Housing – ideas on where to find a place to live

As Helsinki is a capital and a vibrant student city, it might be challenging for you to find the flat of your dreams. When you start hunting for a place to stay, these two are a must:

More information on HOAS, Lyyra and several other housing options can be found in the Housing Guide brochure.

Be prepared to pay 400-600 EURO per month for housing. There are cheaper options too, but they are located further outside of the city centre.

If you get a housing offer, take it as it may be the only offer you get! There have been students rejecting offers in the past years, with unfortunate consequences… Unfortunately, the university has no emergency housing available.

Once you have found an apartment, please take the time to read the useful tips on the Lyyra Housing Guide website. The Housing guide gives information on things that helps you when you are moving in, it gives advice on how to take care of your apartment etc.