Apply to the Group mentoring programme 2023–2024 – application period starts on 25th September!

The UH Group mentoring programme’s application period for students starts on Monday 25th September 2023 at 12.00 pm. Groups will be filled in order of registration, so check out the application instructions as well as mentor introductions and apply soon!

In the University of Helsinki Group mentoring programme 2023–2024 you have a unique chance to discuss, for example, different career paths, your personal strengths and questions related to job hunting during a six-month process. The special thing about group mentoring is that, in addition to the support of your mentor, you also get peer support from other students in your group.

This 13th season of our multidisciplinary programme, which will kick off in November, offers a choice of 46 amazing mentors (16 of them English-speaking), who are University of Helsinki alumni representing different fields in society. They share a background at the University of Helsinki as well as a genuine motivation to share their knowledge with our students.

There are both Finnish- and English-language groups available, and some groups operate completely remotely. Mentoring groups are multidisciplinary, so you can choose the mentor that you feel is the best match for you, whatever your field of study.

The programme is a great opportunity to reflect on your career-related aspirations and get support from an UH alumni. Check out the application instructions, mentor introductions and a short pre-assignment on the Apply for the programme page now and apply when the application period is on!

The doors will close on 6th October 2023 at 12.00 pm, but please remember that groups are filled on a first-come, first-served basis.

The programme is organised by UH Career Services together with Helsinki Alumni -network. More information: careerservices (at)