New eBooks from Elsevier

The library provides access to 474 new eBooks on various scientific fields published in 2013-14 by Elsevier. The eBooks most used during the year will be acquired permanently in the end of the year. The eBooks can be found in ScienceDirect; but you can also browse titles by subjects through HELKA:


Printers and copier machines are replaced in the Main Library on Feb 17 – Feb 21

Library printers and copier machines will be replaced with new Canon devices during February. The Main Library’s printers and copier machines at Kaisa House are replaced on Feb 17 – Feb 21.

Use of the new printers requires registration with your University username and an identifying card. Register on a Canon printer with a card reader. HSL travel cards or Lyyra cards with an NFC payment feature can be used as identifying cards. Unigrafia sells its own identifying cards for students at its quick print locations. Register while the replacement is underway so that you can use the new printers as soon as they have been installed.

For now, Unigrafia will keep a few multi-function printers that use the old-style copy card reader. These old printers will be available at the following central locations on different campuses:

Minerva library K2 (K224)

Kaisa House
– level K4 (K4/004)
– 2nd floor (2021)
– 7th floor (7053)

Viikki Info Centre Campus Library
– 2nd floor (229)
– 3rd floor (310)

Dental Clinic, Kytösuontie 9 library
– 2nd floor (2324 and 2003 AULA)

Terkko, Haartmaninkatu 4 (101)


More information on the printer replacement programme is available on the Unigrafia website

Printing instructions from the Helpdesk

Changes in Web of Knowledge / Web of Science Databases

The name of the  Web of Knowledge is now  Web of Science – All Databasesand the name of the Web of Science is now Web of Science – Core Collection.

The databases have all the same features and functions as in earlier versions of the product, but it is now faster, easier to use, and the product is now attractively packaged in a new user interface.

Read more on what’s new –>

There are variety of training options and materials available, too.

P.S. If you are in the habit of doing research on Sundays, it might be useful to know that scheduled maintenance for Web of Science will begin on Sunday, February 16, 2014 at 11:30 GMT and end by 17:30 GMT. During this time, Web of Science may not be available intermittently.

Trial: Imperial Russia’s Illustrated Press Online ~ Immerse yourself in Russian cultural history

Imperial Russia’s Illustrated Press Online  includes illustrated weeklies which open a wide window on Russian cultural, social, and political life. This trial if offered by Brill. Weeklies are:

Живописная Россія
Всеобщий журнал литературы и искусства, науки и общественной жизни
Синiй журналъ
Русская Иллюстрация
ИСКРЫ- Иллюстрированный художественно-литературный журнал

Trial period: 10.2.-11.3.2014


Learn methods through real-life research cases! (Trial Period til 1st May)

SAGE offers to  the SAGE Research Methods Online customers a free beta trial for its new methods resource SAGE Research Methods Cases. SRMC provides real-life examples of how research is actually conducted to help users grasp methods concepts that can often be theoretical or abstract.

SAGE Research Methods Cases can be accessed in the University of Helsinki network . For those with a University of Helsinki user account, remote use is possible. Others than University of Helsinki users can access the resources at  Helsinki University Library.

Trial period til 1st May. Feedback as comment or by e-mail:

P.S. There are numerous new titles in SAGE Research Methods Online maybe relevant to you.


Over 1000 New eJournals from different fields

The Library has acquired over 1000 new titles from Taylor & Frances.  The journals are from different fields, however mostly from humanities and social and behavioral sciences . Among the new titles there are a few journals wished by researchers and research groups of the University.

All T&F journals  can be browsed by topic in Taylor & Francis Online.The journals accessible to us are marked with a green square. Partly green means that only a part of volumes are available.

T&F journals available can be found also through NELLI, HELKA and  Search Library Resources box on the Library’s website.

The journals can be accessed in the University of Helsinki network . Remote use is possible for those with a University of Helsinki user account. Others than University of Helsinki users can access the resources at Helsinki University Library.



Students are able to make reservations on Kaisa House group work rooms via new version of WebTimmi

Student: Do reservations on Kaisa House group work rooms via new version of WebTimmi!

Login for students works in the new test version. From WebTimmi login page there is a link to the new version (Opiskelija … tästä).

  • Please note this in the new version: Do not double-click the calendar!
    By double-clicking you copy the time to the clipboard and others cannot reserve that time. If so happens, empty the clipboard by clicking the clipboard icon in the right upper corner.
  • If you have any troubles with the system, please ask help from the customer service, or send an email to kirjasto-keskusta (at), or call 09 191 23920.

The Learning Centre Aleksandria’s group work rooms are reserved onwards via IT-centre’s online booking system




Library Professionals and Architects Meet in Helsinki in May

The Helsinki University Library hosts the international conference Designing the Future – From Concepts to Library Buildings 6.-9.5.2014.

The conference is organized by a collaborative network of European research libraries and its goals are to advance exchanging of experience among library professionals and architects, as well as to distribute information of latest trends and projects in the field of library architecture.

Over 100 library professionals and other interested parties are expected to participate in the conference.

The Helsinki University Main Library, Kaisa House, opened in 2012 and has since gathered both national and international recognition and several architectural prizes. Conference participants also have a chance to visit other libraries in the Helsinki metropolitan area.

Please find the programme on the conference page.

LIBER (Ligue des Bibliothèques Europeennes de Recherche – Association of European Research Libraries)

New Portal: MITCogNet for your use

MITCogNet is an online location for the brain and cognitive science community´s scientific research.

Portal includes 10 major reference works including The Cognitive Neurosciences (4 th Ed.) by Michael Gazzaniga, fulltext of six MIT Press journals including the Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience and over 530 full-text MIT Press books related to the brain sciences.