Student Union’s Representative Council Elections 2012

Advance voting for the Representative Council elections are in full swing. Official election days next week.

The highest decision-making body of the Student Union, the Representative Council of sixty members, will be officially elected next week. The Representative Council decides on the Student Union’s major policies. All members of the Student Union, about 28 000 students at the University of Helsinki, are entitled to vote and run as candidates for the Representative Council in the elections. The electoral term of the elected Representative Council is two years.

Advance voting is possible 31 October – 1 November and the official voting days are 6-7 November. You can vote at 14 polling stations on all four campuses of the University of Helsinki as well as in the offices of the University of Helsinki in Lahti and Vaasa. Election results will be revealed on the 7th of November, late at night at the election party at the Old Student House.

Why vote?
The Elections are an opportunity to influence the decision making in the Student Union. The Representative Council of the Student Union decides on the annual budget and sets targets for the companies owned by the Student Union, such as Unicafe.

To find a suitable candidate, try for example HYY’s candidate matcher. For more information about the elections, please visit the Student Union’s webpage.

After voting you will get a voucher for free coffee and cake at Unicafe! Hope to see you at the polling stations!