On Trial: SciVal Trends until 17.10

What is SciVal Trends?

SciVal Trends allows researchers to search current scientific trends. By choosing an existing research area, or defining one of your own, this tool provides up-to-date information on scientific research. SciVal Trends displays information in a variety of ways: by institutions, countries, authors, journals and keyphrases (including a useful keyphrase diagram in the summary section). As such, researchers can find the current scientific trends that might lead to a new research strategy, opportunities to collaborate, or help identify the recent work of peers in their research area.

Please be aware that you will need to register for a SciVal account in order to fully access this resource.

The trial for SciVal Trends ends on 17.10.2017.

Please send feedback: e-library@helsinki.fi

Workshop on Japanese Research Tools in Helsinki 11 September 2017

This annual NIAS workshop on using databases for Japanese Studies is this year organized by Helsinki University Library. It is best suitable for researchers or students who know Japanese or are on the way of learning it since most of the content in the databases is in Japanese. The presentations are in English.

As usual there will be hands-on introductions by the vendors to the most important Japanese databases on AsiaPortal: JapanKnowledge, Asahi Shimbun Kikuzo, Nikkei Telecom, Japan Times and Yomidas Rekishikan. The workshop is useful both for new and more experienced users of the databases as the presentations also include new features.

Participation is free, but registration is necessary as seats are limited.

Time: Monday 11.9.2017, 10.00-15.30 
Venue: Siltavuorenpenger 3 A (Athena), 3rd floor, room 302, University of Helsinki


10:00-11:00 JapanKnowledge
11:00-11:10 Short Break
11:10-12:00 Asahi Shimbun Kikuzo II Visual
12:00-12:15 Japan Times Archives
12:15-13:15 Lunch Break
13:15-14:15 Nikkei Telecom
14:15-14:25 Short Break
14:25-14:30 Hokkaido University Info (in Japanese)
14:30-15:30 140 Years of The Yomiuri Shimbun

Registration: Latest 5 September to Pekka Karhula, Helsinki University Library by email to pekka.karhula@helsinki.fi For more information, please contact Pekka Karhula.


Legal e-books collection from KauppakamariTieto

Legal e-books (Juridiikka collection) from KauppakamariTieto can be used in Helsinki university network until 31.7.2018. E-books are catalogued in Helka database.

  • Esineoikeus eurooppalaistuvassa Suomessa (2012)
  • Esinevakuudet (2016)
  • Guide to the Finnish Arbitration Rules (2015)
  • Huoltoriitojen sovittelu tuomioistuimessa (2015)
  • Incoterms 2010 (2012)
  • Incoterms 2010 (2. painos 2016)
  • Internationella köplagen (2013)
  • IPR käytännönläheisesti (2016)
  • Julkiset hankinnat yrityksille käytännönläheisesti (2017)
  • Julkisten hankintojen sääntely (2017)
  • Kansainvälinen kauppalaki (2013)
  • Kovenantit – Rahoitussopimuksen kovenanttiohjaus (2014)
  • Laki ja miten sitä luetaan (2014)
  • Lapsen huolto- ja tapaamissopimukset (2014)
  • Opas Keskuskauppakamarin Välimiesmenettely-sääntöihin (2015)
  • Rahoitusmuodot ja vakuudet (2013)
  • Sukupolvenvaihdos ja yritystoiminnan lopettaminen (2014)
  • Uusi arvopaperimarkkinalaki (2013)
  • Vahingonkorvaus asunto-osakeyhtiössä (2017)
  • Viestintä- ja informaatio-oikeuden perusteet (2013)
  • Yksityisyyden suoja Suomessa (2014)
  • Yritystoiminnan verotus (2014)

Feedback: e-library [at] helsinki.fi

Ammattikirjasto – Juridiikka-kokoelma

The Autumn Term Opening Hours from 28.8. – Self-Service Hours now also at the Campus Libraries

Summer time is coming to an end and the new Autumn opening hours will start on August 28th 2017.

Self-Service Library on all Campuses

As of Autumn, in addition to the Main Library at Kaisa House, all the campus libraries will function as Self-Service Libraries outside of the customer service hours. The campus libraries will function as Self-Service Libraries on weekday mornings from 8 to 10 and evenings from 17 onward (except Kaisa House from 19).

Customer service personnel is not present during self-service hours. The Library provides user instructions to device and premises in the premises and on the web site. In the Main Library Kaisa House you can use the service phone on the 3rd floor counter to contact the staff if you face problems with the check-out or return machines.

Learn more about Self Service Library.

The Opening Hours for the Libraries:

  • Main Library Kaisa House: Mon-Fri 8-20 and Sat 11-17. Customer service Mon-Fri 10-19, Sat 11-17.
  • Kumpula: Mon-Fri 8-18. Customer service 10-17.
  • Terkko: (Note! Opens on 2nd of October) Mon-Fri 8-20. Customer service 10-17.
  • Viikki: Mon-Fri 8-19. Customer service 10-17.

All opening hours including exceptions can be found on library’s website.

Psychology and logopedics books will move during September

Kaisa house library´s psychology and logopedics books will move to Meilahti from August 21st to October 1st. The books will be out of the customers’ reach at that time. All books will be back in customer use by October 2nd.

During the move, you can return books to all other library sites including the return box located on the Meilahti Campus (Haarmaninkatu 3 lobby). Loans from these collections have no due dates on September.

