Trial: Cairn Info ~ until 3.7.2016


Cairn Info, the French equivalent of Project Muse, is an online collection of publications in the French language, in the area of humanities and social sciences. Created in 2005 by four Belgian and French academic publishers, Cairn is now providing selected  resources from 130 publishing houses.

During the trial we have access to more than 400 journals and 4,000 books of which, there are 2,200 research books (monographs, proceedings, other collective works) from French and Belgian publishers e.g. Armand Colin, Autrement, Lavoisier, Gallimard, Le Seuil, De Boeck, La Découverte,L’Harmattan, PUF, ENS, La Documentation française, Presses de Sciences Po, Quae jne.

The site has both French and English interfaces.

Trial period: 3.5. – 3.7.2016


CAIRN.INFO : Chercher, repérer, avancer.