A short reminder about permits

The obligation to apply for the right to reside in Finland or a residence permit depends on your citizenship status:

If you are a citizen of a Nordic Country and you are studying in Finland for more than 6 months, you need to inform the Register Office of your place of residence. Just go straight to the Register Office (maistraatti) with an official identification document and you’ll be fine.

If you are a citizen of the EU, Liechtenstein or Switzerland you need to register, at the Police, the right to reside in Finland if you stay in Finland for more than 3 months. Taken with you: a passport or ID card, letter of acceptance (must indicate that you have accepted the place of study) or an enrolment certificate from the University, the EU health insurance card from your home country and an indicator of your financial situation, for example a bank note.

If you are a citizen some other country you need to have a residence permit, if your stay lasts for more than three months. The residence permit has to be renewed each year at your local police office. The date of expiration is printed on the residence permit. It takes several months to renew the residence permit, so submit the documents in time!

If you are a Degree Student you need to make a Population Registration at the Register Office. All degree students regardless of nationality have to do this. You will usually get a Finnish ID-number and be granted a home municipality. This in turn gives you for example the right to use municipal health care and you get a student discount on the travel card!

More information about permits is available on pages 51-56 of the Orientation Handbook.