Trial: DBpia – Korean academic journals

DBpia is an online service of Korean academic journals, Conference Proceedings, professional journals, E-Books, WebDB and so on. Our trial is limited to the journals.

DBpia is servicing more than 1,900 kinds of journals including those of SCI-class, and more than 10 thousands of new articles are added and updated every month.


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Your feedback is welcome:

Kiinnostaako kotimainen oikeuskäytäntö tai lainsäädäntö? Oppaastamme löydät oikeudelliset tiedonlähteet koottuna

Oikeustieteellisen tutkimustiedon äärelle pääset nyt myös suomenkielisen oppaan avulla, kun tieteenalaopas kotimaisesta oikeudesta valmistui. Ennestään oikeudellisen tiedon tarvitsijoille on kirjastomme asiantuntijat koonneet jo englanninkieliset oppaat European Law ja Law.

LAWKaikki oikeustieteen, kuten myös muiden tieteenalojen oppaat löydät ResearchGuides


ResearchGuides – tutkimuksen tiedonlähteet


Support Open Access now! – arXiv starts a campaign

arXiv is an Open access repository of over one million e-prints in Physics, Mathematics, Computer Science, Quantitative Biology, Quantitative Finance and Statistics. University of Helsinki is one of the top benefiters and users of this repository in the Nordic countries.


arXiv’s sponsoring baseline maintenance costs are covered with support from 183 member libraries amongst them Helsinki University Library and Simons Foundation, as well as the main organizer, Cornell University Library. Fund raising pilot between 10th and 19th September enables researcher community or an individual supporter to make a donation to ensure the development of this tremendous archive.

Read more about arXiv:
arXiv at Univeristy of Helsinki (Memeber Advisory Board meeting, Eva Isaksson)

Kaisa Library: The Haps

Helsinki University City Centre Campus Library in Finland by AOA architects.
Helsinki University City Centre Campus Library in Finland by AOA architects.

Alright, so you’ve seen the white walls and the big windows and the light that is everywhere. The carefully color-coded design chairs and the smiling guys at customer service.

What then?

Step 1

First impressions about Kaisa vary widely: The anti-humanist, Foucault-referencing poststructuralist nerds often feel that the Kaisa library is too clinical, like a science factory with no goal but to produce science (power is, like, a network which serves, like, faceless institutions).

The utilitarian, inertia-friendly, cat-like nerds think Kaisa is the best place to study because utility is, finally, maximized: the fact that you can eat, sleep and study within one building makes it the Greatest Building In The World.

Both are right. If the white space-hospitaley walls give you the creeps, check out Aleksandria, Café Gaudeamus, and the lower floors: 2, K2, and K3. All are great places to study if the upper floors of the Kaisa make you sure that HAL is watching you. If you like being alone, head down to K4 where even Friday won’t find you.

Remember The Tunnel

Don’t forget that you can take elevators straight from the metro station and grocery store up to Kaisa and walk through the lobby to Aleksandria, the Language Center and Porthania. This is extremely useful when it’s Winter and you want to bite your fingers off just so they wouldn’t be so cold. Utilitarianism rules.

Try the space chairs on the third floor and the coffee automat on the 7th (free hot water! Just bring your own teabags). Permanently moving into the library is made very easy with the student kitchen on the third floor, complete with a microwave and a kettle.

How To Become Lorelai Gilmore: Coffee Secrets

In addition to Gaudeamus (2,25 euros), the closest places to get coffee are Café Portaali (1,25 euros, with lunch 90 cents), the grocery shop on level K1 (small coffee one euro) and the corner kiosk on Kaisaniemenkatu close to the tram stops (one euro). The author of this piece sincerely recommends the latter: the kiosk is kept by the sweetest grandmas who’ll smile your face off.

Or Rory Gilmore: Book Secrets

Notice also that most books – except for course material – have a loaning period of 28 days and they can be renewed 50 times. This means that you can borrow one book for four years and two months. That’s probably more time than you can possibly imagine right now. In addition to cool science books you can find prose, poetry and drama in different languages on K3.

Lastly: don’t forget that This Is Water. Don’t follow the instructions, just read the books. They’re the best that Kaisa has to offer.

Trial: eBooks and eJournals from Wageningen Academic Publishers (till October 31)

We have trial access to over 250 e-books and 4 e-journals  from Wageningen Academic Publishers. The books are mainly in the fields of Viikki  Campus. There are essential scientific books and journals in animal husbandry, veterinary sciences, plant production and food sciences.  The staff and students in other campuses can find interesting reading among them, too.

The books can be browsed by subject categories:

Animal SciencesEnvironmental Sciences  |  Plant Sciences |
Food and Health SciencesSocial Sciences

Among journals can be mentioned especailly Journal of Insects as Food or Feed . It deals with the research in the hot conversation topic. The rest 4 are : Beneficial Microbes, Comparative Excercise Fysiology,  Quality Assurance and Safety of Crops & Foods and World Mycotoxin Journal.

Trial period: September 2 – October 31.  Your feedback is welcome: e-library[at]

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Use your Helka Card Number and your Surname as Password in Borrowing Ellibs eTextbooks

Our old customers have get used to write their HELKA card numbers as username and their surname as password when borrowing Ellibs e-textbooks.  The new form they have encountered this autumn when trying to access Ellibs e-books have made some of them to think that they ought to use their PIN code as password.

REMEMBER: The old “tradition” is continuing in the borrowing of Ellibs textbooks:

Username: HELKA card number
Password: surname

See the PrintScreen image of the confusing form below:



Research Evaluation and Indicators -seminar 16.10.

Seminar on Bibliometrics 2015 is arranged on the Minerva Square (Siltavuorenpenger 9) in Helsinki 16.10.2015.

leidenThe evaluation of the research from the point of the bibliometrics is the theme of the seminar this year. Special focus would be on the explanation applicability of the indicators which describe the quality of the study. The keynote speaker of the seminar is Ed Noyons (Associate Director CWTS Leiden). In the afternoon we will divide into the teams which deal with subjects on the themes of interdisciplinary, the evaluation of the study and the measurement of the productivity of the study.

The seminar welcomes persons who are working with bibliometrics or utilise it. The seminar is targeted to the administration or researchers of universities, research organizations, libraries, Ministry and to the Academy of Finland. The participants are asked, if desired, to publish an article which is related to its subject matter, in connection with the seminar.

The seminar is organized by the Ministry of Education and Culture, the Council for Finnish University Libraries (SYN) and CSC.

More exact program and registration to the seminar by 7.10.2015 on registration form.

You are most welcome!