New feature in Dawsonera eBook platform

Now it is possible to download Dawsonera ebooks directly to Apple and Android devices.

Helsinki University Library currently owns over 1200 eBook titles on Dawsonera, and there are also 270,000+ titles which can be previewed for up to five minutes. Owned titles with full access are marked with  green padlock unlocked,  titles only available for 5 minutes preview are marked with purple padlock locked

By default Dawsonera shows the entire catalogue –  to view  titles only available for Helsinki University, choose the “eBook Catalogue” tab. Our library’s Dawsonera eBooks you can also find in Helka.
Choose the icon to the left to Download (= borrow), and the icon to the right to ReadOnline (= read on screen):


Choose the length of the download (1-3 days) from the drop down menu and click download.  For detailed instructions please see user guides for Apple and Android devices.

More user guides you can find in  Dawsonera Help.

Did you know that you can return your loans to any of the four campus libraries?

You may return the books you have borrowed from Helsinki University Library to a campus library you prefer.

When the libraries are closed, the loans can be returned to the return boxes situated next to the main doors of the Viikki Campus Library (Info Centre Korona) and the Main Library (Kaisa House). The books will be registered as returned on the next opening day.



New student in the University of Helsinki and don’t have a Helka library card yet?

Hey new student, do you need a library card for Helsinki University Library?

You can order the library card in advance with an e-form. The card will be available for pick-up after 2 working days in any campus library you choose.

Please, take your identity card or passport with you. You will also need a finnish social security number or your certificate of attendance from the Helsinki University.

Research data collaboration builds Helsinki University’s research infrastructure

Helsinki University Library strengthens its methods towards a tighter support for the researchers and the research community. At the moment the services and research collaboration for this key group are very current being either available already or under development. Most essential among these services are bibliometrics, open archives and research data services.

Tutkimusdata_semnaari2_300813Research data services mean the support offered for the data management of research material. In future the library’s data services help both in creating metadata and storing and organizing the data so that it remains usable throughout its life cycle; from gathering up the material to a possible reuse.

“This new field in the library’s services means a renewed understanding and expansion of the traditional work. Scientific publications are data as well as research data on which they are based. Helsinki University Library is strongly involved in the present information environment with its constant and fast changes in technologies, research and publishing.”  These were the opening lines of Meilahti Campus Library’s director Annikki Roos (photo above). She is in charge of Helsinki University Library’s research data project and she was the chair of the seminar Researcher’s data services, held at the Helsinki University Library on August 30th, 2013.

Tutkimusdata_seminaari_300813There were almost 50 participants from the library and the university listening to experts from CSC – the IT Center for Science (photo: director Pirjo-Leena Forsström, data services for science and culture), and the university’s IT department, research administration and the National Library’s Network Services. The event was the closing seminar of the Helsinki University Library’s internal staff training that started in fall 2012. Fifteen staff members participated the training and gained knowledge in how to create data services, collaborating both locally at their own university and also nationally and internationally.

Dr. Kimmo Tuominen, the University Librarian, stated at the seminar’s closing remarks that Helsinki University Library acts as a catalyst for change with the developmental work for the management of research data. In this aspect the library stands among the most advanced in Europe. Other universities in Finland have made requests to join the library’s research data training.

According to the Helsinki university research infrastructure program for the years 2013-2016 “current research infra structures and professional support staff ensure high-standard research”. The research data services and collaboration within it are taking Helsinki University among the world’s 50 best universities as stated in its strategy.

For more information, please contact Campus Library Director Annikki Roos, annikki.roos[at]

Photos: Veera Ristikartano

Trial: State Papers Online (1509-1782) (–>3.10.2013)

State Papers Online offers original historical materials of Early Modern Britain across the widest range of government.

State Papers Online, 1509-1714
Part I: The Tudors, Henry VIII to Elizabeth I, 1509-1603, State Papers Domestic
Part II: The Tudors, Henry VIII to Elizabeth I, 1509-1603, State Papers Foreign, Ireland, Scotland, Borders and Acts of Privy Council
Part III: The Stuarts: James I to Anne, 1603-1714, State Papers Domestic
Part IV: The Stuarts: James to Anne, 1603 – 1714: State Papers Foreign, Ireland; and Registers of the Privy Council

State Papers Online, 1714-1782  (The reigns of the Hannover rulers)

The free trial is restricted to Helsinki University students, faculty, staff and the local users in the National Library and Helsinki University Library.
For remote connections, see: Remote connections»
Feedback: kk-tietopalvelu[at]


First Year in Kaisa House

The Helsinki University Main Library in Kaisa House opened a year ago, September 3rd, 2012.
During the first year there have been:

  • 1 288 078 visitors
  • 387 882 loans
  • 408 865 returns
  • 72 371 reserved items
  • 8250 new customers.

The American Resource Center, a European Documentation Centre, a Statistics Finland service point and the Gaudeamus book café are also located in the Kaisa House.
Happy birthday Kaisa House and warm thanks to all our customers!