Scholarly eBooks for the Entire World – the Library participates in the International OA Acquisition Initiative

Helsinki University Library has, together with about 300 other libraries from different countries,  acquired 28 e-books accessible to the whole world. The collection  acquired consists of international university publishers’ books, mostly in the field of humanities and social sciences.

This kind of acquisition of e-resources is quite unusual. Traditionally university libraries have acquired e-books to be used only with their own universities’ network.This joint OA acquisition is a pilot that is part of the international Knowledge Unlatched –project. Its goal is to enhance open accessibility of scientific literature.The books can be found in the OAPEN online library and publication platform.

One of the goals of the Knowledge Unlatched –project is to lobby the model of open access to the scientific community, research funders, libraries and publishers. The project aims to find answers to “whether it is possible to develop such communication ecosystem that benefits all.”

Please find more information about the project and its benefits for libraries, end users, publishers and writers on the project’s web page


Student printing becomes chargeable on 15.4.

Student printing becomes chargeable across the University as of 15.4. Old printing quotas will be zeroed at the same time. Printing balance used to pay prints can be bought from Unigrafia’s online print store (in Finnish) or at their express prints.

  • Black and white pages cost 7,6 cents / page
  • Colour pages cost 26,6 cents / page

Free of charge printers

It is possible to use free of charge printers during a transitional period that lasts this spring and summer.

  • Printing on these machines is free of charge to students.Student Print Point -logo
  • These devices can only be used for black and white printing, while photocopying and scanning is not possible.
  • Usage of these printers is allowed only for students in study-related purposes.
  • Free of charge printers are marked with StudentPrintPoint-logo.

Free of charge printers located near libraries

  • Fabianinkatu 28 (Aleksandria)
    • 1st and 3rd floor
  • Siltavuorenpenger 5 A (Minerva)
    • K214
  • Gustaf Hällströmin Katu 2a (Physicum)
    • D208
  • Haartmaninkatu 4
    • Learning Centre Mocoma
  • Viikinkaari 11 (Info Centre Korona)
    • Library 2nd floor

Our eBook Collections Enriched with 110 000!

Ebrary Academic Complete package just acquired multiplies our eBook collections. It offers authoritative eBooks in a wide range of subject areas.

The books are available any time – online and offline  and on multiple devices including the iPad, iPhone, Kobo, Nook, and Sony Reader, too.

The Ebrary platform provides multiple options for searching, browsing and and navigating. (Read more !)

The books can be accessed in the University of Helsinki network. Remote use is possible for those with a University of Helsinki user account. Others than the University of Helsinki users can access these eBooks at Helsinki University Library.

Tuula Närhinen’s Baltic Sea Plastique in Kaisa House

Tuula Närhinen, Baltic Sea Plastique, 2013 © The Artist
Tuula Närhinen, Baltic Sea Plastique, 2013 © The Artist

Tuula Närhinen’s artwork will be on display at the Helsinki University Main Library (Kaisa House) from March 27 until May 14, 2014.

In Tuula Närhinen’s work science and art are often intertwined. Natural science with its imagery forms the base of her work. The themes involve natural themes, especially water. Tuula Närhinen works mainly with photography but uses also other techniques and materials.

Environmental issues that have been important to Tuula Närhinen’s work in the past are also present in this exhibition. Multi-piece installation draws attention to the human-created marine debris and its devastating effects on the marine ecosystem. The name of the installation Baltic Sea Plastique refers to the plastic waste in our own home shores of the Baltic Sea.

Tuula Närhinen describes her works as follows:

“Baltic Sea Plastique is an extension of Mermaid’s tears (2007) and Frutti di Mare (2008). In my new piece imaginary organisms made of plastic garbage come alive and merge into the life of the sea.”


Wondering where to publish your articles? Hear the tips of the publisher

Author workshop in Viikki Campus Library
Wondering where to publish your articles? Hear the tips of the publisher!

Time: April 10th, 2014 at 9 pm – 12
Place: Viikki, B Building, Lecture Hall 2, Latokartanonkaari 9
Timon Oefelein, Springer, Account Development Manager
Anthony Doyle, Springer, Senior Editor Engineering

In the author seminar, editor and trainer of Springer will provide the publisher’s viewpoint on the successful publishing process:
– How to choose a worth-while topic as well as a suitable journal
– How to submit your article to a journal with a good chance of being accepted
– The impact of open access and social networking
– Overview of Springer’s online technology and multiple formats, including Springer’s open access publishing formats.

The seminar will be in English. It is free of charge and open for all.

Interested? Enrol on the seminar with this form.

Arranged by Helsinki University Library and Springer.

Further information and cancellations:
Päivi Helminen, Helsinki University Library,, tel. 09 191 58803
Tuula Huuskonen, Helsinki University Library, Viikki Campus Library,, tel. 09 191 58799


Index Religiosus on Trial (–> 31.3.2014)

Index Religiosus – International Bibliography of Theology, Church History and Religious Studies replaces the bibliography of the ‘Revue d’histoire ecclésiastique’ and of the ‘Ephemerides Theologicae Lovanienses (Elenchus Bibliographicus)’.

  •  is a reference bibliography for Theology, Religious Studies and Church History
  • covers publications written in various European languages (English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Dutch, etc
  • consist of some 565,000 biobliographic records
  • is updated yearly with 20,000 records
  • offers the possibility to export records in several formats (EndNOte, Refworks, Zotero, etc.)

The free trial is restricted to Helsinki University students, faculty, staff and the local users in the National Library and Helsinki University Library.

Feedback: kk-tietopalvelu[at]

What journal did you read?

The library is monitoring the usage of its printed journals on March.

During this time, if you use or read printed journals in the Main Library, in Minerva, in Terkko or in the Viikki Campus Library, please return journals to the trolley near the collection.

Archival Collections of Key Journals as E-versions (Trial –> 31.3.2014)

All archival collections of JSTOR are accessible to the the staff and the students of the University of Helsinki until the end of March.

Thanks to the trial of JSTOR Archival collections we have now access to earlier volumes of over 1000 journals. These journals can be found also trough HELKA and NELLI.  You can find links to the articles included to these journals also on the result lists of the searches you have done in the reference databases subscribed by the Library or in Google Scholar.

It is possible to browse the titles included in JSTOR Archival Collections. (Normally we have access to Arts and Sciences I, II and III and JSTOR Biological Sciences Collection.)

The journals can be accessed in the University of Helsinki network. Remote use is possible for those with a University of Helsinki user account. Others than the University of Helsinki users can access these journals at Helsinki University Library.

Feedback as comment or by e-mail: