PhD Course: The Narrative Approach and Actor-network-theory in Organizational Studies

PhD Course by the Danish Research School ‘Welfare State and Diversity’

The Narrative Approach and Actor-network-theory in Organizational Studies

Time: June 20, 2008
Venue: Department of economics, politics and public administration, University of Aalborg, Fibigerstraede 1, room 37

Key note: Barbara Czarniawska

Deadline for registration: 14 May 2008

Call for papers

Danish Research School – Welfare State and Diversity

Call for papers: NordWel Summer School 2008

State, Society & Citizen – the Multilayered Historicity of the Welfare State

Date: 21-26 August 2008
Place: Helsinki

NCoE NordWel in cooperation with the Danish Research School for History and Nordic Research School for Contemporary History are organizing a summer school in Helsinki, 21-26 August 2008.

Call for papers 

Call for applications: Mobility fellowships for PhD Students and Postdoctoral Researchers

The Nordic Centre of Excellence: The Nordic Welfare State – Historical Foundations and Future Challenges (NordWel) announces mobility fellowships for PhD students and postdoctoral researchers working within the research themes of the Centre.

The mobility fellowship covers a visit in one of the institutions participating in the Centre.

For more information see Call for Applications.

NordWel Summer School 2008: ‘State, Society & Citizen – the Multilayered Historicity of the Welfare State’

Date: 21-26 August 2008
Place: Helsinki
Organisers: NCoE Nordwell in cooperation with the Danish Research School for History and Nordic Research School for Contemporary History.

Old and new perspectives on the welfare state

Welfare States has and can be studied from a number of theoretical and methodological approaches, with various chronological perspectives and with a focus on different empirical phenomena. As stated in the title “State, Society & Citizen – the Multilayered Historicity of the Welfare State” our aim is to stimulate cross-disciplinary and multi-perspective discussions on the welfare state as a historical phenomena and concept.

The welfare state is to be understood as a broad concept and papers at the summer school can include papers on welfare institutions; historical and social preconditions; ideas, visions and critiques; transnational and comparative perspectives as well as studies of agents and social movements.

The Summer School will – inspired by new trends with in welfare research – challenge our often very narrow national and contemporary understanding of the welfare state. Our aim is to bring together Ph.D.-students and young researchers and stimulate a discussion that will challenge and maybe bring us beyond well established concepts and understandings.

The summer school will consist of a mix of guest lectures and workshops and it is designed to PhD-students and young researchers from different backgrounds both within and outside the Nordic countries.The invited guest lectures will be informed later.

Organizing committee

Professor Pauli Kettunen, Dept. of Social Science History, University of Helsinki
Professor Pirjo Markkola, Department of History, Åbo Academy University
Professor Klaus Petersen, Centre for Welfare State Research, Univ. of Southern Denmark

More detailed information on the programme, prices and registration procedure will be available later in February. Contact: Heidi Haggrén:, + 358 9 191 24958.