Library’s opening hours during and after the Midsummer

From the Midsummer (Fri, June 22) on, Meilahti and Viikki Campus Libraries will be closed. Main Library Kaisa House and Learning Centre Aleksandria have shorter opening hours.

Opening hours at Midsummer

Thursday, June 21

  • Main Library Kaisa House open 8-18, customer service 10-18.
  • Learning Centre Aleksandria open 8-17:45.
  • Learning Centre Minerva open 8-15:45.
  • Meilahti and Viikki Campus Libraries open 8-16, customer service 10-16.
  • Kumpula Campus Library closed.

At Midsummer, June 22-24, the learning centres and all library locations are closed. Aleksandria can be accessed with magnetic key during Midsummer (from 7 a.m. until 1 a.m.).

SUMMER 2018 in the Library

All Helsinki University Library’s services during the summer (eg customer service hours, loan periods, returns and reservations, HUPS and Interlibrary loans) can be found from the page SUMMER 2018 in the Library.

Keep in mind that the e-library is open 24/7, also in the summer!

Summertime begins at the campus libraries on May 21st. Check the opening hours!

Opening hours at the Viikki and Meilahti campus libraries in the summer

  • 21.5. – 21.6. Mon-Fri 8 a.m. – 4 p.m., customer service 10 a.m. – 4 p.m.
  • 22.6. – 5.8. closed
  • 6.8. – 26.8. Mon-Fri 8 a.m. – 4 p.m., customer service 10 a.m. – 4 p.m.

Long loan periods will start on May 24th. Loans from Viikki and Meilahti will receive a due date on August 7th as follows:

      • 28 day loans starting on May 24th
      • 14 day loans (textbooks) starting on June 7th.

When the campus libraries are closed, please contact the Main Library Kaisa House customer service at the 3rd floor. Customer service is open Mon-Fri 10 a.m. – 6 p.m.  We try to answer e-mails during the following working day.

Kumpula Campus Library is closed for renovations the whole summer

The last day the library will be open, is Friday May 18th, and it will reopen in autumn 2018. When the Kumpula Campus Library is closed, please use the facilities in the Main Library Kaisa House. Further information: Kumpula 2018

SUMMER 2018 in the Library

All Helsinki University Library’s services during the summer (eg customer service hours, loan periods, returns and reservations) can be found from the page SUMMER 2018 in the Library.

See all summer opening hours from our website. In addition to the library’s sites, you’ll find the opening hours of Aleksandria and Minerva Learning Centres.

On Trial: Complete Counseling and Therapy Package until 4.6

kuvituskuvana koekäyttölogo

The Complete Counseling and Therapy Package available in the University of Helsinki until 4.6.

The Complete Counseling and Therapy Package features applied training materials that help counseling students, faculty, and practitioners put theory into practice. The resources included in the channel offer more than 2,000 hours of training videos, conference sessions, and footage of actual therapy session and 100,000 pages of transcripts, client narratives, and reference works.

You have access to the following individual collections:

Counseling and Psychotherapy Transcripts: Volume I
Counseling and Psychotherapy Transcripts: Volume II 
Counseling and Therapy in Video: Volumes I-V 
Social Work Online 
The Video Journal of Counseling and Therapy
Nursing and Mental Health in Video: A Symptom Media Collection

Feedback you can send to

Opening hours on Ascension Day, May 9th-10th

On Wednesday May 9th libraries are open as follows:
– Main Library 8-18, customer service 10-18.
– Kumpula, Meilahti and Viikki Campus Libraries 8-16, customer service 10-16.

Learning Centres Aleksandria and Minerva are open 8-17:45.

On Thursday May 10th (Ascension Day) libraries and learning centres are closed.
Aleksandria can be accessed with the magnetic key.


Opening hours during May Day

balloons 2Opening hours on Monday April 30th:

– Main Library, Kaisa House 8 a.m. – 6 p.m. (customer service 10 a.m. – 6 p.m.)
– Kumpula, Meilahti and Viikki Campus Libraries 8 a.m. – 4 p.m. (customer service 10 a.m. – 4 p.m.)

On Tuesday, May 1st, all library locations and learning centres are closed.

There is no night use in the Learning Centre Aleksandria between 5:45 p.m. on Monday, April 30th and 4 p.m. on Tuesday, May 1st.

Library opening hours

Giving Feedback is a Win-Win – HULib Customer Survey 2018

HULib Asiakaskysely 2016Please evaluate the importance of different library services and how well the library has succeeded in offering these services.

Helsinki University Library’s Customer Survey is available from the 23rd until the 29th of April, 2018.

By responding to the survey, you can influence the future of Helsinki University Library’s services. You can also add comments and suggestions.

We give away 25 small prizes (thermo mugs and movie ticket packages) to the respondents of the survey.

Link to the English Survey:

On trial: Ogonek Digital Archive from 1 to 30 April

The Ogonek Digital Archive’s 230,000 articles and 440,000 photographs will serve as a virtual timeline tracing the Soviet era into the Great War, the Cold War, perestroika/glasnost, and today.

Amid strife, Ogonek strived for intellectual ideals through lively commentary, criticism, and satire, becoming a forum for Russian cultural thought and political discourse.

The trial is available to Helsinki University students, faculty, staff and the local users in the National Library and Helsinki University Library.

Licenses and conditions of use of electronic materials

Feedback: kk-tietopalvelu[at]

Access to the resource via the National Library of Finland Search Service



Open Science kiosks on all campuses, 16.-18.4.2018

How open science affects the visibility and accessibility of your study? What should you as a member of the University of Helsinki community know about open access publishing and services offered by the library? Which are the discounts of author processing charges (APC’s) you are entitled to? Come, ask and discuss open science themes with the experts of the library.

We will also give you some new tips on self-archiving and advice how to promote Open Access now more easily than before. Self-archiving creates openness!

Kiosks’ business hours and places:

Biomedicum lobby, Meilahti
16.4.  11 am – 13 pm

Main building lobby, City Centre
17.4.  11 am – 13 pm

Physicum lobby, Kumpula
17.4.  11 am – 13 pm

Building EE lobby, Viikki
18.4.  11 am – 13 pm

We welcome both the new and old customers!

More information:

Main Library’s overnight return box is not in use in March 28th-29th

The overnight return machine on Fabianinkatu will be renewed. Job will start on Wednesday March 28th in the afternoon and continue on Thursday afternoon, March 29th. The return machine is not in use during the work. The overnight return box should be operational again on Thursday afternoon.

After the Main Library is closed on Wednesday, you can return books to return boxes on Kumpula and Viikki Campus Libraries. The books will be registered as returned on the following work day.

On the Kumpula Campus the overnight return box is located at Physicum’s main entrance (Gustaf Hällströmin katu 2a), next to the gray side door.

Next to the main doors of the Viikki Campus Library (Info Centre), there is a joint return box for the Campus Library and the Helsinki City Library in which you may return materials at any time of the day.