On Trial: The Making of Modern Law until 16.5

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The Making of Modern Law is available in the University of Helsinki until 16.5.

We have access to the following modules:

Foreign Primary Sources, 1600-1970, Part I and II

–  Part I and II are digital collections of historical legal codes and similar statutory materials, as well as commentaries on codes from around the world.

Foreign, Comparative and International Law, 1600-1926

– complements the award-winning The Making of Modern Law: Legal Treatises, 1800-1926. Coverage is primarily from the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, but there are also several hundred classics in European international law since the seventeenth century.

Also available in Helka database.

Feedback you can write to e-library@helsinki.fi

New content in Oxford Handbooks Online

Access to several 2019 publications in Oxford Handbooks Online  is now available permanently in the University of Helsinki network.

New content has been acquired for these subject areas:

Classical Studies

Economics & Finance




Political Science



The annual collections include the books published completely in 2019 and articles in the books the content of which grows during several years.

Monthly updates will introduce individual Handbook chapters prior to their release in print, online-only essays on emerging areas of research and updated versions of all articles.

The books will be catalogued in the Helka database.

You can send feedback by e-mail: e-library@helsinki.fi

Opening hours during Easter 18.4.-22.4.

During Easter the libraries are closed from Good Friday April 19th until Easter Monday April 22nd, 2019.

On Maundy Thursday (April 18th), the libraries are open as follows:
– Kaisa House  8 a.m. – 6 p.m (customer service 10 a.m. – 6 p.m).
– Kumpula, Terkko and Viikki 8 a.m. – 4 p.m (customer service 10 a.m. – 4 p.m).

Learning Centres Aleksandria and Minerva are open 8 a.m. – 5:45 p.m. on Maundy Thursday. Aleksandria can be accessed with magnetic key during Easter (from 7 a.m. until 1 a.m.).

Guidance Corner opening week at Kaisa House April 9-11th, 2019

Welcome to the opening of Guidance Corner, University students and staff!

During the opening week you can experience and get to know activities organized at Guidance Corner throughout the year. You can update your CV and job application, join an exercise session, try on a virtual reality headset, check how much you know about our University or Moodle, discuss open science, take a selfie or write your greetings to the parliamentary elections on the Student Union’s photo wall.

There’s also a chance to express your thoughts and opinions on what your dream Guidance Corner would look like in the future!

Check the Opening week’s programme: https://guide.student.helsinki.fi/en/news/opening-guidance-corner-9-12-april

Tutors are adventurous at Kaisa House on Thursday, April 4th

This year’s Tutor Adventure is organised on Thursday April 4th,  at 1 pm – 8 pm, on the City Centre campus. Almost all of the university’s 700 tutors participate in the Adventure.

The Tutor Adventure of HYY and UH Student Services consists of touring checkpoints in teams to learn tutoring skills and receive information about the services and activities of the University, the Student Union and other interest groups. Three of the checkpoints are located in the Main Library at the Kaisa House (on the 3rd, 5th and 7th floor).

Please notice, that the Tutor Adventure may cause a little extra noise in the library.

Artificial Intelligence Workshop! Speed up your literature discovery & review with Iris.ai 25.-26.04.2019

Workshop – Speed up your literature discovery & review with Iris.ai 25.-26.04.2019

Do you need help in your research or thesis writing process? Are you challenged with the overwhelming volume of published scientific research? Join the workshop at your campus and get started with Iris.ai – your science assistant.

The Iris.ai team will guide you how to semi-automate the discovery and literature review parts of your research process. In this workshop you’ll learn to create your first exploration maps, refine the results, and compile a reading list with the help of the artificial intelligence assistant.

Who is it for?

The event is open and free for all University of Helsinki students, researchers and staff members. During the 2-hour workshop you will see a demo of how to get started with your Iris.ai Premium account and put the tools to the test. This is also a great opportunity to ask questions and receive invaluable support from Iris.ai team.

When and where?

Iris.ai and Helsinki University Library host free workshop sessions at each campus. See the schedule below:

On Thursday, April 25th 2019

10:00-12:00 Viikki Campus: Infokeskus Korona, lecture hall 171

13:00-15:00 Kumpula Campus: Kumpula Exactum, CK107

On Friday, April 26th 2019

10:00-12:00 Meilahti Campus: Terkko Health Hub, Auditorium

13:00-15:00 City Center Campus: Main Library Kaisa-talo, Kaisa-sali

Spaces are limited so claim your free ticket soon! Bring your own device!

Register to the workshops on Eventbrite.


Students of Viikki! Join us in planning Infocenter Korona’s renovation on April 4, 2019

The heart of Viikki Campus, Infocenter Korona, will begin to undergo refurbishment at the start of summer 2020.

The facilities will be developed to better suit future needs, and especially teaching facilities will undergo a significant change. Facilities for University staff members and the University Library will be on the upper floors of Korona. The lower floor will be dedicated to libraries, students and teaching.

Come and tell us what kind to facilities you need to best support your studies!

Tuesday April 2 2019 at 14-16
Infocenter Korona, lecture room 139

The current concept plan will be demonstrated using panoramic videos and VR-headsets. A presentation about the development of teaching and the future of studying will also be included in the program. There will be time for questions, feedback and discussion by using an interactive tool Flinga at the end of the event. Refreshments and fruit will be served.

Event programme (to be detailed later)

  • Context for Viikki area and the Infocenter, Architect Mika Huhtala, University of Helsinki
  • Future of teaching and studying, Anne Nevgi, University lecturer
  • Infocenter Korona’s new facilities, preliminary concept, Interior Architect SIO Leea Åberg, Sisustusarkkitehdit Gullstén & Inkinen
  • Discussion and feedback using Flinga.

Event page in Facebook

Feedback about Viikki Campus Library facilities was gathered during autumn of 2018

Helsinki University Library conducted a user survey in September and October 2018. Feeback was gathered with Flinga and flip charts located at the library.

We asked our customers what works at the library in general and what doesn’t. We also asked specifically about group facilities, researcher lounges and the 24h reading area.

The survey got about 200 development proposals and other responses. Criticism was mostly about the noise in the library, and users wished for better soundproofing. Other topics that surfaced were ergonomics, ventilation, lighting and colour scheme. Improvements were hoped for furnishings, group facilities and researcher lounges. There was also a wish for more studying spaces.

The users thanked the library for good customer service, indoor plants and gardens, comfortable couches and quiet and well-lit studying spaces by the windows.

The library has compiled a detailed summary of the feedback to be used in the planning for renovation of library spaces.




Library notices lost on the way

The IT Center is updating Office 365 licenses, and, unfortunately, it seems that after the update, messages sent to a user will not get through, but are returned to the sender. This is resolved as soon as the user logs into his email account after the update.

The problem also affects reminders and pick-up notices sent by the library, if you have a helsinki.fi email address in Helka.

If you have loans or requests, please monitor the situation in Helka. The updates will continue during week 13 ( 25.-29.3.).

We are very sorry for the inconvenience.