Team UniSport, Jasser Anoschkin: Antautuminen kamppailuun vaatii luottamusta ja palkitsee

Harrastan kamppailulajia. Lajini nimi on Taido. Kamppailulajien ottelutilanteissa ei kilpailla siitä kenen erillinen suoritus on paras samalla tapaa kuin esimerkiksi keihäänheitossa kilpaillaan pituudesta, vaan kamppaillaan siitä kumpi voittaa juuri tuon toisen. Kohdataan toisen keho omalla.

Kilpailijalle kamppailutilanne on parhaimmillaan tilaisuus laittaa kaikki peliin ja oppia uutta. Ottelu voi olla hyvin intensiivinen kokemus osallistujille. On nimittäin vaarallista laittaa kaikki peliin. Kun tekee niin kamppailussa osuakseen, altistaa haavoittuvimmat kohtansa hyökkäykselle. Heikkoudet tulevat paljaaksi. Vastustaja huomaa ne ja antaa kaikkensa osuakseen. Hänen puolustuksensa aukeaa vuorostaan. Ottelu kiihtyy. Ottelijat joutuvat keskittymään, väsyvät pikkuhiljaa ja pääsevät antamaan kaikkensa. Ottelijat oppivat itsestään, rajoistaan ja tutustuvat toisiinsa sellaisella tasolla, jota ei muulla tapaa voi saavuttaa. Jos he siis ovat onnekkaita. Sopivan tasoisen vastustajan kohtaaminen ja riittävän keskinäisen luottamuksen syntyminen niin, että voi kaikkensa turvallisesti antaa, on harvinaista. Kuitenkin väitän sen olevan etsimisen arvoista.

Tämän rajoilla käynnin voi mielestäni tehdä vain tilanteissa, joissa voit luottaa vastustajaan, läsnäolijoihin ja laajemmin yhteiskuntaankin. Luottamuksen pohjalla on tieto siitä, että sinua kunnioitetaan ihmisenä, kamppailijana ja vastustajana. Tieto siitä, että sinulta ei esimerkiksi tarpeettomasti murskata luita eikä sinua pilkata ja alisteta, jos ilmenee, että vastustajasi onkin sinua vahvempi. Sekä tieto siitä, että vastustajasi on liikkeellä samantapaisesta kamppailun ilosta kuin sinä ja etsii täydellisiä taisteluita itsekin. Toisaalta pohjalla on oltava tieto siitä, että toinen on taitava ja osaa suojata järkevästi elintärkeät osansa kamppailun tiimellyksessä. Etkä näin ollen tahattomasti vahingoita toista, kun yrität täysillä.

Kunnon matsissa voi siis turvallisin mielin antaa kaikkensa ajatellen, että tähän ryhtyminen tekee minusta paremman ja entistä voimakkaamman sekä taidoiltani, psyykkeeltäni että luonteeltani. Annan kaikkeni voittaakseni ja se tulee olemaan sen arvoista. Tämä on mielestäni kamppailulajien ydin. Ei niinkään potkimisen ja lyömisen voima, taito tai nopeus. Ne toimivat välineinä matkalla, jolla etsitään vastustajien joukosta täydellisiä kamppailuja. Kamppailuja, joissa mahdollisesti oivalletaan kuka minä olen ja mistä elossa olemisessa on kyse.

Jokainen kamppailutilanne on ainutkertainen eikä ole toistettavissa samanlaisena koskaan uudestaan.  Harjoittelen kamppailua, jotta voin kohdata vastustajani valmiina. Jotta polkuni opettavaisesta ottelusta toiseen voisi edetä. Sillä mitä korkeammalle ottelijat ovat poluillaan edenneet, sitä ainutlaatuisempia asioita he voivat toisilleen antaa koettavaksi ja näyttää ihmeteltäväksi. Jos ajattelee kamppailusta näin, mitä järkeä olisikaan olla harjoittelematta ja jättää tarttumatta kaikkiin tarjolla oleviin ottelumahdollisuuksiin.

