“Fair Use of Information – Seminar on Information Ethics”, November 25th 2009

The 80th Anniversary Seminar of the Finnish Research Library Association, Helsinki, November 25th 2009

Organizer: The 80th Anniversary Committee of the Finnish Research Library Association in cooperation with the Association’s International Relations Group  

Venue: House of the Learned Societies, Lecture Hall 104, ground floor  

Street address: Kirkkokatu 6, 00170 Helsinki http://www.tsv.fi/tieteidentalo/

Purpose: The purpose of the Seminar is to give insights into ethical issues which users of library and internet materials face today; to discuss the impact of information technology on information users and their user habits, and the role of information literacy in the information society.

Target Group: Librarians, information specialists, students of information studies, scholars, researchers – all those interested in the theme.

The Event is free of charge and open for all interested. 

Registration: For practical arrangements, please register by 19th November
Email:  Anja.Torma@stat.fi
Tel:  09-17342259 

For more information:
Eva-Costiander-Huldén: eva.costiander-hulden@abo.fi
Päivi Pekkarinen: paivi.pekkarinen@helsinki.fi



10.00-10.15     Welcome and introduction  
                                Päivi Pekkarinen
Chair, International Relations Group 
                                Finnish Research Library Association

10.15 -11.15     Keynote Address
                              Is this any way to run a Library? Dealing with people who will
                              not leave, search engines that want everything, and collections that do
                              Thomas C. Leonard
UC Berkeley University, USA
                              Association of Research Libraries, President

11.15 -12.00     Information literate people do not copy:
                               information landscape  knowledge is the key for the fair use of sources
                               Laura Ballestra

                               Biblioteca Mario Rostoni dell’Università Cattaneo LIUC                              
                               Italian Library Association,
                               President of Lombardia Branch

12.00 -12.45     Refreshments


12.45-15.15     Chair: Eva Costiander-Huldén
Åbo Akademi University Library                     

12.45 -13.30     Library Power as if Montesquieu Still Mattered
Mikael Böök                               

13.30 -14.15     Ethics in the Virtual World
Olli Mäkinen
Turku University of Applied Sciences
14.15-14.45     Ethics and Information Law: The Interface. 
Pekka Heikkinen
National Library of Finland                    

14.45-15.15     Comments and concluding remarks


16.00-20.00     Iltajuhla – Kvällsfest – Anniversary Reception
                                  Ohjelma – Program – Programme

                                            Musiikkia – Musik – Music 
                                            Jazzy Three

                                            Tervetuloa – Välkommen – Welcome
Pirjo Vatanen, Puheenjohtaja – Ordförare – President
Suomen tieteellinen kirjastoseura  –
Finlands vetenskapliga bibliotekssamfund –
                                            Finnish Research Library Association                                                  

                                            Tervehdyspuhe – Tal – Anniversary Address
                                            Thomas C. Leonard, President
                                            Association of Research Libraries (USA)

                                            Musiikkia – Music – Music
Irmeli Isomäki, Timo Latonen

                                            Tervehdykset –  Hälsningar – Greetings                                           

                                            Musiikkia – Musik – Music
                                            Jazzy Three


                                            Kansainvälisten kontaktien kuvakavalkadi –
Internationella kontakter – en bildkavalkad –
Picture show on international contacts