More and More Key Science Journals Now Accessible from the First Volume

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Our patrons have wished to be able to have access to  the key journals in their fields from the first volumes although there might be printed versions available in the Library. During the last few years the Library has acquired for instance a few digital backfiles from  Wiley. Quite recently we purchased American Instute of Physics Digital Archive.  This resource provides to the staff and students of the UH access for instance  to the following journals:

In addition to these key journals which we have the current subscription for there are the following publications available in the resource: Chaos (1991-1998),  Journal of Laser Applications (1988-1998), Journal of Physical and Chemical Reference Data (1972-1998) Low Temperature Physics (1997-1998) Physics of Fluids (1958-1998) Physics of Plasmas (1958-1998) ,AIP Conference Proceedings (1970-1998). Any of these publications can be found through the list of of the AIP journals accessible to us.

One quite recent Wiley backfiles acquisition is the archive of JQS. Journal of quaternary science.   Do not forget a few other backfiles of science journals from Wiley we have purchased during last few years.

Thousands of eBooks from Palgrave Acquired!

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The Library has acquired thousands of eBooks from Palgrave in addition to those tens acquired in May. The main subject of the books areas are as follows: literature and cultural studies, language and linguistics, philosophy and religion, social sciences.

Among the titles now acquired there are books published in the 2010’s but also many older ones. The books can be browsed by subject categories in the PalgraveConnect interface.

If you find some titles important for your studies but not accessible to UH in the PalgraveConnect , make an acquisition proposal!


New Reference Work: Treatise on Geophysics


Treatise on Geophysics (2nd Edition) is a comprehensive and in-depth study of the physics of the Earth and of terrestrial-like planets residing both within and outside our solar system. Its breadth and detail of coverage are beyond what any single geophysics text can provide.

The first edition of the Treatise on Geophysics was published in 2007. In this new edition, the reader will find updates to all the chapters contained in the first edition and new chapters that discuss topics missing from the first edition which we have had in the Library’s printed collections.

Church Missionary Society Periodicals – trial until 14th July 2015


Church Missionary Society Periodicals, 1804-2009 (Module I)*

The documents include reports on missionary work, serialised journals and letters, birth, marriage, and death announcements, fiscal reports and reflections on worship, making them an extremely rich source.

You can browse by issue, topic, person or country thanks to the detailed metadata attached to each document.

You can discover photographs and artwork through the bespoke, searchable visual galleries or use the interactive chronology and map features to supplement your research.

*Please note that PDF download options are not available during trials.

Remote access through VPN connection:

Trial period: 17.6. –14.7.2015


New Resource: Classic Arabic Texts Online!

واعراضها ؞ واخبرنى عدَّة من اهل العلم 1 انَّ رِفَاعة بن زيد الجُذَامى كان اهدى لرسول الله صلعم غلامًا يقال له مِدْعَم فلمَّا كانت غزاة وادى القرى اصابه سهمُ غَربٍ 2 وهو يَحُطُّ رحل رسول الله صلعم فقيل يرسول الله هنيئًا لغلامك اصابه سهم فاستُشهد فقال كلَّا انَّ الشملة الَّتى اخذها من المغانم يوم خيبر لتشتعلُ عليه نارًا ؞ حدَّثنا شَيْبان بن فَرُّوخ قال حدَّثنا ابو الاشهب عن الحسن انَّه قيل لرسول الله صلعم استُشهد فتاك فلان فقال انَّه يُجَرُّ الى النار في

Classic Arabic Texts Online Part 1 (CATO-1) offers access to approximately 19,000 pages of Brill editions of classic Arabic texts.  All titles are full-text searchable in Arabic and accessible from a single point of entry. CATO-1 includes the following titles:

  • Kitāb Futūḥ al-buldān (Arabic text, 87 chapters)
  • Kitāb Futūḥ al-buldān: The Origins of the Islamic State (English text, 109 chapters)
  • Mukhtaṣar Kitāb al-Buldān: Bibliotheca Geographorum Arabicorum (59 chapters, with indices and glossaries)
  • Taʾrīkh al-rusul wa l-mulūk: The Annals of the Prophets and Kings (available as a beta version)