
Incidence of Childhood Obesity in the United States
N Engl J Med. 2014 ; 370 : 403-411


Sexuellt våld mot kvinnor av annan än partnern kartlagt
Läkartidningen. 2014;111:CSIF
Worldwide prevalence of non-partner sexual violence : a systematic review
The Lancet. Available online 12 February 2014


Nyttan med mammografiscreening ifrågasatt
Läkartidningen. 2014;111:CSSW
Twenty five year follow-up for breast cancer incidence and mortality of the Canadian National Breast Screening Study : randomised screening trial
BMJ 2014;348:g366


Inställning till HPV-vaccinering undersöktForskning
Forskning.se 17.2.2014
Maria Gottvall: Introduction of School-Based HPV Vaccination in Sweden : Knowledge and Attitudes among Youth, Parents, and Staff
Uppsala University, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Public Health and Caring Sciences. 2014


Studie visar samband mellan luktsinne och demens
Forskning.se 17.2.2014
Olfactory Impairment and Subjective Olfactory Complaints Independently Predict Conversion to Dementia : A Longitudinal, Population-Based Study
Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society. Volume 20,  Issue 02,  February 2014, pp 209-217


Varannan förälder ser inte barnets viktproblem
Forskning.se 18.2.2014
Susann Regber: Barriers and Facilitators of Health Promotion and Obesity Prevention in Early Childhood: A Focus on Parents Results from the IDEFICS Study
University of Gothenburg. Sahlgrenska Academy. Institute of Medicine. Department of Public Health and Community Medicine. 2014


Njurcancerns svaga punkt avslöjad
Forskning.se 18.2.2014
Chromosome 3p loss of heterozygosity is associated with a unique metabolic network in clear cell renal carcinoma
PNAS. Published online before print on February 18, 2014


Magens ekosystem kartläggs – kan ge bättre hälsa
Forskning.se 18.2.2014
A discrete genetic locus confers xyloglucan metabolism in select human gut Bacteroidetes
Nature. Published online 19 January 2014


Föräldrarnas utbildning och ekonomi påverkar överlevnad vid typ 1-diabetes
Forskning.se 18.2.2014
Yonas Berhan: Epidemiological studies of childhood diabetes and important health complications to the disease
Umeå University, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Clinical Sciences, Paediatrics. 2014


Kroppens egen fettproduktion viktigare än vi tidigare trott
Forskning.se 19.2.2014
Elovl2-ablation demonstrate that systemic DHA is endogenously produced and is essential for lipid homeostasis in mice
Journal of Lipid Research. First Published on January 31, 2014


Luftföroreningar i Skåne påverkar mödrar och barn
Forskning.se 19.2.2014
Ebba Malmqvist: Exposure to air pollution during pregnancy and health risks for mother and child
Faculty of Medicine, Lund University. 2014


Forskare kartlägger den ömsinta beröringens mekanismer
Forskning.se 19.2.2014
Human C-Tactile Afferents Are Tuned to the Temperature of a Skin-Stroking Caress
The Journal of Neuroscience, 19 February 2014, 34(8): 2879-2883


Nya nervceller i sjukdomsdrabbad del av hjärnan
Forskning.se 21.2.2014
Neurogenesis in the Striatum of the Adult Human Brain
Cell. Available online 20 February 2014


Farligt bukfett kan motverkas med omättat fett
Forskning.se 21.2.2014
Overfeeding Polyunsaturated and Saturated Fat Causes Distinct Effects on Liver and Visceral Fat Accumulation in Humans
Diabetes. Published online before print February 18, 2014


‘Tumour monorail’ can lead cancers to their doomBBC
BBC 17.2.2014
Original Article:
Guiding intracortical brain tumour cells to an extracortical cytotoxic hydrogel using aligned polymeric nanofibres
Nature Materials. 13, 308–316, (2014)


Test ‘predicts’ teen depression risk
BBC 18.2.2014
Original Article:
Elevated morning cortisol is a stratified population-level biomarker for major depression in boys only with high depressive symptoms
PNAS 2014 ; published ahead of print February 18, 2014


Master monkey’s brain controls sedated ‘avatar’
BBC 18.2.2014
Original Article:
A cortical–spinal prosthesis for targeted limb movement in paralysed primate avatars
Nature Communications. 5, Article number: 3237


Miscarriage risk ‘reduced by lifestyle changes’
BBC 19.2.2014
Original Article:
Risk factors for miscarriage from a prevention perspective : a nationwide follow-up study
BJOG. Article first published online: 19 Feb 2014


Scientists query health risk of food package chemicals
BBC 19.2.2014
Original Article:
Food packaging and migration of food contact materials : will epidemiologists rise to the neotoxic challenge?
J Epidemiol Community Health. Published Online First 19 February 2014


Psychotic traits in young linked to changing schools
BBC 19.2.2014
Original Article:
School Mobility and Prospective Pathways to Psychotic-Like Symptoms in Early Adolescence : A Prospective Birth Cohort Study
Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry. Available online 13 February 2014


‘Keep focus’ on fighting malaria in Africa, doctors say
BBC 20.2.2014
Original Article:
The changing risk of Plasmodium falciparum malaria infection in Africa : 2000-10 : a spatial and temporal analysis of transmission intensity
The Lancet, Early Online Publication, 20 February 2014