Unisportille kuuluu iso kiitos yhteiskunnan rakentamisesta entistä liikunnallisemmaksi. Paikaksi, jossa ihmiset voivat hyvissä olosuhteissa toteuttaa ja etsiä itseään liikunnan, urheilun ja kamppailun keinoin.

Jasser Anoschkin


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  7. Similan Islands, Phang Nga
    Similan Islands National Park The islands are located in Tambon Ko Phra Thong. Kuraburi District, Phang Nga Province has an area of ​​more than 80,000 rai. The word Similan is derived from the Bahasa Malay root word meaning nine , meaning of the Similan Islands, which have 9 small islands together. These include Huyong Island, Payan Island, Miang Island, Payang Island, Payu Island, Skull Island, Bangu Island and the Similan Islands.
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  9. City Pillar Shrine
    City Pillar Shrine Sacred things of the country that protect the country from various dangers Rakong had been known many times about the sacredness of the City Pillar Shrine. Through Jatukham Ramathep, the deva protect the city which is on the highest pillar of the city pillar The beautifully designed white building consists of four buildings, the center of which houses the City Pillar Shrine. designed to resemble Srivichai art called Song Hemaraj Leela The four small buildings regarded as a satellite of four directions called the Jatulokthep Shrine consisting of Phra Suea Mueang Phra Song Muang Court Phra Phrom Muang Shrine and City blessing shrine
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    Kasikorn Research Center Forecast the value of the snack food market in 2021 is expected to shrink by 4.0% due to economic conditions that affect purchasing
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  12. Lamphun Community Museum

    urban museum Located in the city of Lamphun Behind the Haripunchai National Museum Using the area of ​​Khum Chao Ratchasamphanwong Lamphun, which is an old building over 100 years old, as a museum telling the long history of Lamphun. city ​​of faith Buddhism that prospered from the past to the present Learn about Lamphun through photographs, people, events, and places. This is a living contemporary museum with exhibits of Lamphun City, objects, utensils, and way of life of Lamphun. Lamphun people In the past, it was beautiful, easy to understand.

    For more pictures and information, click
    14-07-2021 BY ศุภดา Go to website:

  13. Tower of Mukdahan which is the symbol of Mukdahan Province located in Muang District It was built to honor His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej the Great. On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of His Majesty’s reign, it is a 2-storey building, octagonal shape, a 2-storey building, nine-square shape, 1st floor is a museum exhibiting about the history of Mukdahan. Tools and appliances in the life of the Mukdahan people. On the top floor, you can see the scenery around the city. The Mekong River and Laos are beautiful.

    For more information and pictures, click
    14-07-2021 BY ศุภดา Go to website:

  14. Excluding department stores Asiatique The Riverfront It is the most popular tourist attraction in Thailand. It has received 43,016 reviews from Google users, because it has a full range of interesting products. and is located on the Chao Phraya River Suitable for taking pictures in the daytime and arrange beautiful lighting to take pictures during the night14-07-2021 BY hunny Go to website:

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  17. เมื่อพูดถึงออสเตรเลีย หลายคนอาจจะนึกถึงเมลเบิร์น ซิดนีย์ หรือแคนเบอร์รา ทำให้เมืองโชลเฮเวนกลายเป็นเมืองนอกสายตาไปโดยปริยาย แต่ถ้าต้องการสนุกกับทะเลสีฟ้าคราม ดื่มด่ำไปกับความเขียวชอุ่มของเส้นทางเลียบช่องเขา และสำรวจถ้ำหน้าผาทะเลผ่านอุโมงค์ รวมถึงเพลิดเพลินไปกับทัศนียภาพที่สวยงามน่าทึ่ง ไม่ควรพลาดที่นี่เลยจริง ๆ by wila 19/07

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  18. I wanna dance, the music’s got me going
    Ain’t nothing that can stop how we move, yeah
    Let’s break our plans and live just like we’re golden
    And roll in like we’re dancing fools
    We don’t need to worry
    ‘Cause when we fall, we know how to land
    Don’t need to talk the talk, just walk the walk tonight
    ‘Cause we don’t need permission to dance
    *ขิม 19/7

  19. แฟนพันธุ์แท้แกงกะหรี่ญี่ปุ่นต้องถล่มแน่ ๆ ถ้าไม่พูดถึงร้านนี้ กับ CoCo ICHIBANYA ต้นตำรับสารพัดเมนูข้าวหน้าแกงกะหรี่สไตล์ญี่ปุ่น ตั้งแต่ข้าวญี่ปุ่นเม็ดอวบอ้วน ท็อปปิ้งหลากชนิดให้เลือกตามใจชอบ เอาใจนักกินทั้งสายเนื้อ สายหมู ไก่ทอด ซีฟู้ด หรือใครเป็นสายเฮลธ์ตี้ ชอบกินผัก ก็จัดหนักจัดเต็ม ราดด้วยน้ำซอสแกงกะหรี่เข้มข้นแต่นุ่มนวลจนชุ่ม แถมเลือกความเผ็ดได้ถึง 5 ระดับอีกด้วย ใครชอบแบบไหนก็สามารถเนรมิตความอร่อยด้วยตัวเองได้เลย และล่าสุดกับเมนูใหม่เอาใจคอซีรีส์เกาหลีด้วย ข้าวแกงกะหรี่กิมจิ ดูโอปป้าไป กินข้าวแกงกะหรี่ไป ฟินอย่าบอกใครเลย by wila 21/07

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  20. อยากรู้ว่าแม่น้ำโขงนั้นเปี่ยมเสน่ห์เช่นไรแนะนำให้ลองมาดูที่ภูผาดัก อำเภอสังคม หนองคาย แล้วคุณจะต้องหลงรักแม่น้ำนานาชาติสายนี้หมดหัวใจ ภูผาดักนับเป็นหนึ่งในจุดชมวิวแม่น้ำโขงสวยที่สุดของหนองคาย นักท่องเที่ยวต้องเดินเท้าจากด้านล่างขึ้นสู่ยอดภูใช้เวลาประมาณ 30 นาที เพื่อจะได้เห็นสายน้ำทอดตัวยาวจนทิ้งโค้งอ้อมขุนเขา มีสันดอน และเกาะเล็กเกาะน้อยเรียงรายกลางแม่น้ำ ที่นี่สวยทุกโมงยาม เช้าชมพระอาทิตย์ขึ้น และมีทะเลหมอกเหนือแม่น้ำในฤดูหนาว กลางวันชมวิวสวยเต็มตา ส่วนตอนเย็นสามารถสัมผัสความโรแมนติกของท้องฟ้าเปลี่ยนสี by wila 23/07

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  21. When talking about Songkhla, one usually thinks of the reputation of the famous commercial city of Hat Yai and the main attractions such as Samila Beach and Ko Yo. There are many interesting attractions. both historical And the beautiful nature
    31-07-2021 by hunny go to website:

  22. SpaceX launches 10 Iridium satellites, breaking last year’s record for highest rocket launch
    Nothing seems to stop the advancement of SpaceX, the world’s leading space technology company. When SpaceX launched two Falcon Nine rockets in a week. That is the transmission of the Bulgarian SAT-1 telecommunication satellite. Went into orbit on Friday, June 23, and then on Sunday, June 25, the company launched the Falcon Nine rocket for the first time…
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  23. Many people drink water from large plastic buckets that have water trucks serving them. But how do you know how safe and clean the water tanks you are drinking today are? And how should the plastic water tank be stored to be safe? Because there used to be … Read More » By wila 02/08