We apologize for the inconvenience!

We meet on October at Terkko Health Hub

Meilahti Campus Library opens October 2nd as a part of the Terkko Health Hub. The library is open Mon-Fri 8-20, customer service 10-17. Outside the desk service hours, the library serves as a Self Service Library.


Report mistakes caused by Helka failure with e-form

There was a library system failure in Helka during the week 31 (July 31st – August 4th). Loans, renewals, returns and payments made in during that week may not be correctly displayed in your account.

If your information is still not displayed correctly, please report it by using this form:


Read more information about the system failure:


Cash no longer accepted in the campus libraries

The summer vacation ended in the campus libraries in Kumpula and Viikki, and they are open again starting August 7th. Welcome back! Please notice, that we still have summer opening hours (Mon-Fri 9-16) until August 27th.

Cash no longer accepted in the campus libraries

We no longer accept cash payments at the service desks in the campus libraries. Only payment by card is available. You can still pay with cash in the Main Library in Kaisa House. You can also pay overdue and reservation fees online after logging into your Helka account.

Opening hours during fall semester (August 28th – December 17th, 2017)

Helsinki University Library is back to normal opening hours on Monday August 28th.

Kumpula Campus Library is open Mon-Fri 8-18, customer service desk Mon-Fri 10-17. During the rest of the opening hours library operates as Self-Service Library.

Viikki Campus Library is open Mon-Fri 8-19, customer service desk Mon-Fri 10-17. During the rest of the opening hours library operates as Self-Service Library.

Meilahti Campus Library at Terkko Health Hub opens on Monday September 4th. The library is open Mon-Fri 8-20, customer service desk 10-17. During the rest of the opening hours library operates as Self-Service Library.

Main Library Kaisa House is open Mon-Fri 8-20 and Sat 11-17. Customer service on the 3rd floor is open Mon-Fri 10-19 and Sat 11-17. During the rest of the opening hours library operates as Self-Service Library.

Come and work with your data management plan!

In these workshops you will get an introduction to data management planning and the Data Management Planning Tool Tuuli. Most of the time will be hands on working with your own DMP’s.

Feel free to participate in a workshop at any campus, please sign up!

City centre cam­pus

Place:  IT class (5057; 5th floor) of the Helsinki University Main Library in Kaisa building (Fabianinkatu 30).

  • Thu, 24 August 2017 at 10-12:00
  • Wed, 30 August 2017 at 10-12:00
  • Wed, 6 September 2017 at 14-16:00
  • Thu, 14 September 2017 at 10-12:00
  • Mon, 18 September 2017 at 12-14:00
  • Wed, 20 September 2017 at 14-16:00

Enrollments by 18 August 2017: https://elomake.helsinki.fi/lomakkeet/81078/lomake.html

Kum­pula cam­pus

Place: Kumpula Campus Library, Library class G108b

  • Thu 17th August 2017, at 14:15-16:00
  • Wed 23rd August 2017, at 9:15-11:00
  • Tue 12th September 2017, at 14:15-16:00

Enrollments: https://elomake.helsinki.fi/lomakkeet/81186/lomake.html

 Mei­l­ahti cam­pus

Place: Terkko Medical Campus Library (Haartmaninkatu 4), PC-classroom, 1st floor

  • Tue 12.9.2017, at 13:15-15:00 o’clock
  • Fri 15.9.2017, at 10:15-12:00 o’clock
  • Wed 20.9.2017, at 10:15-12:00 o’clock

Enrollments for workshops:  https://elomake.helsinki.fi/lomakkeet/81182/lomake.html

DMP clinics: Come and ask about your DMP 

The DMP clinics are Pop-Up clinics for those who already know what DMPs are and want to get their DMP reviewed or tips before submission. The sessions don’t include introduction.The clinic will be hands on working with your own DMP’s.

Place: Terkko PC classroom (Haartmaninkatu 4)

  •  Fri 15.9.2017, at 13:00-14:30 o’clock
  • Wed 20.9.2017, at 14:15-15:30 o’clock

Enrollments for clinics: https://elomake.helsinki.fi/lomakkeet/81183/lomake.html

Viikki cam­pus

Place: Infocenter Korona, Viikinkaari 11 A, class 138

  • Mon 11th September 2017, at 12:00-14:00
  • Wed 13th September 2017, at 14:00-16:00
  • Tue 19th September 2017, at 10:00-12:00

Enrollments by 7th September 2017: https://elomake.helsinki.fi/lomakkeet/81188/lomake.html

The workshops are organized by University of Helsinki DataSupport.

Support for research data management and DMP reviewing service: researchdata@helsinki.fi or phone 02 941 23000.

More info: ResearchGuides:Research Data Management

Helka in use, but maintenance work still underway

There was a service break in Helka August 3rd – 4th. The database is now in use, but maintenance work is still being carried out. Any fines incurred during the break will be removed. 

Loans, renewals and returns from week 31 (July 31st – August 4th) may not be correctly displayed in your account. Changes in your information may not have been updated in the database, and new cards may be inactive. If you have made reservations during this period, you should do them again. The due date for books that fell due last week and today will be moved to August 22nd to avoid unnecessary fines.

We are currently working our way through the returns. We are working as fast as we can to get the database up to date.

If your information is still not displayed correctly after August 14th, please contact the library: library@helsinki.fi

We are sorry for the inconvenience, thank you for your patience!