DNA prostate test ‘will predict deadliest cancer risk’
BBC 21.2.2014
Original Article:
Frequent germline deleterious mutations in DNA repair genes in familial prostate cancer cases are associated with advanced disease
British Journal of Cancer. Advance online publication 20 February 2014


In-hospital formula may discourage breastfeedingFuturity
Futurity 17.2.2014
Original Article:
In-Hospital Formula Use Increases Early Breastfeeding Cessation Among First-Time Mothers Intending to Exclusively Breastfeed
The Journal of Pediatrics. Available online 14 February 2014


Discovery could lead to better spermicide
Futurity 17.2.2014
Original Article:
Lipid Modulation of Calcium Flux through CaV2.3 Regulates Acrosome Exocytosis and Fertilization
Developmental Cell, Volume 28, Issue 3, 310-321, 10 February 2014


T-cells break the rules when salmonella attacks
Futurity 17.2.2014
Original Article:
Toll-like Receptor and Inflammasome Signals Converge to Amplify the Innate Bactericidal Capacity of T Helper 1 Cells
Immunity, Volume 40, Issue 2, 213-224, 06 February 2014


Will this drug cause side effects? Ask your genes
Futurity 17.2.2014
Original Article:
Genetics of Adverse Reactions to Haloperidol in a Mouse Diallel : A Drug-Placebo Experiment and Bayesian Causal Analysis
Genetics. January 1, 2014, vol. 196, no. 1, 321-347


Intervention lowers asthma risks for pregnant women
Futurity 17.2.2014
Original Article:
Multidisciplinary Approach to Management of Maternal Asthma (MAMMA) : A Randomized Controlled Trial
Chest. Published online February 13, 2014.


Heavy drinkers may find alcohol tax hard to swallow
Futurity 17.2.2014
Original Article:
Minimum Pricing of Alcohol versus Volumetric Taxation : Which Policy Will Reduce Heavy Consumption without Adversely Affecting Light and Moderate Consumers?
PLOS One. January 2014,  Volume 9,  Issue 1,  e80936


Gut microbes vary by location on the planet
Futurity 18.2.2014
Original Article:
Geographical variation of human gut microbial composition
Biology Letters. Published 12 February 2014


Temperature may stop bacteria from blocking malaria
Futurity 18.2.2014
Original Article:
Temperature alters Plasmodium blocking by Wolbachia
Scientific Reports. 4, Article number: 3932


San Francisco Bay area crawling with infected ticks
Futurity 19.2.2014
Original Article:
Tick-borne Pathogens in Northwestern California, USA
Emerg Infect Dis [Internet]. Volume 20, Number 3. March 2014


Stem cells programmed to grow cartilage inside body
Futurity 19.2.2014
Original Article:
Scaffold-mediated lentiviral transduction for functional tissue engineering of cartilage
PNAS. Published online before print on February 18, 2014


School programs struggle to keep teens off painkillers
Futurity 19.2.2014
Original Article:
Can we build an efficient response to the prescription drug abuse epidemic? Assessing the cost effectiveness of universal prevention in the PROSPER trial
Preventive Medicine. Available online 9 February 2014


Why Medicaid’s sterilization policy ‘goes too far’
Futurity 19.2.2014
Original Article:
Medicaid Policy on Sterilization – Anachronistic or Still Relevant?
N Engl J Med. 2014 ; 370 : 102-104


Light Therapy Changes the Way Mice Feel Pain
Futurity 20.2.2014
Original Article:
Virally mediated optogenetic excitation and inhibition of pain in freely moving nontransgenic mice
Nature Biotechnology. Published online 16 February 2014


Obese patients lose less weight if doctors judge them
Futurity 20.2.2014
Original Article:
Perceived judgment about weight can negatively influence weight loss : A cross-sectional study of overweight and obese patients
Preventive Medicine. Available online 9 February 2014


Infants with leukemia may inherit risk from both parents
Futurity 20.2.2014
Original Article:
Excess congenital non-synonymous variation in leukemia-associated genes in MLL− infant leukemia : a Children’s Oncology Group report
Leukemia. Advance online publication 10 January 2014


Baby hearts need rhythm to grow the right way
Futurity 20.2.2014
Original Article:
Myocardial contraction and hyaluronic acid mechanotransduction in epithelial-to-mesenchymal transformation of endocardial cells
Biomaterials. Volume 35, Issue 9, March 2014, Pages 2809–2815


Study upends view that bone marrow cells are bystanders
Futurity 21.2.2014
Original Article:
Conversion of Danger Signals into Cytokine Signals by Hematopoietic Stem and Progenitor Cells for Regulation of Stress-Induced Hematopoiesis
Cell Stem Cell. Available online 20 February 2014


Test finds painkiller potential in spider venom
Futurity 21.2.2014
Original Article:
A Tarantula-Venom Peptide Antagonizes the TRPA1 Nociceptor Ion Channel by Binding to the S1–S4 Gating Domain
Current Biology. Available online 13 February 2014


Protein discovery may lead to hepatitis C vaccine
Futurity 21.2.2014
Original Article:
Structure of the core ectodomain of the hepatitis C virus envelope glycoprotein 2
Nature. Published online 19 February 2014


Can stem cells make old muscles strong again?
Futurity 21.2.2014

Original Article:
Rejuvenation of the muscle stem cell population restores strength to injured aged muscles
Nature Medicine. Published online 16 February 2014







© Koonnut – 28.2.2014 – Lassi Pohjanpää – Meilahden kampuskirjasto Terkko