ResearchGuides: Library resources and services in one place


Do you know who your subject librarian is? Can e-resources of your subject field be easily found? How about the newest research publications? We collected all this information in one place for the purposes of our researchers and students. Some may call it Virtual Library we rather call it ResearchGuides.

In subject guides you can find for instance:
Welcome: subject librarians, news feeds
Articles: new journal articles, article searches
Journals: prominent journals, journal search
Books: new e-books or printed books
Databases: selection of databases

We have a wide collection of subject guides on various fields and more is coming up. Subject guides, such as the popular e-book guide in general section, are foremost in English. All the Guides are also easily accessible through the shortcuts on library´s website.

Search and find, get thrilled and share – but still something substantive missing? Give us direct feedback via ResearchGuides!