RefWorks på svenska (dagen) 6.11.2012

RefWorks på svenska 6.11 kl. 9.00-11.00
ProQuest databasers representant Björn Olofsson lär RefWorks på svenska
i datorsal 4060 i Kajsahusets (huvudingång Fabiansgatan 30) fjärde våning
tisdagen 6.11 kl .9.00-11.00.
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* hur du infogar referenser i texter och gör litteraturförteckningar med RefWorks och
dess hjälpprogram Write-n-Cite

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18 deltagare ryms med


Lecture of a Pulitzer-Prize Winning Author Richard Russo on Monday, September 24, 2012 – Welcome!


The American Resource Center (ARC) launches the fall program with a lecture of a Pulitzer-prize winning author Richard Russo.

Richard Russo is an American novelist, short story writer, screenwriter, and teacher. His first novel, Mohawk, was published in 1986. His 2001 novel Empire Falls received the 2002 Pulitzer Prize for Fiction. He has written six other novels and a short story collection.

Russo co-wrote the 1998 film Twilight with director Robert Benton, who also adapted and directed Russo’s Nobody’s Fool into a 1994 film of the same title, starring Paul Newman. Russo wrote the teleplay for the HBO adaptation of Empire Falls, the screenplay for the 2005 film Ice Harvest, and the screenplay for the 2005 Niall Johnson film Keeping Mum, which starred Rowan Atkinson.

12:15 Lecture & Reading at the Kaisa Library, Fabianinkatu 30, 7th floor

16:30 Interview at Gaudeamus Kirja & Kahvi, Vuorikatu 7


The event is hosted by the American Resource Center,, tel. 09-19124048