Transmedia audiences and construction of protest movements in Russia: Online talk on Russian media in May

In May, Svetlana Chuikina from Karlstad University in Sweden will present her research “Transmedia audiences and construction of protest movements in Russia: between activism and mundanity“, where she studies civil engagement and politicization of people in Russia, mainly young people, who became the largest representative group of the mass protests which visibly intensified in the …

Digital celebrities and platform curation in the current Russian context: Online talk on Russian media in April

On April 12, Olga Logunova and Pavel Lebedev will present their research “Digital celebrities and platform curation in the current Russian context“. Recently, Russian celebrities have lost access to popular global social media platforms. Additionally, some platforms have switched off all monetisation instruments for Russian content-makers. From today we can’t state the result of this …

Independent media and war: Online talk on Russian media in March

On March 8, Online talk will discuss Russian independent media and crisis. The panel will discuss the following topics: How are the Russian independent media and journalists working in times of Russia’s invasion in Ukraine? What are their roles and possibilities for reporting in the period of information war? How does e.g. the law on …

Online talk on Russian media in February: Digital inequalities in multiethnic Russian society

On February 8, Anna Gladkova from Lomonosov Moscow State University will present her research “Digital inequalities, digital capital and digital inclusion in multiethnic Russian society“, where she explores digital  inclusion of major and minor ethnic groups in Russia by comparing three broad categories of digital resources, identified as components of the index of inclusion: ICT …

Online talk on Russian media in January: Politicization of environmental agenda and practices of media professionals in Russia

In January, Mika Perkiömäki and Olga Dovbysh from the University of Helsinki will present their research “How is politicization of environmental agenda affecting practices of media professionals in Russia?“, where they discuss the impact of political and media regimes on environmnental journalism in Russia. Online talk will be organized in Zoom January, 11 from 12:00 to 13:30 …

Online talk on Russian media in December: Subverting accusations of cyber aggression on the Russian-language internet

In December, Johanne Kalsaas from the University of Bergen will present her research “Hackers, trolls and the discourse of derailment: Subverting accusations of cyber aggression on the Russian-language internet” on how cyber attacks interplay with the verbal subversive practices in the Russian digital communication space. Online talk will be organized in Zoom December, 14 from 12:00 to …

Online talk on Russian media in November: Mediated Feminism(s) in Contemporary Russia

As part of Online Talks on Russian Media, we will discuss the project FEMCORUS ‘Mediated feminism(s) in contemporary Russia’ with its two participants, Saara Ratilainen and Daniil Zhaivoronok. We will talk about the goals and scope of the project, feminism and, particularly, celebrity-feminism in Russia, Putin’s conservative and traditionalist turn in politics, the role of …

Online talk on Russian media in October: Re-emergence of pseudohistory in Runet

In October, Teemu Oivo and Mila Oiva will present the findings of their research “Rediscovering Imagined Ancient Russia: Re-emergence of Pseudohistory in Runet” on how pseudohistory texts emerge and circulate in the Russian-language segment of internet and how it is related to discontent and rejection of modern ideologies. Online talk will be organized in Zoom October, …

Online talk on Russian media in September: BRICS journalism as a new territory for localizing journalism studies

In September, Svetlana Pasti from Tampere University will present her research ‘BRICS journalism as a new territory for localizing journalism studies’. The paper, co-authored with Jyotika Ramaprasad, was published in the edited volume ‘BRICS Media: Reshaping the Global Communication Order?’ (Routledge, 2021). Online talk will be organized in Zoom September, 14 from 12:00 to 13:30 (GMT+3). If …