Instagram as an affective battlefield – Ukrainian inspirational influencers as strategic narrators: Online talk in May

In May, we host Nuppu Pelevina, Oksana Domina, and Salla-Maaria Laaksonen from the University of Helsinki, who will present their research “Instagram as an affective battlefield – Ukrainian inspirational influencers as strategic narrators” on Ukrainian social media influencers and their roles during the ongoing Russo-Ukrainian war. Using on social media data gathered from influencers’ Instagram …

Mapping out impersonated propaganda operations on Telegram during the war in Ukraine: Online talk in April

In April, Roman Kyrychenko, Aleksi Knuutila and Vasileios Maltezos from the University of Helsinki will give a talk “Mapping out impersonated propaganda operations on Telegram during the war in Ukraine” where they explore new mechanisms of information influence that are practicing within the ecosystem of Telegram during the ongoing Russo-Ukrainian war. The Online talk will …

Climate obstruction in Russia: Online talk on Russian media in March

In March, in cooperation with FLOWISION project, we host Marianna Poberezhskaya from Nottingham Trent University, who will present her research (co-authored with Ellie Martus, Griffith University) on “Climate obstruction in Russia: Surviving resource dependent economy, authoritarian regime and disappearing civil society“. Russia is one of the world’s largest fossil fuel producer-exporters and the fourth-largest global …

Technological, economic and political aspects of Internet in the post-Soviet area: Online talk in February

In February, Sergey Davydov, editor and contributor to the volume “Internet in the Post-Soviet Area – Technological, Economic and Political Aspects” (Springer, 2023), will present a comparative perspective on Internet development on the vast territory of the former USSR taken diversity of media systems of these countries and still significant role of the Runet. Also, …

Gendered aspects of propaganda and disinformation on the Russo-Ukrainian war: Online talk in January

Online talks continue in January with Valentyna Shapovalova’s talk on “Gendered aspects of propaganda and disinformation on the Russo-Ukrainian war”. Shapovalova’s Ph.D. project in the University of Copenhagen is an empirical exploration of gendered discourses in Russian disinformation and propaganda, as well as a theoretical dive into the (authoritarian) media systemic developments in Russia, in the …

RJEX project update: Researchers discussed resilience, resistance and compliance at the Aleksanteri Conference

by Anniina Sonerva and Katja Lehtisaari On 27 October, researchers of the project “Russian independent journalism in exile: in search of relevance and resilience” participated Aleksanteri Conference at the University of Helsinki with a panel “Resilience/Resistance/Compliance: Russian Journalistic and Activist Communities in Exile and in the Country”. Katja Lehtisaari chaired this panel on Russian journalistic …

Professional identity and survival strategies of exiled journalists from Syria and Russia: Online talk in September

In recent years, the oppressive political and legal climate in many countries has forced independent journalists and media actors into exile. Syria, Belarus, Afghanistan, Russia are recent examples of a long list of countries, from were journalists are expelled en masse. Being displaced, many of them strive to continue their operations in exile in other …

Online talks on (not only) Russian media: new academic year!

We are happy to announce that Russian Media Lab Network in collaboration with Tampere Research Center for Russian and Chinese Media continue their joint initiative of Online talks on Russian Media for the forth academic season. This year we aim to extend the borders and invite more research studying a vast region of Eurasia, therefore the …

RJEX project update: Researchers took part in the workshop on incarceration and immobility in the Nordic countries

On 30-31 May, 2023, Elena Rodina and Olga Dovbysh took part in the workshop “Reimagining Incarceration and Immobility in the Nordic Countries” in Helsingborg, Sweden (the workshop was funded by the ReNEW research hub, NordForsk). Dr Rodina presented a paper «Russian exiled journalists in Nordic countries: modes of isolation and immobility», that focused on the …

Staging War: Information warfare on Telegram and TikTok during the Russia’s invasion of Ukraine

In June, RMLN hosts Ramón Reichert from the University of Applied Arts in Vienna, who will give a lecture “Staging War: Information warfare on Telegram and TikTok during the Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.” Lecture will be held in hybrid format June, 8 from 13.00 to 14.30 (Helsinki time). If you want to participate online, please …