Online talk on Russian media in January: Trolling as a Digital Literary Practice in the Russian Language Internet

In January Vera Zvereva from the University of Jyväskylä will present her research ”Trolling as a Digital Literary Practice in the Russian Language Internet”. This talk presents trolling as a form of literary activity. It describes a number of specific types of trolling on the Russian-language Internet in connection with digital literature and the literary …

CfP: Online conference ‘Automation and data-driven journalism beyond the Western world: actors, practices, and socio-political impact’, May 5–6 2021

The research project ‘Sustainable journalism for the algorithmic future’ in partnership with the Aleksanteri Institute and Swedish School of Social Sciences of the University of Helsinki invite the submission of papers to be presented at the online conference ‘Automation and data-driven journalism beyond the Western world: actors, practices, and socio-political impact’

Online talk on Russian media in December: Civic cultures of file-sharing practices in Russia and Ukraine

In December Kateryna Boyko from Uppsala University will present her research “Digital Tortuga: Civic Cultures of File-Sharing Practices in Russia and Ukraine”. Research summary: P2P file-sharing has been in focus of many studies, often in the context of copyright and resistance to it. However, there is evidence that it is also conducive of civic, community …

“No study of media is without its own politics” – Interview with Prof. Benjamin Peters on regimes of power in technological development, smart technologies, and Russian hackers

by Olga Dovbysh Benjamin Peters is the Hazel Rogers Associated Professor and Chair of Media Studies at the University of Tulsa as well as affiliated faculty at the Information Society Project at Yale Law School. Taking critical, historical, and global approaches, he investigates media change over regimes of time, space, technology, and power. In October 2019 …

Online talk on Russian media in November: Media Freedom in Russia today

The Online talk in November will follow-up the themes of Freedom of Expression in Russia’s New Mediasphere. This volume, published last year by Routledge, assessed how the conditions for free speech are influenced by various factors. The volume focused on digital media and cross-media initiatives that bridge traditional and new media spheres. During the Online …

Russian Media Lab Network starts a new season: Online talks on Russian media

Russian Media Lab Network starts a new season in collaboration with Tampere Research Center for Russian and Chinese Media This academic year RMLN initiative begins with a series of online talks on Russian media, organized in collaboration with Tampere Research Center for Russian and Chinese Media, Tampere University (TaRC). Online talks will bring together a …

CfP: Special issue ‘Media Control Revisited: Challenges, Bottom-Up Resistance and Agency in the Digital Age’

Special issue of Media & Communication Media control and media freedom are like unicorns: everybody tries to see them, but nobody succeeds. Today, in a digitalised, networked world, these unicorns are ever more elusive, as digital technologies blur the lines and create new ones about what media control is and how it can be exerted. …

Internet in Russia: A Study of the Runet and Its Impact on Social Life – a new edited volume on internet and Russia published by Springer

Sergey Davydov, the editor of the volume and associate professor from Higher School of Economics, discusses the book’s content and outlines the emerging topics for Runet studies. What is this book about? What issues does it address? This book is about Runet, Russian segment of the internet. We analyze it from different angles: as a …

Data activism and politics of data practices in Russia – Interview with Dmitry Muravyov

by Olga Dovbysh & Paula Rossi A year ago we introduced a new section in the blog – interviews with young scholars and early career researchers to represent their views and opinions on the scholarly issues in media and communication studies. Dmitry Muravyov is a social researcher focusing on critical data studies, data activism, STS …

Call for the book chapters – Mapping the Media and Communication Landscape of Central Asia

RMLN partners from American University of Central Asia are looking for submissions to their edited volume on “Mapping the Media and Communication Landscape of Central Asia: an anthology of emerging and contemporary issues” to be published by Lexington Books Series. More details below!