Support Open Access now! – arXiv starts a campaign

arXiv is an Open access repository of over one million e-prints in Physics, Mathematics, Computer Science, Quantitative Biology, Quantitative Finance and Statistics. University of Helsinki is one of the top benefiters and users of this repository in the Nordic countries.


arXiv’s sponsoring baseline maintenance costs are covered with support from 183 member libraries amongst them Helsinki University Library and Simons Foundation, as well as the main organizer, Cornell University Library. Fund raising pilot between 10th and 19th September enables researcher community or an individual supporter to make a donation to ensure the development of this tremendous archive.

Read more about arXiv:
arXiv at Univeristy of Helsinki (Memeber Advisory Board meeting, Eva Isaksson)

Research Evaluation and Indicators -seminar 16.10.

Seminar on Bibliometrics 2015 is arranged on the Minerva Square (Siltavuorenpenger 9) in Helsinki 16.10.2015.

leidenThe evaluation of the research from the point of the bibliometrics is the theme of the seminar this year. Special focus would be on the explanation applicability of the indicators which describe the quality of the study. The keynote speaker of the seminar is Ed Noyons (Associate Director CWTS Leiden). In the afternoon we will divide into the teams which deal with subjects on the themes of interdisciplinary, the evaluation of the study and the measurement of the productivity of the study.

The seminar welcomes persons who are working with bibliometrics or utilise it. The seminar is targeted to the administration or researchers of universities, research organizations, libraries, Ministry and to the Academy of Finland. The participants are asked, if desired, to publish an article which is related to its subject matter, in connection with the seminar.

The seminar is organized by the Ministry of Education and Culture, the Council for Finnish University Libraries (SYN) and CSC.

More exact program and registration to the seminar by 7.10.2015 on registration form.

You are most welcome!

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