STUDIO STUDIES COLLOQUIUM, November 3, 2023, Topelia C120

University of Helsinki Music Research Laboratory (UHMRL) &
Centre of Excellence in Game Culture Studies

UHMRL Research Day:

What: Studio Studies researchers gather together to ask what is a studio, how and why should we study it?
When: On Friday, November 3, 2023, 10–18
Where: Music hall, C120, Topelia, Unioninkatu 38 C, Helsinki

Short description of the colloquium

Researchers and teachers with various perspectives from the Centre of Excellence in Game Culture Studies, Aalto University’s Media Lab and Department of Design as well as the University of Helsinki Music Research Laboratory will sit down and ponder upon what is a studio, how studio is understood, sort of role does it play in different contexts, and what does it mean to do research on, teach in and study studios? How and why should we study a studio?

As a learning outcome of the research day, we know who does and what kind of research on studios in which organizations, what kind of questions are worth asking when studying a studio, what do we know and don’t know about studios,  where are the blind spots that will need a closer look by Studio Studies researchers, how to collaborate and where to look next together as a Studio Studies community.

The colloquium is open to everyone – cordially welcome to follow the short papers and participate in discussion! The discussion will be in English.


Program of the colloquium:
10-11: Studio visit at the UHMRL with a listening room for Osmo Lindeman’s Electronic Works
11-12: Welcome to the Studio Studies Colloquium by Mikko Ojanen (UHMRL) and Introduction to Studio Studies by Olli Sotamaa (Tampere University)

Lunch break 12-13:30

13:30-15:00 Short introductions by confirmed presenters (to-be-updated)
Casey O’Donnell (Michigan State University)
Natalia Särmäkari (Aalto University)
Antti Ikonen (Aalto University)
Aaro Sahari (Science Museum Liekki)
Jari Suominen (Tasankokaiku / freelancer)
Mikko Ojanen (University of Helsinki)

Coffee break 15-15:30

15:30-> Round table discussion: Open questions, future directions? 

-> 18:00 Studio visit at the UHMRL with a listening room for Osmo Lindeman’s Electronic Works

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