Students take over the campus at the Opening Carnival!

The academic year opens on September 3rd with the Opening Carnival at the center campus (2pm – 6 pm). The streets will be filled with music, dancing and many kinds of surprising performances. At the Opening Carnival you can, for example, attend a traditional Finnish student activity, sitsit (a dinner party with singing and drinking), right in the middle of the street!

The Opening Carnival is also a great opportunity to explore over 150 student clubs and activities! The Main Building and Porthania are packed with presentation stands by the University, the Student Union, student nations, subject associations and interest clubs. Don’t hesitate to go and ask about the associations in English, even if all their material is in Finnish – they are more than happy to tell you about their activities!

At the Opening Carnival, you can also buy tickets to the official Opening Party. The party is at the Old Student House in the evening of September 3rd! Tickets are sold at the Student Union’s stand and at Café Vanha. Read more about the party here.
Join the Facebook event of the Opening day to receive more information. The complete program of the Opening Carnival is available here.

– Matti from the Student Union