Kaisa House Group Work Room Reservations in the Office 365 Calendar

Starting July 1st, reservations for the 10 group work rooms in Kaisa House will be made using the Office 365 calendar. It is no longer possible to make reservations in the former system, Timmi, after June 2016.

The group facilities can only be reserved by the students and staff of the University of Helsinki. To make a reservation you need a Helsinki University Office365 account and calendar. You can find the Kaisa House group work rooms in the calendar under “Kaisa-talo Group Study Room”.

Further information and instructions for group work rooms on the library’s website.

Starting in summer 2016, all Helsinki University Library group work rooms will be reserved with the Office 365 calendar. In addition to the Kaisa House group work rooms you can also find group work rooms from the following places in the calendar: Viikki Campus Library, Learning Centre Aleksandria, and Learning Centre Minerva. Starting in August you will also be able to reserve the group work rooms of the Kumpula and Meilahti Campus Libraries using the calendar.

Further information and instructions for the Office365 calendar available on the Helpdesk website.

Change in reservation practices for group work rooms in the library

Students are able to make reservations on Kaisa House group work rooms via new version of WebTimmi

Student: Do reservations on Kaisa House group work rooms via new version of WebTimmi!

Login for students works in the new test version. From WebTimmi login page there is a link to the new version (Opiskelija … tästä).

  • Please note this in the new version: Do not double-click the calendar!
    By double-clicking you copy the time to the clipboard and others cannot reserve that time. If so happens, empty the clipboard by clicking the clipboard icon in the right upper corner.
  • If you have any troubles with the system, please ask help from the customer service, or send an email to kirjasto-keskusta (at) helsinki.fi, or call 09 191 23920.

The Learning Centre Aleksandria’s group work rooms are reserved onwards via IT-centre’s online booking system