On trial History Vault until 4.12

History Vault gives access to millions of pages of cross-searchable, full-text/full-image documents including articles, correspondence, government records, and more documenting the most widely studied topics in 18th-century through 20th-century American history.

Feedback: e-library@helsinki.fi

2 eBook Packages on European History – Brill Trial (til November 30)

European History and Culture E-Books collection 1/ 2014

Coverage: Medieval History, Medieval Archeology, History of Central and Eastern Europe, History of Northern Europe, Mediterranean History, Jewish History, Medieval Philosophy, History of Ideas, History of Science.

European History and Culture E-Books collection 2 / 2014

Coverage: Early Modern History, Modern History, Global History, History of Central and Eastern Europe, Atlantic History, Jewish History, Church History, Reformation History, History of Ideas, History of Science, Book History, History of Warfare

The trial is restricted to Helsinki University students, faculty, staff and the local users in the National Library and Helsinki University Library. and in the units of the Helsinki University Library.

Feedback: kk-tietopalvelu[at]helsinki.fi

Our eBook Collections are Increasing – EBSCO’s Academic Collection Acquired

EBSCO’s Academic Collection which was on trial during the first months of this autumn has been now acquired.

There are more than 130 000 e-books. They are from varying publishers and subject fields. You can not yet find them through HELKA or BookNavigator but you can browse them in EBSCO’s interface.

You can read the books online or download them on your mobile device to read them off-line.  Guidance and hints for downloading can be found in our E-books Guide or in  EBSCO’s Dowloading eBooks Tutorial.

Are you interested in theatre? Digital Theatre Plus on trial until 28.11.

Digital Theatre Plus contains recent British theatre productions captured authentically onscreen in high definition.
Plays of the following theatres are included: Gran Teatre del Liceu, Royal Opera House, Broadway Digital Archive and National Jewish Theatre. You will find plays, excerpts of the plays, interviews of actors and actresses, musicals, opera and ballets in this database.

Feedback e -library@helsinki

On trial Global Jewish Database Online, Responsa Project until 29.11.

University of Helsinki has access to Global Jewish Database, Responsa Project during November.

The Online Responsa Project encompasses the best of the Jewish sources representing a period of over three thousand years of heritage and tradition. All texts are fully and professionally typed in, proofread and hyper-linked.
The database includes the Bible and its principal commentaries, the Talmud Bavli and Talmud Yerushalmi with commentaries, Midrash, Zohar, Halachic Law (Rambam, Shulchan Aruch with commentaries), a large Responsa collection of questions and answers (‘Shut’ in Hebrew), the Talmudic Encyclopedia etc.
The overall volume of the online project, which is frequently updated, is now reaching to 200 million words. The ‘Shut’ includes 100,000 Halachic laws over a period of thousand years, from all over the world. Extensive biographical data on the authors of Responsa texts have been added as well.

Feedback: e -library@helsinki.fi

Helsinki University Library reorganised according to services

Helsinki University Library is revamping its organisation. Library services on the campuses and online will continue as before, but in future, the Library’s operations will be organised around the following three service units: Learning Services, Research Services and Access Services.

“Our aim is that by reorganising the Library, we will better meet the needs of customers on the campuses and online, and that the new organisation will better support the work of our specialists in the changing operational environment,” envisions University Librarian Kimmo Tuominen.

On 10 September 2014, the Library Board approved the new rules of procedure, which entered into force immediately.

While preparing the reorganisation, the staff’s development ideas and views were taken into consideration. The reorganisation is a logical follow-up to the reform carried out in 2010, when the University’s campus libraries, faculty libraries and the Undergraduate Library merged to form the Helsinki University Library.

New service units

Learning Services is responsible for the customer service and consultation provided by campus libraries on site, online and over the phone. The unit is also in charge of information management services for students and teachers, and develops the Library’s learning environments in collaboration with its partners at the University.

The director of Learning Services is Kirsi Luukkanen, who previously served as the head of customer service at the City Centre Campus Library.

Research Services assists researchers in all stages of the life cycle of a research project. For its part, the unit provides information and data management services to doctoral schools and researchers, and supports them in open access publishing and in advancing the visibility of their research. Research Services produces data on publications and research for the University administration and other clients.

The director of Research Services is Pälvi Kaiponen, the previous director of the City Centre Campus Library.

Access Services manages the Library collections, the acquisition and marketing of resources as well as the production of metadata. The unit is also in charge of developing the Library’s information systems and online services.

The director of Access Services is Annikki Roos, who previously served as the director of the Meilahti and Viikki Campus Libraries.

Internal Services supports the service units by seeing to the Library’s operations management and strategic planning, financial and human resource management, and competence management as well as the coordination of communication and public engagement.

Tiina Äärilä continues as the Library’s head of administration.


Campus coordinators

Library services on the campuses continue as before. The Library’s campus coordinators handle local cooperation with other organisations on the campus:

Ritva Hagelin, Main Library

Antti Virrankoski, Kumpula Campus Library

Marja Moisio, Viikki Campus Library

Jukka Englund, Meilahti Campus Library Terkko

The activities of the campus library advisory boards also continue as before.


Contact Helsinki University Library

The Helsinki University Library, the largest multidisciplinary university library in Finland, serves the University’s international academic community of more than 40,000 students and staff on four campuses and online at www.helsinki.fi/library