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HYY’s Representative Council Elections were held on 6-7 November as traditional ballot box elections. Altogether 622 students ran as candidates and 60 were elected to the Representative Council. The Representative Council is the highest decision making body in the Student Union.

32.3 % of all students at the University of Helsinki, in other words 9 124 students out of    28 000, voted in the elections. Out of the 601 exchange students that are members of the Student Union, 22.8% voted in the elections.

The politically independent groups retained their clear majority in HYY’s Representative Council. The subject organisations strengthened their position as HYAL received 22 seats. The Student Nations (Osakunnat) lost one seat and now have 9 seats. HELP, consisting of medicine, dentistry, veterinary medicine and law students as well as Tsemppi Group of international students, also lost a seat and has now 9 seats.

The Independent left and HYY:n vihreät (the Greens) both received one seat more. The Independent left now has 7, Vihreät 6. Keskeiset lost one seat, Kokoomusopiskelijat and Social Democratic Students both maintained their seats.

The preliminary election results are available here.

The new Representative Council will begin its term on 1 December 2012 and the electoral term is two years.