  24. “It takes courage to love, but pain through love is the purifying fire which those who love generously know. We all know people who are so much afraid of pain that they shut themselves up like clams in a shell and, giving out nothing, receive nothing and therefore shrink until life is a mere living death.”
    – Eleanor Roosevelt
    BY-SUNJI Website

  25. Thung Wua Laen Beach
    Located at Moo 8, Saphli Subdistrict, Pathio District, is a beach with fine white sand. stretching as far as the eye can see Looks like a shallow beach, gradually sloping down gradually. suitable for swimming Popular with tourists The southern part of the mountain beach is a beach with many rocks04-08-2021 by hunny go to website:

  26. Museum?The Glore Psychiatric Museum? It used to be a hospital for neurotic patients. Formerly known as “State Lunatic Asylum No. 2”, it was founded by George Glore in 1903. Today, this museum exhibits methods for treating neurological diseases in the modern era. first using a dummy There is also an art exhibition of the hospital patients who seem to have come off. from horror movie
    Read more >>> By wila

  27. A Thai province, Phuket’s main city is also called Phuket. It is a large island province and is filled with several islands located in the western coast of the country. Also filled with scenic beaches which feature various luxury resorts, private beach bungalows and traditional accommodations for visitors. These beaches are filled with stylish nightclubs and shopping centres. For those who want to spend their time with leisure can also visit golf courses, historical museums, and monuments.

    Phuket is the luxury vacation seeker’s paradise. Travelers come here because of the classy retreats and the best nightlife in South East Asia. Phuket is also a destination of choice for business travellers, corporate groups and those who are looking to find an ideal venue for their bachelor’s or bachelorette parties. The bustling streets of Phuket are ongoing with life 24×7 and the party never ends here. The travellers looking for some pampering can also spend their time at the spa resorts situated around the many beaches.BY- SUNJI ☞ Click here to See

  28. The Samsung announced that the company will increase the price of the chip manufacturing companies to bring money to expand S5 near Pyeongtaek, South Korea. The price increase will affect products that use Samsung chips, like the latest Nvidia graphics cards. Samsung’s 8nm and smartphones are also likely to be affected. This expansion is done to increase Samsung’s productivity in order to meet the growing market demand.

    Samsung’s S5 factory will be used to manufacture chips of 5nm, 4nm and smaller sizes, meaning it will be Samsung’s most advanced facility, not that Samsung is raising prices alone, according to TSMC. It has also announced that it will cancel the discounts offered to large customers and increase the price of its own chips in late 2020 as well.
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  29. “The deeper that sorrow carves into your being, the more joy you can contain.
    Is not the cup that holds your wine the very cup that was burned in the potter’s oven?
    And is not the lute that soothes your spirit, the very wood that was hollowed with knives?
    When you are joyous, look deep into your heart and you shall find it is only that which has given you sorrow that is giving you joy. When you are sorrowful look again in your heart, and you shall see in truth that you are weeping for that which has been your delight.”
    – Kahlil GibranBY- SUNJI ☞ Click here to See

  30. Red Building, White Building, Ang Sila
    The Red Building and the White Building are beautiful old buildings that stand side by side. Located in Ang Sila District, Chonburi, is an architectural style building. It is a combination of Thai, Chinese and Western. The scenery is beautiful because it is located by the sea. Under the shade of trees and green gardens which has been prepared as a long scenic walkway including a small park It is a recreation place for Ang Sila people. and is a classic photo check-in point That should not be missed when visiting Ang Sila.12-08-2021 by hunny go to website:

  31. Koh Phi Phi is the perfect escape for the young crowd who want to party and indulge in adventure sports like snorkelling, diving and cliff jumping. A boat ride to the beautiful island of Koh Phi Phi Leh is one of the perfect leisure activities at this island. During The New Years, Koh Phi Phi Islands hosts one of the most extravagant parties in Thailand with thousands of tourists flocking here to have a time of their life. BY- SUNJI ☞ Click here to See

