New Helka to Search All Library Collections

Uusi Helka korvaa vanhan käyttöliittymän 30.11.2016
New Helka takes over on Nov 30th, 2016

New Helka interface that has been tested at Helsinki University Library during the autumn semester, replaces the old Helka interface at the beginning of December.

New Helka is available at the familiar address

Both the library collections data and the customer information you may have had in the old Helka database are now available in the new Helka.

Two Searches, Single Interface 

New Helka offers two different searches. Through the Libraries’ Collections Search you can search all print and electronic collections in all Helka. The search includes journals and databases.

Through Article Search, you can search for international articles. Article Search can also find references to publications, which are not necessarily included in the collections of Helka libraries.

Access to Journals with University User ID 

If you have a University of Helsinki user account, you can access and read the e-journals and the e-books acquired by university. These electronic resources can be accessed also via remote access. (Read more)

If you do not have the university user account, you can access e-journals and e-books in the Helka libraries.

Your Account in the New Helka  

By logging into New Helka you can access Your Account information: View your loans and save your searches. Customers can renew loans, make reservations or pay the accrued fees online. In New Helka you can also save lists of your favorite referenrences or create scheduled alerts on any saved searches.

Login is possible either with the university user ID or with library card number to which the user has connected the self-chosen PIN code. If you have not yet linked your library card with a PIN code of your choice, you can do it in the old Helka.

Nelli Search Portal Deactivates

The national Search Portal Nelli will be shut down at the end of 2016, as the National Library of Finland will no longer maintain the service. Nelli service will be deactivated gradually and the service can experience  downtime in December. You can find the journals and databases you’ve used to search in Nelli already in New Helka.

Further information on Nelli’s deactivation.

Feedback and Further Information

The library welcomes all customer feedback on the new Helka interface and the discoverability of library’s collections online. You are encouraged to use the Feedback Form online.

Further information on nthe new Helka and other access services related matters: IT Services Manager Pasi Keski-Nisula, tel. +358 2941 26656,