  32. Khao Ngu Stone Park
    Originally, “Khao Ngu Stone Park” was an important rock blasting and crushing site in Thailand since the Rattanakosin period. After that, Ratchaburi province has developed Khao Ngu to become a beautiful park and tourist attraction as seen today. Can feed fish too. Within the Khao Ngu Stone Park, there are many.19-08-2021 by hunny go to website:

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  38. Back before the birth of the first Android, Samsung used to laugh and insult each other. before being in the hands of Google
    Revealing the story of Android in the early days before becoming the most popular operating system Read more >>> By wila 23/8

  39. clearing doubts?? Why doesn’t the Galaxy Z Flip3 embed the camera under the screen?
    Many people may wonder that this time the Galaxy Z Fold3 was launched with a front camera embedded under the screen. But why is the front camera of the Galaxy Z Flip3 not buried under the screen as well? Read more >>> By wila 23/8

  40. Mak-Kim” asked for a warp to take a breather and relax at Khao Yai. The house is beautiful, the atmosphere is very good.
    Mak-Kim wants to escape from the city to experience nature at Ban Rai. The atmosphere is very good, the house is also very beautiful.Read more >>> By ชาเขียว 23/8

  41. “DJ Petchja” would like to say something after being analyzed for the reason for the termination of “nuclear”
    DJ Petchja told me to speak after nuclear. Came out to tell you to reduce your status as a friend. Making people analyze the reasons for breaking up is fun Read more >>> By ชาเขียว 23/8

  42. The beautiful beaches of Railay are loved by tourists who come here to enjoy the natural beauty. The lovely white sandy beaches are perfect for those who want to relax and enjoy the refreshing atmosphere. Railay is one of the few places that compel people to wake up early and stay up on the beach till the night. The Railay East beach provides amazing views of Sunset while the west beach is for those who like to enjoy sunset and later the beautiful stars in the night. BY- SUNJI ☞ Click here to See

  43. This paradise adorns the natural beauty in every corner. This picturesque location sits by a quaint riverside and is surrounded by forested hills and paddy-filled valleys. The lush green valley brings many landscape photographers who come here to capture dramatic skies and birds chirping around. Its location is closer to the Burmese border and many unexplored places. The three treks organized by local companies will take you through many hidden wonders alongside the border of Myanmar. BY- SUNJI ☞ Click here to See

  44. Today (April 2) Office of the Broadcasting Commission television business and the National Telecommunications Commission (NBTC) disclosed data on mobile internet usage of the three operators between March and February, found that the overall use of data transmission in March The usage rate increased by 11.14%, or an increase of approximately 79,727 TB (terabytes) compared to…
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  45. Today (April 1) Tarin Thaniyawan, President of Grab Thailand, said that Grab Thailand has launched the GrabCares project #We will get through it together. By announcing countermeasures, including guidelines for support and assistance to 4 main target groups, namely restaurants, the ceiling for restaurant partners (excluding GrabKitchen) has been lowered to the maximum from…
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  46. Tak Province has many tourist attractions for us to visit. And here is another place, Thi Lo Su Waterfall is the most popular and hottest place this year. And is reputed to be the greatest waterfall in Thailand as well. Anyone who has the opportunity to stand there will surely be amazed at the beauty of this waterfall. We therefore commend that Lo Su Waterfall is one of the most popular tourist destinations that cannot be missed.
    23/08/2021 BY- ศุภดา

  47. If talking about the sea of ​​fog There is one that is very beautiful and unusual. Filled with enchanting charms, that’s the neck of Phu Lanka. It is a tourist destination that answers a lot. In the morning, the atmosphere is very good. And there is a fog for us to see in the morning There are brackish food served in the morning. Sit and watch the atmosphere and drink black with coffee or other beverages that we like, while sitting and taking photos and posing together until they are shared continuously. and is known more widely Make it a dream that someday I will go to Phu Langka because it is really beautiful after the sky after the rain.
    23/08/2021 BY- ศุภดา

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